--- title: I've had enough of RKBDI description: I talk about what is bothering me about RKBDI tags: rant image: https://i.imgur.com/cSP7nqZ.jpg --- <style> .markdown-body { margin-inline: auto!important; } .smallText { font-size: 12px; color: grey; } </style> <h1 style="text-align:center;">I've had enough of RKBDI</h1> [Today in @AndroidRepo , I got into an "argument" with RKBDI](https://t.me/AndroidRepo_chat/98069) RKBDI is someone you might know for designing logos to many OSS/FOSS projects, like [Waydroid](https://waydro.id) or [Ubuntu Cinnamon](https://ubuntucinnamon.org/) Though, he also "moderates" AndroidRepo's chat. <span class="smallText">if you want to even call it moderation...</span> The conversation started when RKBDI asked why so many people were using OwlGram, a custom Telegram client I replied to him as objectively as I could, specifically, I said the following: > probably because it implements the features in a clean way and gets quick updates ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ > [name=Rush] Though, what he interpreted this into is insane: ## RKBDI Interpreting bullshit into my messages :::danger **From here on out, RKBDI interpreted the following from that ONE message:** - Nekogram is objectively bad - Nekogram isn't well integrated - I only tried Nekogram X - I compared OwlGram to Nekogram X because I only tried Nekogram X ::: Did I ever say any of this? No! Take a look for yourself [here](https://t.me/AndroidRepo_chat/98070) --- **The conversation went on, and as I tried to explain to him that I never brought up a comparison, he simply wouldn't budge.** He insisted on me having compared it and put it into bad light, for no apparent reason **Eventually, a 3rd person entered the conversation**, they agreed with RKBDI's opinion, *that being that OwlGram doesn't bring many new things to the table* That in of itself is fine, and said 3rd person managed this way better than RKBDI did. Instead of reviewing what I have said, he kept going, [continously asking for features that Nekogram doesn't have in comparison to OwlGram](https://t.me/AndroidRepo_chat/98104), even though that wasn't the point of this conversation. <span class="smallText">as a refresher, the point was that I apparently said Nekogram was bad somehow</span> Though, instead of managing this like any adult would by talking¹, he ended up just banning me, which meant Dan had to unban me once more... <span class="smallText">¹ (and as I would've expected, considering he probably is over at least 19 already :shrug:)</span> --- <span style="font-size:21px;">Really, I've just had it with this guy, and if you ever come accross him asking for Admin, just don't, he's known to abuse it :/</span>