--- title: Managing account access control protocols for coordination tags: summer-of-protocols-sop description: Managing account access control protocols for coordination image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/3540691454/1535710532/1500x500 --- # Managing account access control protocols for coordination As advancements in identity and access management software and hardware drasticaly decrease the cost of production, a rapidly increasing number of individuals have access to cutting edge technology. These technologies include biometrics, cryptography, AI, and sybil resistance. Using these technologies makes it possible for individuals to coordinate on open-source work, who otherwise may not be able to to work together due the restrictions in being able to trust others with access to their software and/or communities. Biometrics are built into most base-level mobile phones and there are affordable standalone devices like Yubico Yubikeys. As AI improves existing devices will be able to accurately verify users based on unique pattern recognition to each user. Cryptocurrency addresses have many uses as both accounts for financial and non-financial applications by individuals and organizations. In order to realize the full potential of addresses and make use of crypto's security benefits of self-ownership it is important to build easy-to-use experiences that provide the ability to manage and customize access to accounts. This will research the range of existing protocols available (e.g., Delegate Cash, Delegatable, Sismo, Warm, Zodiac, etc.) [1], which use cases are the best fit for each, and areas of improvement. Account access can range from attribute based access control (ABAC), that is allowing hot wallets to access social accounts on behalf of tokens/NFTs held in cold storage, to role based access control (RBAC), like enabling social recovery strategies to certain addresses and setting access to tools for people based a team position. Here are more use cases outlined for Safe accounts (Formerly Gnosis Safe) in the Safe forum. [2] [1]: https://hackmd.io/@openguide/crypto-access-control [2]: https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/safe-access-control-to-improve-security-and-ux/2646#solution-for-safes-4