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Community Reciprocity

How can Cabin offer support to the Star community?

  • Explain how they have supported other communities and what it means to be a node in the Cabin network.
  • Explain how joining the Cabin network will benefit short-term and long-term.
  • Leverage the Cabin community to help curate potential coliving citizens for Star.
  • Scheme and strategize with us on how to rehabilitate our stagnant community.
  • Collaborate on DAO integrations and governance structures to facillitate coordination.
  • Consult on legal, land surveying, and other sticky issues.
  • Co-imagine viable fundraising models to ensure long-term economic sustainability.
  • Consider a collaboration with Earthship Biotecture to design and build new structures on the land.
  • Curate community members to come visit and gather narrative/cultural/scientific information about the site. Work towards cultivating a 'dialogue of immanence' between the two communities.
  • Co-imagine projects for expanding the access and comfort of the site.
  • Curate community members interested in co-owning, co-building, co-working, and co-living in Star.

What can Star offer to the Cabin community?