--- title: 🔰 Adam Hurwitz Safe Grants Program Appendix tags: safe --- <h1 style="text-align: center;">🔰 Adam Hurwitz Safe Grants Program Appendix</h1> <h2 style="text-align: center;"> <a href="https://forum.safe.global/t/safe-grants-council-nominations/3419/9?u=adamhurwitz.eth">Business/Product council proposal, June 2023</a></h2> # About me I became involved with Safe in 2021 through exploring all of the crypto account options available. I was impressed with Safe's open-source technology, team, and track record which has inspired me to make contributions to the ecosystem. As a nomad I enjoy exploring cities through coffee and tea cafes, casual food, and running. I learned more deeply about proof-of-stake (PoS) while living in Medellín, Colombia, for 3 months in 2019. I discovered the local DASH team and DASH’s hybrid PoS structure. I contributed to a few open-source initiatives and became excited for Ethereum’s PoS future. Living in Colombia was also impactful learning about real-world crypto use cases that I did not experience living in the San Francisco Bay Area for 7 years. I am returning to Latam this August for 3 months. You can follow me on Twitter at [@adamshurwitz](https://twitter.com/adamshurwitz). # SafeDAO contributions I've helped to steward the SafeDAO forum with [100+ posts written](https://forum.safe.global/u/adamhurwitz.eth/summary) providing research and feedback. ## Product research #### Safe access control - 🫱🏻‍🫲[🏼 Safe access control to improve security and UX](https://forum.safe.global/t/safe-access-control-to-improve-security-and-ux/2646) *on Safe forum* - [🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 Crypto account access control](https://hackmd.io/@openinfo/crypto-access-control) *on HackMD* - Synced with the [Delegate.cash](https://delegate.cash/) Chief Operating Officer, [Munam Wasi](https://twitter.com/MunamWasi) on various account access solutions. #### Safe open info - [May 2023 hackathon integrating portions of Safe open info into Safe docs through GitHub pull requests](https://twitter.com/adamshurwitz/status/1663950855677018120) - [Add mission to Introduction, refactor Contact Us, and add About Us #207](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-docs/pull/207) - [Add to Things you can do with Safe and Safe contract versions #208](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-docs/pull/208) - [Add sample apps and integrations to Built on Safe page #209](https://github.com/safe-global/safe-docs/pull/209) - [🌐 Safe open information](https://forum.safe.global/t/safe-open-information/2539) *on Safe forum* - [🔰 Safe open info](https://hackmd.io/@safe/oi) *on HackMD* - [🔰 SafeDAO open info](https://hackmd.io/@safedao/oi) *on HackMD* - Platform product opportunity research - [🌐 Open information](https://hackmd.io/@openinfo/about) *on HackMD* - [HackMD](https://hackmd.io/@openinfo/hackmd) *on HackMD* - [Notion](https://openguide.notion.site/Notion-f2be2968060847d08307f685d2af861d) *on Notion* - [GitBook](https://openguide.gitbook.io/gitbook/) *on GitBook* - [Skiff](https://app.skiff.com/docs/30e628c2-ad96-499c-9955-29c76d87e739#gynNAXdPNN2hkOByLitx%2Bb5jAygdM7Q9OUfYBNkVWOA%3D) *on Skiff* - Contributed to the [Safe Wiki Proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ff-Gzj8RAaG7FbRi1DdnEFifmD-IFoZWB8DhJXgAA3U/edit?pli=1#heading=h.hdu1yxvfk9b5) *created by Tomiwa* - Provided feedback in [Safe Developer Docs Feedback February 2023](https://www.notion.so/Safe-Developer-Docs-Feedback-February-2023-79c528b7e1e048b780ebd9f9dffaff24#fd18980dd08f4255bdacd96bf71e063b) #### Safe decentralized messaging - [💬 Decentralized messaging platforms](https://forum.safe.global/t/decentralized-messaging-platforms/2261) *on Safe forum* - Synced with the [Push Protocol](https://push.org/) co-founder, [Richa Joshi](https://twitter.com/Riijo), on IPFS based messaging tools. - Synced with the Console.xyz co-founders, [David Leiberman](https://twitter.com/DLeiberman) and [Chris Castig](https://twitter.com/castig), on progressive decentralized messaging tools. #### Other - [SAFE Token Utility Proposal](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/safe-token-utility-proposal/2447/3) - [How can a Safe hold asset on multiple chains?](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/how-can-a-safe-hold-asset-on-multiple-chains/2242/18) - [Draft: The Motivation and Future of Safe Contracts](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/draft-the-motivation-and-future-of-safe-contracts/2143/2) ## Governance feedback - [[SEP #X]: Governance Framework](https://forum.safe.global/t/sep-x-governance-framework/3711/14?u=adamhurwitz.eth) - [[SEP #5] Redistributing Unredeemed Tokens From User Airdrop Allocation](https://forum.safe.global/t/sep-5-redistributing-unredeemed-tokens-from-user-airdrop-allocation/2172/207?u=adamhurwitz.eth) - My thoughts were [featured by Messari](https://messari.io/report/governor-note-addressing-the-low-token-claims-in-safedao) - [[SEP #4] SafeDAO Constitution](https://forum.safe.global/t/sep-4-safedao-constitution/1749/13) - [Claiming $SAFE tokens from unrecoverable Safes](https://forum.safe.global/t/claiming-safe-tokens-from-unrecoverable-safes/2130/1) # Experience *See [my LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamshurwitz/)* #### Open-source researcher See my SafeDAO contributions above. I've also contributed to [open crypto info](https://hackmd.io/@openinfo/crypto), a 200+ page collection organizing publicly available information on cryptocurrency protocols, products, and resources. Previously, in the Android ecosystem [I reached 1.95 million developers](https://bit.ly/ash-impact) via StackOverflow, writing/talks, and code. I've pitched 2 open-source projects to the DASH DAO in 2019 for [Dash staking](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1bIg3DasdjWGSuplbqAuZgmM-19rdkb/view?usp=sharing) and [refills](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13O1nrxgfTnQsxiTW33CCZ5fzQ7X3KPGP/view?usp=sharing). Dash staking's goal was to provide access to earn DASH easily through staking providers. Dash refills aimed to enable instant mobile refills with the existing Android Dash wallet. #### Product consultant – Free consumer public goods product at TaxBit I researched and prioritized key opportunities, developed, and designed testing processes for the free [2022 consumer product](https://taxbit.com/). #### Android developer – Open-source crypto news app at Coinverse Built an [open-source](https://github.com/adam-hurwitz/Coinverse) [crypto news app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.coinverse) converting text-to-audio and provided Android tech talks at [Droidcon San Francisco](https://www.droidcon.com/2019/11/15/junit-5-testing-android-unidirectional-data-flow-with-livedata/?video=380844755) and a [Medellín Google Developer Experts talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elp-Z-pQTpM) on architecture patterns. #### Android developer – Local marketplaces at eBay Built the Android app for a local marketplace app Close5 with 10 million installs and then for eBay's local marketplace with 100 million installs. #### Business development – Mobile apps at Google Product manager for North America relationship between sales and product while overseeing $24 million in ad-spend.