# #LAUNCHV2 - Deployment flow ### Pre-requisited - Fork approved, relevant transactions can be sent to governor - Parameters ready - Policy ready ### Gnosis Chain - Set hardcoded values - Deploy **ProofOfHumanity\*** - Set Arbitrator: **xKlerosLiquid** (**Humanity** court?) - Deploy **CrossChainProofOfHumanity\*** - Connect **CrossChainProofOfHumanity** <-> **ProofOfHumanity** - Set Governor: **?** ### Mainnet - Set hardcoded values - Deploy **ProofOfHumanity\*** - Set Arbitrator: **KlerosLiquid** (**Humanity** court) - Freeze **ProofOfHumanityv1** - e.g. set dispute fee unreachable amount - Deploy **ForkModule\*** - Set **ProofOfHumanityV1** - Connect **ForkModule** <-> **ProofOfHumanity** - Deploy **CrossChainProofOfHumanity\*** - Connect **CrossChainProofOfHumanity** & **ProofOfHumanity** - Set Governor: **Kleros Governor** ### CrossChain - For each chain - Deploy **AMB Gateway** with relevant connections - Enable it in **CrossChainProofOfHumanity** <br> ***\*** upgradable*