# CarTarL: Cyberbroker Mechs Wearables ## AI meeting summary {%youtube 4mb54jdlRl4 %} Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mb54jdlRl4 CarTarL, the community manager for Cyberbrokers, discusses attachables and their use in VRMs (Virtual Reality Models). He explains that while the easiest approach is to update the base VRM through a website UI, they are exploring the use of JSON metadata attached to NFT avatars and wearables. Mike demonstrates this concept by showcasing Mech Mods, which are attachable items that can be added to avatars in Hyperfy. He also mentions the importance of defining reference points on the avatar's exterior mesh for proper attachment. The goal is to enable users to shop for and try on 3D accessories in virtual worlds. Feedback on this concept is welcomed. ## Action items From the transcript, we can identify several follow-ups and action items: - Mike Carterrell mentions that they will come back and demo the Cyber Roker mechs later. - Mike Carterrell talks about the upcoming collection called Mech Mods, which will be released in the fourth quarter. The action item here is to release the Mech Mods collection. - Mike Carterrell mentions the need for standards on how to figure out where attachables should be placed on the exterior mesh. This implies the need for further research and development in defining these standards. - Jin suggests looking at the JSON approach to attaching metadata to the NFT avatar and attaching JSON data to the wearable. The action item is to explore and implement the JSON approach for attaching metadata. - Mike Carterrell mentions setting up custom apps in Hyperfi to let users pick a Mech and try on attachables. The action item is to develop and launch these custom apps. - Mike Carterrell talks about the intention to come up with a custom Hyperfry app to demo the concept of attachables and gather feedback from users. The action item is to develop the custom Hyperfry app. - Mike Carterrell mentions the Avatar wearables meetup at the Metaverse Standards Forum, where the focus will be on wearables fashion and attachables via the skin mesh. The action item is to participate in the Avatar wearables meetup and contribute to the discussion. - Mike Carterrell mentions the optimization of dealing with VRMs that become too heavy when multiple attachables are added. The action item is to optimize the in-world experience to handle VRMs that exceed a certain weight limit. Overall, the action items include releasing the Mech Mods collection, researching and implementing standards for attachables placement, developing and launching custom apps, creating a custom Hyperfry app, participating in the Avatar wearables meetup, and optimizing the in-world experience for heavy VRMs. ## Outline Chapter 1: Introduction to Attachables and Mech Mods 00:11 - 01:39 Mike Carterrell introduces himself as the community manager for Cyberbrokers. He mentions the release of Cyber Roker mechs and the upcoming Mech Mods collection. The Mech Mods are attachables that can be added to mechs in the Cyberbrokers universe. He explains the different approaches to adding attachables, including using a UI on the website or attaching metadata using JSON. Chapter 2: The Challenge of Attaching Attachables 01:52 - 03:53 Mike discusses the challenge of attaching attachables to the mesh of the avatar. He mentions that bones are not the reference point for attachment, but rather the exterior mesh or skin. He highlights the need for standards on how to determine the attachment points on the mesh. Chapter 3: Exploring the JSON Approach 04:00 - 07:40 Mike discusses the JSON approach to solving the attachment challenge. He mentions that the avatar's JSON would define the attachment points, while the attachable's JSON would modify those points. He gives an example of how a baseball cap could be attached with different coordinates and rotations based on the style. He emphasizes the importance of being able to try on and shop for attachables in 3D worlds. Chapter 4: Demonstration of Mech Mods 09:10 - 10:39 Mike showcases the Mech Mods collection in the Cyberbrokers world. He explains that players were awarded these attachables in a recent beta game. He acknowledges that the attachables don't place perfectly due to the reference point being a bone and not the exterior mesh. Chapter 5: Addressing Technical Questions and Standards 09:57 - 12:27 Mike answers questions about the JSON approach and the choice between eulers and quaternions. He mentions the Avatar wearables meetup at the Metaverse Standards Forum and the focus on attachables and wearables in the fashion group. He invites interested individuals to reach out for more information and feedback. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Plans 12:27 - 13:09 Mike expresses appreciation for the setup in the Cyberbrokers world as a lab to visualize the attachment issue. He mentions plans to expand the world and make it a meetup spot. He concludes the discussion and invites any additional questions. Please note that the timestamps provided in the outline are approximate and may not be exact. ## Notes - Mike Carterrell is the community manager for Cyberbrokers. - He mentions the first demo day should have been Cyberbrokers Mac Avatars. - Shout out to Gigazilla and Frankenmech in the crowd. - Cyberbroker mechs were released earlier this year, customizable with six different parts. - They are working on attachables, things that can be added to a VRM but not covering it. - They have an upcoming collection called Mech Mods. - They are exploring different approaches to adding attachables, including a UI on the website and a JSON approach. - They want to be able to interact and change attachables in-world. - They have two custom apps set up to pick a Mech and attach attachables. - They discuss the issue of attaching attachables to the outer mesh rather than bones. - They are considering using JSON to define attachment points for the avatar and attachables. - They want to be able to shop for things in 3D worlds and try them on. - They mention the intention to create a custom Hyperfi app to demo the concept. - They are open to feedback and questions. - There is a debate about using eulers versus quaternions for rotation. - They mention the Avatar Wearables meetup at the Metaverse Standards Forum. - They have knowledge in Avatar Wearable interrop and invite people to reach out for more information. - They mention the expansion of the world and the ability to add multiple attachables to a VRM. - The conversation ends with someone expressing their excitement about the wings.