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## Aesthetic Programming Forking Workshop ver 2
<img src="https://aesthetic-programming.net/theme/images/coverGraph.svg" width=850>
## Schedule
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJ0OfVyJT.png" width=200>
* 1500-1510: check-in time
* 1510-1530: brief intro
* intro schedule of the day
<!-- why we have two exercise-->
* intro to the book
* Subject position
<!-- I am Tzu Tung, an artist in Delfina Foundation, my work concern poli I am the curator of this forking translation workshop, I found Aesthetic Programming a very inspirational book, and also thinking it is a good material for us to experiment the idea of forking and translation, as in programming world, it is often English centric, I would like to initiate a series a workshop open up this dynamic, having more free way on translation to forking the orginal text and progamming language -->
* intimate workshop <!--tzutung-->- [COD + consent form](https://hackmd.io/@aesthetic-programming/CoD)
* the book & content <!--Winnie-->
* publishing (different versions) <!--geoff-->
* forking versions (examples) <!--winnie-->
* translating, versioning, forking, queering <!--all-->
<!--* Queer - far from the tree -->
* 1530-1540: self intro <!--each 30 seconds-->
* 1540-1550: HackMD and status of translation (10 mins) <!--10 mins / Winnie-->
<!--*picture of workshop v 1-->
<!--discord channel-->
<!--hackmd walkthrough + markdown-->
<!--show the loop chapter and versions: https://hackmd.io/c812mZPKSkyGDWWiVK7ALQ-->
* 1550-1600: Loop chapter <!--geoff: 10 mins-->
<!--* eng version + chinese version-->
* 1600-1635: Exercise 1 - bodily performance and translation (35 mins)
* 1635-1650: 15 mins Break
* 1650-1730: Exercise 2 - co-translating text (individual)
* 1730-1800: Endless Loop
<!--ex 1: tzutung: divided into two groups: 1-2-1-2
- Task (25 mins): come up with a bodily performance to translate the idea about the loop, taking into consideration any one of these: temporality, Rhythm, repetition, iterations, changes, variations, etc.
-Performance + debrief (10 mins) -->
## The Aesthetic Programming book <!-- Winnie-->
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJ-5PdCR3.png" width=600>
<!-- Winnie-->
## Status of translation <!-- Winnie-->
<img src="https://siusoon.net/gallery/albums/AestheticProgramming/DSC08690_edited00.jpg" width=400>
<img src="https://siusoon.net/gallery/albums/AestheticProgramming/DSC08669_edited00.jpg" width=400>
📚 [Taiwan forking workshop ver 1](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QVGYmShSl7RaKGdjrrz8XT4JuAiQVt0U) - terms from the preface: sketch/fork/coding
<!-- Winnie-->
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyhbPdA02.png" width=200>
📚 What's HackMD? (&markdown+versioning)
📚 Aesthetic Programming Chinese Translation:
👾Aesthetic Programming Discord
## Publishing (different versions) <!--geoff-->
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/MMVuc13.jpg" width=600>
- Physical book print + PDF: http://www.openhumanitiespre
- Web pages (static page generation): https://aesthetic-programming.net/
- Git repository: https://gitlab.com/aesthetic-programming/book
- versioning (platforms, iterations, software, language, etc) & forking
## Forking <!-- Winnie-->
👾 example of forking: https://gitlab.com/aesthetic-programming/book
## Forking: Merge request <!-- Winnie-->
## Forking: What would it mean to fork a book the way we fork software? <!-- Winnie-->
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/w1zUPaN.png" width=700>
<small>Ref: https://markcmarino.medium.com/how-to-fork-a-book-the-radical-transformation-of-publishing-3e1f4a39a66c and https://gitlab.com/sarahciston/book/-/tree/main/source/8.5-TalkingBack</small>
Chapter 8.5: Talking Back (2021)
by Sarah Ciston and Mark Marino
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/wdeNzeY.png" width=400>
"what would it mean to fork a book the way we fork software?"
> The book expresses itself as a dynamic object not fixed in terms of attribution or commodity form or specific determination. It follows that, [...], there can be no end: this book is purposefully stuck in an endless loop of its own becoming. - Soon & Cox 2020
## ==translating, versioning, forking, queering==
## Participants' self introduction
==within 30 seconds==
1. who are you, and your pronoun
2. What's your relation with translating/queering/forking
## Introducing the sample chapter - loop
Eng: https://aesthetic-programming.net/pages/3-infinite-loops.html
Chi: https://hackmd.io/@aesthetic-programming/ch3
## Exercise 1 (25 mins): Bodily Performance on a loop concept
- grouping
- come up with a 1 min bodily performance to translate the idea about loop, taking into the considerations of any one of these: temporality, rhythm, repetition, iterations, changes, variations, etc.
## ==BREAK (10-15 mins)==
## Exercise 2 (45 mins): co-translating text (individual)
<!--backgroud music-->
## Task: co-translating text (individual)
https://hackmd.io/@aesthetic-programming/book - chapter 3
Eng: https://aesthetic-programming.net/pages/3-infinite-loops.html
git EN ver: https://gitlab.com/aesthetic-programming/book/
1. Task - where to make the translation and intervention as suggestion:
- Modify image/text/sentence
- Add/modify perspectives / references as a comment. footnotes, etc? (with Chinese/Taiwanese/HongKonger's POV)
- readability of a sentence?
- Adding visual cues?
- Adding examples from your context?
2. Go directly to HackMD to make changes
- change of text
- add images
- add comment
- highlight stuff
- ...
3. Make screenshots + for the changes <!--Winnie-->
## Screenshots
<img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJNhX4J1p.png" width=400>
## Endless Loop...
<img src="http://siusoon.net/gallery/albums/The-Spinning-Wheel-of-Life/Animatedthrobber.gif" width=500>
<!--play loop music -->
👾 workshop ver 1 (Taiwan) and ver 2 (London)
👾 read through all the [screenshots](https://hackmd.io/@aesthetic-programming/ver2_screenshots) and make comments if you like.
👾 Aesthetic Programming Discord
👾 continue changing (spreading ideas)
👾 contribution: https://hackmd.io/@aesthetic-programming/credit
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