Positive Coin



Public team

Joined on Sep 16, 2022

  • Contaminating Self-Ownership The term "queer," which once represented radical difference and resistance, has increasingly been reappropriated by the neoliberal free market, producing new forms of exclusion through post-colonial spectatorship and the maintenance of identity legitimacy and visibility, thereby obscuring individual differences. The marginalized are often compelled to self-produce and adapt their identities to external norms in order to be legible within societal structures. How can we perceive identity beyond the lens of self-owned commodities and toward the concept of the commons? Perhaps we need to shift from using a light microscope to an electron microscope to better see how humanity is interconnected. While Forkonomy() uses the fluidity of the South China Sea to question claims of sovereignty, Positive Coin, utilizes HIV, the AIDS virus, as a device to mock, contaminate, and commoning the neoliberal identities. As the virus spreads and infects among bodies, it penetrates the separation of skin-deep identity narratives. When disease is spread or “gifted” like a commons, it challenges the commodification and ownership of bodies and identities. Scanning-electron-micrograph-virions-HIV-lymphocyte-bumps-3722750814 Scanning electron micrograph of HIV-1 budding (in green) from cultured lymphocyte. Photo Credit: C. GoldsmithContent Providers: CDC/ C. Goldsmith, P. Feorino, E. L. The Price of Stigma
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  • 2019 Draft Version Background 敘述緣起 “It is said that one mysterious currency is hidden in the digital world's deep jungle, and people are willing to trade it with their money, time, and even their lives…” Currency has been invented since ancient times, serving as a medium for the exchange of value in various transactions, including goods, services, art, bonds, and more. In recent years, with the advent of mature credit card systems, electronic payment methods, and blockchain technology, there has been a rise in cases of locally issued currencies and community currencies. People are also becoming increasingly accustomed to virtual transactions. However, these "currencies" typically carry values that are widely recognized by the public. If, in the realm of art, a currency for diseases were invented today, how would people use it? Would the narrative of the value of diseases be flipped? ——傳說中,在虛擬世界的深處,藏著一種來自剛果的神秘貨幣,它令人願意用大量的金錢、時間甚至是生命來交換...
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  • update: 2023/2/4 北京展期: 11/11~3/31 (五個月) 2/12(日) - Andrew{KEYWORD} 助記詞需要有提示字 (讓人憑空想像太難了) 2/12(日) - Tzutung {DESC} 文字內容更新
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  • Welcome Screen 在死亡、污名、以及系統性的壓迫之間,我選擇了正面迎擊,來保持一個人完整的能動性。 Facing death, stigma, and systemic oppression, I chose to meet them head-on, to transgress, and to keep my agency intact. 開啟旅程 Start My Journey Multiple Choice 選擇你使用的語言
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  • 📚 #Postive Coin 2022 🚀 關於帕斯堤貨幣 👻 作品想法速記 👻 重要時程 🚀 軟硬體設置 👻 網站首頁與主選單 👻 ATM 交易行為
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  • :::warning 因為寫文件的速度遠遠比不上每次討論更新的速度,所以在這份文件中持續更新每次會議的結論。 ::: [TOC] 12/4 Meeting Note 目前進行中的
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  • 11/18 8:30 Boston / 9:30 Taiwan 預算 Yutin (5000 NTD) 2018 版本開放及更新 與Andrew溝通
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  • 規則說明 Trade Rules 歡迎成為「帕斯堤貨幣(測試版)」的成員。 這次在北京現代汽車文化中心的展出,是 2019年時,在台灣製作的「帕斯堤貨幣」計畫的持續修編。 您可點擊主選單中的「現場感染」開始與作品互動。 若您選擇擁有帕斯堤貨幣,我們將會發送一個QR Code給您。 在 12/1 後的版本中,我們預計開放「帕斯堤社群」的Discord 群組,讓您與其他帕斯堤貨幣持有者交流。
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  • 需要參考的資源 網頁上需要的文字和四種語言的翻譯對照 Google 表單 檢核表 [x] CHK01: 進入 https://positivecoin.cc/ 後 [ ] CHK01-1: 首頁先看到一段話
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  • 2022/10/29 updated 關於此文件 此文件將說明《Positive Coin 帕斯堤貨幣》2022 版本中需要實作的智能合約。文件內容包含合約的功能需求,以及前端頁面呈現的需求。 概念說明 《Positive Coin》想要處理的議題是關於愛滋認同,因此我們需要設計一個貨幣 -- 以下用 POS 代稱。該貨幣的漲跌、對價關係與市場無關,而是與愛滋認同有關。 為了「根據認同控制這個對價關係」,就無法把貨幣丟到實際上的市場,而是需要自訂一個智能合約處理對價關係。
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  • 作品參與與組成元件 參與者 在展場的現場觀眾 網路上的網友 靜態物品 QRCode手環
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  • D01 [name=Positive Coin 發行團隊] 那間公司讓大家變成攜帶者.... 📣➕ Positive Coin 帕斯堤貨幣發行團隊公告:帕斯堤貨幣的存活者,請在訊息中,輸入email中寄給您的通關密碼,從今日開始,您將會開始收到相同是貨幣攜帶者的日記內容與給您的訊息。 三位攜帶者開始攜帶貨幣的時間都不一樣,他們各是最近很愛買網路主機的蛋蛋、最喜歡吃蘋果咖哩的女神、以及喜歡看愛情片與劇情片的庫里濕 。 蛋蛋攜帶貨幣的時間已經十年,以下是蛋蛋將先分享自己攜帶貨幣的故事。
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  • Note left of ATM: 沒有任何交易的時候 Note over ATM: 播放 looping 用的影片 Note left of ATM: Alice & Bob 準備交易 Alice->ATM: scan QRcode Note over ATM: 顯示文字情境1 Bob->ATM: scan QRcode Note over ATM: 顯示文字情境2 Note over ATM: 顯示交易中的影片 ATM->WebServ: 發送交易 WebServ->ATM: 回傳
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  • 《飞出个未来:区块链中的时间多重性 Time After Time: The Polychronicity in Blockchain》 现代汽车文化中心 2022.11.04 – 2023.3.31 11/03 想像 想像有一個專門處理「認同」的網站,可能是愛滋認同、同志認同或是國家認同 透過回答一些問題來決定你的認同特徵 所有人的認同特徵決定一個認同值 認同值會影響一件事情(可能影響一個幣價?也或許不需要影響任何事情)
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  • :::danger 由於寫文件的速度趕不上設計變更的速度,所以以下資訊可能與最終版本不同,一切以 Miro Board 上的設計圖為準! ::: POS: Positive Coin ATM: ATM 交易互動機 WebServ: Web server UE: User Equipment 連線 WebServ
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  • :::danger 由於寫文件的速度趕不上設計變更的速度,所以以下資訊可能與最終版本不同,一切以 Miro Board 上的設計圖為準! ::: 架構圖僅描述系統的巨觀樣貌,著重在系統有什麼軟硬體,目的是什麼。細部的行為描述,請參考系統行為的說明。 架構圖以 Miro Board(更新中)所呈現的內容為準。 架構圖 橘黃色的部分是需要館方協助處理的
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  • 2022-01-27 Q: 怎麼讓作品增加一些「個性」 認同愛滋這件事情想呈現的是: 愛滋(認同)很有價值 Price 想要增加自己的愛滋 Quantity 我愛滋我驕傲 What's AIDS culture?
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  • 劉宇庭 陳星翰 Milia Xin Bi 毕昕 miliaxinbi@hotmail.com 达旭 (技术负责人) daxucao0525@gmail.com
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  • 如何決定初始幣價 AMM 的機制? 臉書詢問發幣和對價問題,收到的回覆 AI-Club-at-MIT Workshops github Blockchain
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  • {%hackmd @Positive-Coin/Slide_Style %} Positive Coin ACT miterm 10.24.2022 by Tzu-Tung Lee Project Mission In AIDS and Its Metaphors, Susan Sontag suggests that military metaphors form our narrative of the disease and stigmatize the ill. Positive Coin aims to build an economy circle to extend the AIDS identity. As “Positive” refers to HIV positive, and how HIV-positive people can bring positive meaning to their identity, the Positive Coin monetary system is designed to deepen people's understanding of the stigmatized disease, and analogizes the circulation of disease with currency trading. Past Designs
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