
Joined on Aug 17, 2021

  • Preliminary References Dekan's Gigabrain was the primary stimulant for these thoughtsDUCE - Decentralized Universal Comment Emitter DIN - DAO Immutable News The Governomics of DIN: Exploring On-chain Governance and Economics Mechanism Mining: Empowering Authors and Consumers in DIN Immutable Comment System and React Component: Proto-DUCE (Probably many more ragehacks over the last year that haven't been properly documented but would provide invaluable structure to this project) Typto's Design for DIN - Figma
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  • October 27, 2022 Fellowship Steward: Chalice Stroebe & Travis Wyche Members: Jon Hillis + 2 other caretakers TBD Objective: Grow the coliving initiative.
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  • Section Title Intro Letter to Star Residents Location Overview TW's Vision Network Reciprocity Community Charter Checklist Typeform
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  • [ ] Contact Star community members [ ] Elizabeth [x] Jezz [ ] James [x] Chandra & Grady [x] Catherine & Nate [ ] Doru / Steve [x] Bev [x] Kenny
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  • How can Cabin offer support to the Star community? Explain how they have supported other communities and what it means to be a node in the Cabin network. Explain how joining the Cabin network will benefit short-term and long-term. Leverage the Cabin community to help curate potential coliving citizens for Star. Scheme and strategize with us on how to rehabilitate our stagnant community. Collaborate on DAO integrations and governance structures to facillitate coordination. Consult on legal, land surveying, and other sticky issues. Co-imagine viable fundraising models to ensure long-term economic sustainability. Consider a collaboration with Earthship Biotecture to design and build new structures on the land.
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  • Summary This RIP is to build Dungeon Master v2 with an emphasis on features that enhance Dungeon Master as a Moloch Hunter’s tool. In addition to the actual buildout of v2 features, we’ll be creating processes for contribution and bounty management. Overview Dungeon Master v1 focused on creating a functional share-gated tool that replaced our Airtable for Raid management. The current version is stable and working for the primary purpose of providing insight into Raid lifecycles. This enhancement adds new functionality providing additional visibility into Raids, allowing for more folks to identify Moloch sightings and intercept them before they grow into larger issues. v2 updates for Dungeon Master will use a new tech stack and API leveraging Hasura and SIWE. This is an opportunity to switch the UI to utilize the Raid Guild Design System. We’ll be kicking off the project with a thorough Discovery Phase where we validate our initial assumptions and clarify that our user stories match the actual use cases from the guild. From there, we’ll validate that our proposed features match the discovery output through a comprehensive Testing Phase. Analysis and Synthesis of these learnings will result in a finite build strategy for optimizing DMv2.
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  • Discovery Interviews Script Time boxed format Schedule Execution Data affinity mapped via Travi's workshop
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  • Star is the first Earthship community subdivision that Michael Reynolds founded. It is located about 40 minutes west of Taos, NM at the base of the Tres Orejas Mountain (part of the Sangre de Cristo range), within the Carson National Forest. Star consists of 13 completely off grid Earthship structures of various sizes and various designs. At the time of this writing, 8 of the structures are occupied by a diverse range of residents with 3 structures available for purchase and 2 more that can very likely be acquired. As a resident of 3 years, I am one of the newest members of the community. Star was Michael Reynolds' first illegal subdivision where he tried to erect a highly planned community in a top down fashion. Individuals were invited to put in sweat labor on their own structures in exchange for ownership. The original designs included a commercial street with a general store, materials exchange, a barter/swap market, and a community hub. None of that was ever built. The housing plots were originally conceived as circles, which was obviously a bad idea. The builders had sovereignty over their home, but once they stepped out of the house the land was owned by Reynolds. This semi-planned community used the language of sovereignty and decentralization based on collective convivial ownership, but this veiled a top-down hierarchy and highly centralized power flex by Reynolds. In the end, Reynolds seemed to own everything while being responsible for hardly anything, leading the residents to secede from his direction and dissolve as a community. The original HOA documents have been archived by neighbors that have lived out here from the beginning. One of our first steps should be to review this document to ensure that the traumas are not repeated in our attempts to revitalize the life in their neighborhood.
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  • Our first step should be to articulate a shared vision and craft it into a document. Call it a manifesto, a constitution, a charter, or even the foundation of an HoA agreement. It might serve as the adhesive that binds these groups together and should inform any DAO infrastructure that we errect. This document should emerge from community conversation, but here are some starting points to address: Aligned vision and values Break from the precedent set by Reynolds Definition of specific public goods, commons, or shared infra/resources (the road) Orientation towards past, present, and future development philosophy Provisos on events, gatherings, use of private/common space Definitions of the technical DAO infrastructure
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  • TW has been living in the community since July 2019. The Coyote Cabin is a ~1000sqft earthship placed on the north eastern most corner of a ~9 acre territory, with 4 additional non-attached acres located nearby. His position was made possible by a unique opportunity to serve as steward to the land through a high trust-based partnership with the owner. This initial trial run has culminated in steps being taken for TW to acquire the property. The property was neglected for ~3 years prior to TW's arrival and he has restored the house to beautiful condition, including revived essential life support systems (solar, water, humanure, propane) and numerous quality of life upgrades. TW has just about reached the limits of what one person might accomplish without additional machinery, community, and infrastructure. Next steps are to construct secured material storage and workshop space, expanding the habitable space to shelter additional residents, and create the foundations of a community hub for ideating projects in the surrounding structures. TW's original purpose for relocating to Taos was to secure a highly secluded and peaceful place to write a PhD dissertation. However, the COVID pandemic caused coordination problems with the school, leading him to pivot towards a renewed focus in UX research and UI design that lead to the burgeoning DAO space. The vision for the house and land has evolved away from a private santuary towards an artist residency-style cultural activation space for bringing together creatives and intellectuals from a wide variety of background to think-feel deeply and dream wildly together. TW wishes to remain as steward of the land and would-be residents, caring for their basic needs (which can be quite difficult to navigate due to the remoteness of the location) so that they might focus on creative solutions to collectively visualized problems. The residency program is conceived to roll out in phases. Phase 1 invitations are extended to builders that might focus on regenerative and sustainable designs for the house and land, including permacultural infrastructure, water catchment systems, soil building to produce food, and architectural experimentation ranging from building new off grid structures to much smaller experiments like an off grid pottery studio, solar kiln, adobe bread oven, and other communal projects. Phase 2 invitations might be extended to a range of creative pracitioners, cultural theorists, humanities and scientific researchers, and crypto/DAO community members interested in regenerative/sustainable design.
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  • Hello! I've lived out here for three years now and some recent events have suddenly made it realistic for me to start thinking about purchasing this property from my friend. This opens up the possibility for me to start thinking about living here long term. I have recently realized that, although I've been putting a lot of energy into my Earthship and the remote work the sustains me here, I've been failing in community engagement and organization. I would like to start funneling attention back into this local community in a very deliberate and careful manner. I have also recently formed connections with friends living outside our community that I would like to invite here. They offer fresh perspectives, new resources, and vibrant energy to assist us in building this community together. One entity is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) called Cabin, who are a tightknit group working at the intersection of cryptoeconomics and physical building projects. CabinDAO may be able to help with designing and building projects as friends and collaborators. Our earthship community might consider joining their network to create a reciprocal relationship of co-support. CabinDAO wants to bring people to the land to co-live, co-work, and connect us with other communities in their network. Although everyone in our community comes from different experiences, I believe we share some core principles with CabinDAO such as autonomy and self-sovereignty on every level of how we live. Together we might organize hands-on building sessions and think-feel together about the future of our neighborhood. Other friends and colleagues will be visiting me soon to explore the properties for sale and see if joining our neighborhood might be a good fit for them. Their purchase has the potential to establish a cultural site to attract a wider group of thoughtful, culturally sensitive, proactive builders to open up the land for communal gatherings. This might entail some revitalized activity in our common spaces, likely beginning with some serious strategy on building and stewarding our road sooner than later.
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  • Name Contact Info Email Phone Telegram Handle ETH Address Affiliation - Cabin, Star, Other Land Owner? y/n
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  • Overview Discovery Phase will bypass assumptions in order to generate a new base metric for the build. Testing Phase will be applied towards the existing product. Analysis and Synthesis of these learnings will result in a finite build strategy for optimizing DMv2. Discovery Interviews Script Time boxed format Schedule
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  • Legal [ ] What do we need to do to satisfy Supermodular lawyers? [ ] What do we need to make sure not to do to keep them satisfied in the future? [ ] How can we get the green light for proceeding with our DAO? [ ] When/how will we exit to community? Can/should we start with community, bottom up, and does that alleviate legal tensions? [ ] Are there restrictions on how we distribute shares? Does it matter if they are paid for in tokens (via Yeeter, Gitcoin Grants) or NFT tribute? Can we disperse them for free? Economics
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  • Page 1 Narrator: [Straightforward narration] The faint warmth of recollection envelopes your mind in a woolen fog. You suddenly remember everything! Our heroes are in an impossible paradoxical dilemma! A double bind, a deathly choice, an impenetrable prisoner’s dilemma! Will they choose to work against each other or align to coordinate? What is at stake? RG Characters: [Does not matter which character is speaking] We should have stayed together. The treasure is this way! Let’s go! Let’s capture the defectors and see if we can salvage a reward.
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  • Page one The Narrator: When we last left left our heros they found themselves in a double bind an impossible paradoxical dilemma, an impenetrable prisoner's dilemma of impossible uncertainty and impossible choice. Will they choose to work against each other? Can they choose to somehow align and to coordinate? Is this a choice? Is this a false choice? Is this really a choice of self interested pneus or betrayal. Characters: voicing exclamations of doubt, we should have stayed together. The treasure is this way. Let's turn them in for the bounty. Let's go back and kill the Leshy. Let's just settle down here. This tavern is so nice. Let's just stay here. And then one of the characters rising up on the hill to view a distant Vista. Character: I give up. I surrender. I give in. Page two
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  • Scribe Handles all marketing, PR, and community management Coms on the Discord server and general communications of the DAO Writes Tweets, responds to and moderates Discourse forum posts Writes feature content in the form of blogs Evangelizes the project in other communities Operatooor
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  • High-Level Considerations Moodboard for Comic #4 Use brighter colors on these 4 pages. On page 5, the color palette will change to more of a lunarpunk theme. We want to increase the detail of all of the art. Please explore juicy gore, experimental textures, and art techniques that you think are exciting! The art does not need to be consistent or in the same style. Each page could explore different visual languages. Page 1 Comic #3 left off at the Tavern.
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  • Context The comic project was never intended to produce revenue. With comic #4, an auction/marketing initiative was funded to explore these possibilities, but it remains very unclear what the revenue strategy is for our approaching release. 12 weeks have passed and our weekly syncs are saturated with divergent ideation without any clear trajectory defined. The production team will make a final sprint to collect the ideas and present them to Colton/PGF to make a decision. The primary aim of this exercise is to: generate a comphrensive list based on the last 8 weeks of divergence organize the list based on each stratagies pros/cons and the realism of successfully pulling them off with the time remaining provide a clear recommendation to Colton/PGF/Gitcoin on how we think the comic should be pushed to the public, including: details on how we propose to handle the remaining budget
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  • Project Delays Comic #4 and the Pluriverse Guide have both been delayed due to personal hardships from key contributors. Kevin + TW have been discussing MCON2 as the next potential release date for the Pluriverse Guide: First week of September in Denver, CO. Let's discuss if we want to coordinate, or find another date to release. Art Updates Horacio has finished the final page and it looks amazing! (see art samples below) Horacio is moving on to inking and coloring the pages.
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