TW's Vision

TW has been living in the community since July 2019. The Coyote Cabin is a ~1000sqft earthship placed on the north eastern most corner of a ~9 acre territory, with 4 additional non-attached acres located nearby. His position was made possible by a unique opportunity to serve as steward to the land through a high trust-based partnership with the owner. This initial trial run has culminated in steps being taken for TW to acquire the property. The property was neglected for ~3 years prior to TW's arrival and he has restored the house to beautiful condition, including revived essential life support systems (solar, water, humanure, propane) and numerous quality of life upgrades.

TW has just about reached the limits of what one person might accomplish without additional machinery, community, and infrastructure. Next steps are to construct secured material storage and workshop space, expanding the habitable space to shelter additional residents, and create the foundations of a community hub for ideating projects in the surrounding structures.

TW's original purpose for relocating to Taos was to secure a highly secluded and peaceful place to write a PhD dissertation. However, the COVID pandemic caused coordination problems with the school, leading him to pivot towards a renewed focus in UX research and UI design that lead to the burgeoning DAO space. The vision for the house and land has evolved away from a private santuary towards an artist residency-style cultural activation space for bringing together creatives and intellectuals from a wide variety of background to think-feel deeply and dream wildly together. TW wishes to remain as steward of the land and would-be residents, caring for their basic needs (which can be quite difficult to navigate due to the remoteness of the location) so that they might focus on creative solutions to collectively visualized problems.

The residency program is conceived to roll out in phases.
Phase 1 invitations are extended to builders that might focus on regenerative and sustainable designs for the house and land, including permacultural infrastructure, water catchment systems, soil building to produce food, and architectural experimentation ranging from building new off grid structures to much smaller experiments like an off grid pottery studio, solar kiln, adobe bread oven, and other communal projects.
Phase 2 invitations might be extended to a range of creative pracitioners, cultural theorists, humanities and scientific researchers, and crypto/DAO community members interested in regenerative/sustainable design.

The first step towards actionable change is to invite aligned people out here to start dreaming with me. The artist residency idea can be expanded to include Humanities researchers and regen crypto economic thinkers. Each might be invited to offer tools and concepts to empower each other to think deeper and imagine expansively. The site has a lot of potential to incuvate and accelerate these collaborative frameworks.