#Project Introduction
Nov 3, 20242019 Draft Version Background 敘述緣起 “It is said that one mysterious currency is hidden in the digital world's deep jungle, and people are willing to trade it with their money, time, and even their lives…” Currency has been invented since ancient times, serving as a medium for the exchange of value in various transactions, including goods, services, art, bonds, and more. In recent years, with the advent of mature credit card systems, electronic payment methods, and blockchain technology, there has been a rise in cases of locally issued currencies and community currencies. People are also becoming increasingly accustomed to virtual transactions. However, these "currencies" typically carry values that are widely recognized by the public. If, in the realm of art, a currency for diseases were invented today, how would people use it? Would the narrative of the value of diseases be flipped? ——傳說中,在虛擬世界的深處,藏著一種來自剛果的神秘貨幣,它令人願意用大量的金錢、時間甚至是生命來交換...
Dec 3, 2023update: 2023/2/4
Feb 4, 2023Welcome Screen 在死亡、污名、以及系統性的壓迫之間,我選擇了正面迎擊,來保持一個人完整的能動性。 Facing death, stigma, and systemic oppression, I chose to meet them head-on, to transgress, and to keep my agency intact. 開啟旅程 Start My Journey Multiple Choice 選擇你使用的語言
Dec 13, 2022or
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