_The meeting will be on [date=2024-10-15 time=18:00:00 timezone="Europe/Amsterdam"]. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below)._ People present are referred to by first name for brevity. Others are referred to by full name. ## Links - **[Video Call][videocall]**. Note that there are no recordings of the meeting. This way everybody is free to say or show anything. - [A&R Module Meetings calendar][calendar] for inclusion in your own calendar - [Previous][prev] meeting notes - [Issues][issues] & [Pull Requests][PRs] - [#module-animation][chat] chat channel - [Draft agenda][draft] for any upcoming meetings [prev]: ... [next]: ... [videocall]: https://demo.bigbluebutton.org/rooms/hek-mdi-bqd-vao/join [calendar]: https://stuvel.eu/anim-meetings/ [draft]: https://hackmd.io/@anim-rigging/rkRuV4Nc3 [issues]: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues?state=open&labels=268 [PRs]: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/pulls?state=open&labels=268 [chat]: https://chat.blender.org/#/room/#module-animation:blender.org ## Since the Last Meeting / Announcements - Devtalk: [Upcoming Blender 5.0 Release & Compatibility Breakages](https://devtalk.blender.org/t/upcoming-blender-5-0-release-compatibility-breakages/37078) - [Blender 5.0 milestone](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/milestone/20) - [#119626: Breaking Animation API changes](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/119626) ## Landed Names are from the Git log. This list is limited to functional improvements & bugfixes. **Blender** **Technical Documentation** **User Manual** ## Ongoing Work [weekly-c]: https://projects.blender.org/ChrisLend/.profile/src/branch/main/reports/2024.md [weekly-n]: https://projects.blender.org/nathanvegdahl/.profile/src/branch/main/reports/2024.md [weekly-s]: https://projects.blender.org/dr.sybren/.profile/src/branch/main/reports/2024.md [highprio]: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues?q=&type=all&sort=&state=open&labels=268%2c285&milestone=0&project=0&assignee=0&poster=0 - [High Prio][highprio] bugs: - [#128519: Regression: Pasting pose on liboverride armature produces warning about 'removing all override data'](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/128519) - Christoph: - [Christoph's weekly report][weekly-c] - Nathan: - [Nathan's weekly report][weekly-n] - Sybren: - [Sybren's weekly report][weekly-s] - [#128889: Anim: Remove 'Slotted Actions' experimental flag](https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/pulls/128889) - Animator meeting at Blender HQ, with Rik Schutte, Hjalti Hjálmarsson, and Pablo Fournier: ## Patches: Review & Decision Time - TBD ## Help Needed - TBD ## Next Meeting **Next week's meeting is cancelled due to Blender Conference.** The next meeting will be on Thursday [date=2024-10-31 time=18:00:00 timezone="Europe/Amsterdam"]. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested. The [provisionary meeting agenda][draft] will be updated before the meeting.