# Proposal: Ordum | Grants Aggregator for the Polkadot and Kusama Ecosystems
**Proponent:** Ordum [DaUR7Puu8u3PRw1Xha1in2s55bYXmbv4tX8ETe4gfvXEd32]
**Date:** 12.12.2022.
**Requested KSM:** 78,804 USD (allocation in KSM will be calculated on the day of submission using EMA7 rate - [https://kusama.subscan.io/tools/charts?type=price](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://kusama.subscan.io/tools/charts?type%3Dprice&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1667821372613646&usg=AOvVaw2VlgCAQB80C_NFfkEGli_D))
**Short description:** Ordum is a public good grants aggregator for the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. This proposal addresses the funding of R&D.
## 1. Context of the proposal:
*we aim to have as much context as possible to understand how a proposal came to the proponent's mind, Please include here:*
### a. Any points discussed in advance in any channel related to the proposal and background research for your project.
There is no existing software besides Gitcoin to publish, apply for and manage grants. Gitcoin focuses on a quadratic funding model, while there is a need for an overall indexer and management software for grants in web3.
After reading the [Builders Program post](https://forum.polkadot.network/t/builders-programs/226) on the Polkadot Forum and speaking with other members of the community (including councilors, Web3 Foundation, and members of Shokunin Network), it was evident that a grants aggregator is imperative for bringing projects into the ecosystem as well as scaling it.
In order to construct a rich and independent environment of public goods and DAOs, it is fundamental for teams to easily find and acquaint themselves with treasuries and foundations.
### b. Team
Our team was formed through various connections within the community. Myself, Martin Jensen and Mrisho Lukamba are members of ChaosDao and have been connected by the same ideas and principles about blockchain. Our main motivation is building public goods and services which are not necessarily related to finance. We have a fourth member, Ivo Nikolaev who is a front-end developer switching from Web2 to Web3, brought in by Martin.
### [Ela Stipicic](http://xylo-drone.com/)
**UX/UI, Project Management**
- Joined the ecosystem in 2021 as a UI designer for KodaDot and later RMRK, MetaPrime, ChainSaw (ETH), deStore, VYBEZ.
- Managed and curated the DotSama Experience and the Polkadot NFT Gallery in Berlin.
- Currently focusing on Ordum.
- BA Visual Communication Design (Arts Academy of Split, Croatia).
### [Mrisho Lukamba](https://github.com/MrishoLukamba)
**Blockchain Developer (Rust & Substrate)**
- Substrate runtime engineer.
- 1+ years building with substrate.
- One of the team members in [Fair Squares](https://github.com/Fair-Squares/fair-squares)
- Currently contributing to Substrate core repository.
- Building side project [Vane](https://github.com/2-5-Foundation/Vane-Trustless-Payment).
### [Ivo Nikolaev](https://github.com/ivo0nikolaev)
**Front End Developer (React & Vue)**
- 2016-2020 Computer Science at KEA (Copenhagen)
- 2018-2019 FlowInt (React / jQuery / Java)
- 2019 Internship at Ulobby A/S (Vue and Laravel)
- 2021-2022 - Worked at Risika A/S (React and Vue.js)
- React and Vue.js
- Responsive design MongoDB
- Fan of GraphQL Taiwind and MaterialUI
- Bootstrap and SASS
- Currently studying Rust and its implementations in the blockchain space
### [Martin Jensen](https://github.com/martinloesethjensen)
**App developer**
Fun fact: Broke the Kusama chain twice with mass emoting during a Kanaria emote competition.
- 2017-2020: Computer Science at KEA (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- 2020-2021: Software Development at KEA (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- 2019-2021: Student App Developer at Adapt Agency
- 2021-2022: Flutter Developer at Monstarlab EMEA
- 2022-current: Flutter Developer at Dawn Health / WEMA Health
Mostly mobile app development
- Substrate (first intake of Substrate Runtime Developer Academy)
- Rust
- Solidity (small Encode Solidity bootcamp)
- JS
- Python
- Flutter, Dart
- Kotlin, Java, Swift
- Android, iOS
### c. any known backups already behind the solution
*(known token holders, organizations or collectives building on Kusama Network or participating in its governance mechanism in any way).*
Ordum has received 2 grants from Shokunin Network(worth 4000 GBP each) for research and development in May and July. The Network will still remain our advisor.
## 2. Problem Statement
*what problem is this proposal trying to solve? Make it as granular as possible to allow token holders to understand the logic behind it.*
1. Treasuries/foundations(eg. Polkadot Treasury) are burning funds as there are not enough projects to support.![](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/oaRmLZS1MfW7jfNE6Wu6t7moaaI_BSNMcsbJYYr_ccj4AIA6tO7oiVo0H2y1UXx3KP7VlfQXLal0B0n1ASW6t54Wa5xVZ7vwQocapp796yQQmyeqjg7Bz8GmMQPpxBphWCfJF36mQZHDUX6NVgIRXPw0qdOwDzC3BzTUf_4UK3PIMPfGMoQBAwNTSlIC3w)
2. Grants information and guidelines within the ecosystems are scattered and therefore difficult to find (there are only 2 places where we have a somewhat overview of these; [Polkadot](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/grants)/[Kusama](https://guide.kusama.network/docs/grants/) documentation and [Web3 Foundation Github](https://github.com/w3f/Grants-Program#other-grant-programs)).
3. It is difficult to publicly track (grant) funding for different stages of project development. This has previously resulted in conflicts within the community (eg. [Soramitsu](https://kusama.polkassembly.io/motion/551), [Snowfork](https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/post/1341)).
4. There isn’t a unified public record to privately / publicly manage and display a grant recipient's quality and outcome of delivery (scattered documentation).
5. With GOV2 incoming, further research is required on tracking proposals and deliverables in order to determine the appropriate UX.
## 3. Solution
*What is the goal of the proposal? What does 'success' look like? Explain what your solution is, after taking into consideration the context and the problem. Make sure to consider all points included in the problem statement to ensure a complete and balanced proposal, and try to be as granular as possible.*
Success for Ordum is the deliverance of all milestones and a **V1 POC of a public goods grant aggregator.**
**1. A dapp which contains all grants from the ecosystems.**
- Index data from treasuries in the ecosystem by building custom APIs(Subsquids) for tracking proposals
- Integrate Github in the front end for tracking and submitting non-treasury grants
- Building and maintaining light clients for quick data retrivals, security and low loading times
- Enable log in with multiple DID services, Github and Wallets
**2. Minting of non-transferable NFTs as “certificates” for completed milestones. Each token would contain information on what was executed and how it was evaluated.**
- Ordum will be built on Phala to leverege the chains privacy capabilities and Phat smart contracts
- Create a connection between **DID** (foundation)--> **Phala Smart Contract**--> **Non-transferable NFT**-->**DID** (recipient)
- Design a custom type of **RMRK non-transferable NFT**, stored on Crust, containing reports from the foundations on milestone delivery
**3. Delivery of milestones, grant applications and funding are displayed on a team’s profile for transparency.**
- Front end displaying funding amounts and certificates within a roadmap
**4. Issuing surveys and analyzing / feedback data for the purpose of aggregating and managing treasury grants in the most optimal way.**
- Design the optimal UX through collaboration with other teams in the ecosystem(interviews, surveys)
Bellow is a biased information architecture (WIP)
The main UI parts would be:
1. **Dashboard** (tracking of active grants, applications, discussions and delivery requirements/ milestones / timelines and feedback for each grant issuer and recipient)
2. **Explore** (search grants based on: category, funding amount, funding type eg. treasury, tip… chain, grant type)
- **Discussions**(track discussions per chain, project and category)
- [Grant questionnaire](https://www.figma.com/file/4voDNe92QmI4GIZjIiYPo3/questionnaire-mind-map) (which helps the applicants determine which grants meet their funding requirements)
- **Teams** (in index of applying teams)
3. **Profile**
- **Grant issuers** (grants, discussions, funding amounts, levels, guides, supported projects, external links)
- **Grant recipients** (roadmap, active grants, completed grants, total funding, funding needed, project type(s) | WIP)
### a. How does this proposal change the current logic in Kusama?
*If the proposal's goal is to change the way any of the elements of the network work, compare the current state in Kusama and how this proposal could change token holders' experience if approved by the Council. Alternatively, if the execution has already taken place and you are using this proposal to receive funds from the Treasury as payment for a delivered task, compare past and present logic and how this proposal has enhanced the network experience.*
This proposal will help enhance operations of organizations within the network
### b. Who does this solution help?
*Specify which stakeholder will benefit or is being benefited at the moment by the solution, if any.*
**1. Grant issuers / foundations**
- Increase the influx of relevant candidates / minimize treasury burn → ecosystem growth
- Track records and data on teams will aid decision making
**2. Applicants**
- Connecting talent with access to independent funding
- Increased level of experimentation, innovation and entrepreneurship
**3. Community members / token holders**
- Transparency of delivery and funding for each team will help community members decide which projects to support and get involved in
### c. Milestones and tasks to include:
*Please provide a list of milestone deliverables. This list should closely reflect the list of deliverables agreed by your team to reach the solution, along with resources needed for development and timelines. If your project includes any technical development, each item in the list should include a link to the deliverable itself:*
Each Milestone is broken down in details within the link. We aim to deliver all listed milestones 4 months after receiving the grant.
Development and design will be worked on concurrently, we've separated each research division within a Github repository and opened issues for each deliverable (see bellow):
1. **UX Research**
* [1.1 UX Research | Collecting and Anylising data](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX/issues/1)
* [1.2 UX Report | User Journeys and Information Architecture](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX/issues/2)
* [1.3 UI Design | Wireframes](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX/issues/3)
* [1.4 UX Report | Evaluative & Formative Research](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX/issues/3)
**Estimated hours:** 344
**Cost:** 20,640 USD
2. **Backend**
- [1.1 Fat contract design](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/2)
- [1.2 Data storage infrastructure](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/3)
- [1.3 Light-Client integration](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/5)
- [1.4 Evaluate the limitations](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/4)
**Estimated hours:** 210
**Cost:** 29,000 USD
3. **Frontend**
- [1.1 Tech stack decisions](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/1)
- [1.2 Wallet extensions integration](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/2)
- [1.3 Phala Fat Contract interaction research](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/3)
- [1.4 KILT integration](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/4)
**Estimated hours:** 180
**Cost:** 18000 USD
### d. Include any extra links completing the proposal here
- [Questionnaire user journey (WIP)](https://www.figma.com/file/4voDNe92QmI4GIZjIiYPo3/questionnaire-mind-map)
- [Grant user journey(WIP)](https://www.figma.com/file/ycs79qItbDlz20PkX1iMVI/Ordum-Grants_User-Journey-Map)
- [Grant Application; User journey comparison](https://www.figma.com/file/7eM5NIP1cxA2Wbv7OhHdsA/Ordum-Grants_user-journeys-and-affinity-diagram)
- [Existing Wireframes](https://www.figma.com/file/0GKkIncgQaJeiGvacODcY7/Ordum)
## 4. Why Kusama?
*Why did you choose to build in Kusama? What is it about this network that encourages you to submit this proposal?*
Because of speed and interoperability from Parachains which make sense for the technology stack we are looking into using (Kilt/Apillon ID verification, Phala smart contracts, Crust storage etc.). And obviously because of the chaotic and experimental nature that is Kusama.
## 5. If you have seen similar proposals before: why is yours different?
We haven’t seen any similar proposals.
## 6. Payment Conditions
*Please specify any special conditions regarding the payment of this proposal. If approved without specification regarding payment, the payment will be executed to the proponent's address.*
If this section is needed, please include here:
### a. What is the amount requested? Should this be divided into installments?
78,804 USD // 2398 KSM → one off payment
### b. How does this amount cover the work of the proposal? What tasks are to be included on the payment? Do you have milestones? Please specify.
|Deliverable Type| Deliverable |Hours |Price per hour(USD)|Assigned| [Open entire repo for breakdown](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX-UI) |
| ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------ | ------ | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| UX Research | Surveys and interviews<br>with ecosystem projects | 120 | 60 | Ela Stipicic | [Milestone 1.1](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX-UI/issues/1) |
| Research | UX Report | 24 | 60 | Ela Stipicic | [Milestone 1.2](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX-UI/issues/2) |
| Design | UI Design | 120 | 60 | Ela Stipicic | [Milestone 1.3](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX-UI/issues/3) |
| UX Report |Test prototype and amennd | 80 | 60 | Ela Stipicic |[Milestone 1.4](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/UX-UI/issues/4) | |
| **Total** | | **344** | **20,640** |
| **Backend** | | | | | [Open entire repo for breakdown](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Backend-research) |
| Research + development | Fat contract design | 80 | 100 | Mrisho Lukamba | [Milestone 1.1](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/2) |
| Research + development | Data storage infrastructure | 80 | 100 | Mrisho Lukamba | [Milestone 1.2](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/3) |
| Research + development | Evaluate limitations | 50 | 100 | Mrisho Lukamba | [Milestone 1.4](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/4) |
| Research and development | Phala light clients | 80 | 100 | Mrisho Lukamba | [Milestone 1.4](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Technology-Research/issues/5) |
| **Total** | | **210** | **29,000** | | |
| **Frontend** | | | | | [Open entire repo for breakdown](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research) |
| Research + development | Tech stack decisions | 30 | 100 | Martin Jensen, Ivo Nikolaev | [Milestone 1.1](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/1) |
| Research + development | Wallet extensions integration | 45 | 100 | Martin Jensen, Ivo Nikolaev | [Milestone 1.2](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/2) |
| Research + development | Phala Fat Contract interaction research | 80 | 100 | Martin Jensen, Ivo Nikolaev | [Milestone 1.3](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/3) |
| Research + development | KILT integration | 25 | 100 | Martin Jensen, Ivo Nikolaev | [Milestone 1.4](https://github.com/OrdumLTD/Frontend-Research/issues/4) |
| **Total** | | **180** | **18000** | | |
| | | | | | |
| **Overheads** | | 40 | 100 | | |
| **Total** | | | **4000** | | |
| **Grand Total** | | **774** | **71,640** | | |
| **With added 10% fluctuation** | | | **78,804** | | |
### c. Treasury timeline related to milestones: when are installments (if any) due?
Ideally by December so we can deliver a report in Q1 2023.
In case we deliver the report sooner with less hours of work, the rest of the funding will be used for future development.
### d. What is the address of the fund recipient?
### e. How can we contact the manager of the funds?
**Telegram & Twitter** @XyloDrone | Email: ela.stipicic@protonmail.com