# Vouch DB Specs
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## Tables
### `Request`
| Attribute | PK? | Type |
| - | - | - |
| Claimer | true | string |
| Humanity | true | string |
| Vouches ID | | Vouch[] |
### `Vouch`
| Attribute | PK? | Type |
| - | - | - |
| ID | true | ID |
| Voucher | | string |
| Signature | | string |
| Expiration Timestamp | | number |
## Requests
### POST **/add**
Adds a signature generated by voucher for vouched address corresponds to humanity. Signed typed data using [EIP-712](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-712). Message data of the signature is of following structure:
struct IsHumanVoucher {
address vouchedHuman; // wallet addres of requester
bytes20 vouchedForHumanity; // soulbound id for which claimer applies
uint256 voucherExpirationTimestamp; // when signature expires
POST request should have the following **body**:
signature // generated signature
msgData // data signed (structure is the one given above)
Voucher address is recovered using some library. [Here](https://github.com/Proof-Of-Humanity/vouch-db/blob/master/src/controllers/vouch/add.ts#L31-L34)'s how's done in current version.
Here's an example of how you can generate signature using `ethers.js` but will probably be different with other libraries (this would be done on the frontend anyway):
const signTypedData = async (
provider, // signer with address
[vouchedHuman, vouchedForHumanity, voucherExpirationTimestamp]
) =>
await provider._signTypedData(
name: "Proof of Humanity",
chainId: 1,
verifyingContract: poh.address
IsHumanVoucher: [
{ name: "vouchedHuman", type: "address" },
{ name: "vouchedForHumanity", type: "bytes20" },
{ name: "voucherExpirationTimestamp", type: "uint256" },
{ vouchedHuman, vouchedForHumanity, voucherExpirationTimestamp }
Additional checks before putting the vouch in db:
- Is voucher in PoH? `isHuman(voucherAddress)`
- Is claimer having a current request? `getClaimerRequestId(address)`
- Is vouch cloned? for vouched address and humanity does it exist vouch from voucher that is not expired?
- `voucherAddress != vouchedHuman`
### GET **/search**
Return **non-resolved** requests with some of the following params:
`claimer` - for this claimer (vouched address)
`humanity` - for this humanity (vouched for humanity)
`minVouches` - with this number of vouches; should be used as only param
Possible additional checks:
- `minVouches` does not take into account expired vouches
### POST/DELETE **/deleteRequest**
Delete request table (with vouches) corresponding to claimer and humanity. **Body**:
If this is called only
### EXTRA?
- Bot marking a request as resolved when `RenewHumanity` event is emited? ***not urgent***