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Community Reciprocity
How can Cabin offer support to the Star community?
Explain how they have supported other communities and what it means to be a node in the Cabin network.
Explain how joining the Cabin network will benefit short-term and long-term.
Leverage the Cabin community to help curate potential coliving citizens for Star.
Scheme and strategize with us on how to rehabilitate our stagnant community.
Collaborate on DAO integrations and governance structures to facillitate coordination.
Consult on legal, land surveying, and other sticky issues.
Co-imagine viable fundraising models to ensure long-term economic sustainability.
Consider a collaboration with Earthship Biotecture to design and build new structures on the land.
Curate community members to come visit and gather narrative/cultural/scientific information about the site. Work towards cultivating a 'dialogue of immanence' between the two communities.
Co-imagine projects for expanding the access and comfort of the site.
Curate community members interested in co-owning, co-building, co-working, and co-living in Star.