easy as open source ready player me
Make avatar repo template in M3 org with avatar base mesh
Bone attachment script
Whatever skeleton we bring back in, there's wearable and bone container references. Select skeleton, drag into references, relink container / bones. Once done, wearable offset container.
Base mesh = 5000 poly
Parts are like ~1000 ea
Need to atlas textures
~8 wearables per robot
Neeed to do emission layer
textures start high first
Some weapons are music instruments
This setup leads to full automation
Sorta like RPM / VRoid, all preconfigured
Preconfig, hide body groups, like a video game character creator
Exporting like this would make import EZ
But might cause issues with animation and posing
Boomboxhead said he could reset origin point in unity by putting them in null objects
Parent gameobject is where point is
Can snap to point to bone
Boomboxhead current setup has it as rigid attachment to bone
Better to export with attachment points
Play animation on parent, all children has anim
If backpack weighted to spine, can play anim and they'll look right
We can provide a template with a rigged base avatar mesh like a .blend file
People mod the wearables on that with contributor guidelines
Human assisted automation, not full automation
Can be useful also for monster drops / loot
Exported everything to origin 0 0 0
User positions while they attach
Save offset transforms (pos rot scale)
How metaverse files are done
Expecting f'd up UGC
Interesting case study:
How it looks in Webaverse
How it looks in VRChat
avatars 3.0 switch outfit
The magic of the clothes in this system is that they can stretch to fit any platform character – from a Classic Blocky all the way to a T-Rex – and it fits nicely on top of multiple layers a character is already wearing.
The ‘aha’ moment came when our team considered the “abstraction layer” between the two meshes — introducing a new cage layer acting as an outer boundary of the underlying body structure, then interacting with the inner cage of the shirt getting layered on top of the body. This interaction gets even more complicated when the character starts to animate and move around, since the interaction of surfaces, cages and skin becomes exceedingly complex. We found a way to wrap every vertex of one mesh around another, their dimensions governed by the behavior of the abstraction layer. This approach lets users stack items in real time and see the final layering instantly. Just like how adjustments to the rocket shape we observed changes the rocket’s flying behavior through the enveloping air cushion.