2019 Draft Version
“It is said that one mysterious currency is hidden in the digital world's deep jungle, and people are willing to trade it with their money, time, and even their lives…”
Currency has been invented since ancient times, serving as a medium for the exchange of value in various transactions, including goods, services, art, bonds, and more. In recent years, with the advent of mature credit card systems, electronic payment methods, and blockchain technology, there has been a rise in cases of locally issued currencies and community currencies. People are also becoming increasingly accustomed to virtual transactions. However, these "currencies" typically carry values that are widely recognized by the public.
If, in the realm of art, a currency for diseases were invented today, how would people use it? Would the narrative of the value of diseases be flipped?
貨幣自古即被發明,它是一個乘載物,使貨品、服務、藝術品、債券等多元事務的價值可以被交換。近年,由於成熟的信用卡、電子支付系統與區塊鏈技術,開始更多自主發行地方貨幣、社群貨幣的案例,人們也日漸習慣虛擬交易。然而,這些「貨幣」一般所承載的,是大眾所共同認可的「價值」。— 如果今天,藉藝術場域,發明了一個疾病貨幣,大家會怎麼使用呢?對於疾病的價值敘事,會不會翻轉呢?
People living with HIV/AIDS continue to face ongoing discrimination and stigma. Apart from the general fear of the unknown surrounding the disease, individuals infected with HIV often hesitate to disclose their status. Specific groups such as HIV-positive women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and sex workers experience further suppression due to sexual stigma, leading to a lack of information circulation and confidentiality.
“Positive” refers to HIV positive, and how HIV-positive people can bring positive meaning to their stigmatized disease. After consulting doctors, psychiatrists, and AIDS activists, our team designed a currency with the bionic features inspired by HIV.
Addressing Susan Sontag's observation of using military vocabularies for diseases, Positive Coin draws parallel analogies between the circulation of disease and trading. By combining currency and disease, we challenge preconceptions about values.
Exchange Center:
Positive Coin:
Chatbot & Community:
Appreciation and Depreciation:
Handling Fee:
-Some of the exhibition spaces are set with Positive Coin ATM. Two participants who scan their wallet in the ATM will mutually affect their Positive Coin bionic features, creating new strains. While they scan in ATM, an AIDS geopolitical story unfolds in the ATM screen.
「帕斯堤」也是愛滋血液篩檢呈陽性的感染者(HIV + 或 HIV positive)的代稱,這次,藉由現有的區塊鏈技術,發行及設計「帕斯堤貨幣(positive coin)」;帕斯堤貨幣使用方式,舉例如下:
初始帳戶不具有帕斯堤貨幣,像 HIV病毒一樣,帕斯堤貨幣需從已持有人處獲得,獲得者有再次發行貨幣的權力,並正式進入帕斯堤社群。
帕斯堤貨幣,根據參與觀眾的使用的熱絡程度,計畫後期試圖將貨幣提升到公益性質:使真實世界的貨幣也能兌換購買帕斯堤貨幣,而每筆使用HIV 貨幣的收續費可以回饋到台灣露德協會、帕斯提聯盟、熱線、同行者等關注與支援感染者的相關機構。
Tzu Tung Lee is a conceptual artist with a focus on gender and political identity issues. "Positive Coin" encompasses the realms of new media art, participatory art, and transactional art. It will also function as an cryptocurrency, transcending the boundaries of the art space by freely circulating online.
"Positive Coin" draws a parallel metaphor between "currency" and "disease," both possessing qualities that can be circulated, quantified, and controlled. It explores how the participating audience can empathize with different HIV-positive identities, including associated social resources, media stigma issues, and the community environments that emerge in the exchange of the disease (infectees, healthcare providers, social workers, etc.). The project observes the narrative surrounding the disease and investigates the potential developments when using currency as a metaphor. Ultimately, it examines the behaviors of the participating audience in utilizing the currency.
李紫彤是概念藝術家,關注性別與政治身份認同議題。帕斯提貨幣,涵蓋新媒體藝術、參與式藝術(Participatory Art)、交易藝術(Transactional Art)的範疇,亦會成為現有正式的虛擬貨幣(Cryptocurrency),超越藝術空間範疇的在網路上自由流通。
For gallery and art space audiences, after the installation animation concludes, a QR code for the Pasti Coin website will be displayed, allowing viewers to scan it with their phones. 對於美術館與藝術空間的觀眾,在裝置的動畫結束後,將會出現帕斯堤貨幣網站的 QR code,使觀眾可以用手機掃入。
The login links for the website and app will be disseminated through promotional materials, enabling audiences who haven't visited the gallery to participate in the art project and engage in Pasti Coin transactions.網站及app的登入連結,會另外發放文宣廣告,使沒有來到美術館的觀眾,也可以參與此藝術計畫,進行帕斯堤貨幣的交易。
This is a simulated interface for the Pasti Coin mobile app. Viewers can obtain an electronic wallet for different HIV identities by scanning the QR code with their phones. The wallet displays the circulation method and overall value of the Pasti Coin, allowing users to transfer the coins they have to different holders. 此為帕斯提貨幣手機app介面的模擬圖。觀眾藉由手機掃碼,拿到不同愛滋身份的的電子錢包。錢包裡可以看見帕斯堤貨幣的流通方式、整體價值,也可以將手上現有的帕斯堤貨幣,轉出給不同的持有者。
This project, involving both engineering design and expertise in disease, will collaborate with engineers, doctors, and psychologists. Brief introductions of the collaborating consultants are as follows:
Position | Name | Introduction |
Front-end and Back-end Engineer | Lin Yuting | Senior Engineer at Mutix |
Engineering Project Management | Chen Yizi | Senior Engineer |
HIV-related Counseling | Charlotte Teng | Psychologist at the New York Lixin Foundation, Master's in Behavioral Psychology from Columbia University |
職稱 | 姓名 | 簡介 |
前後端工程師 | 林宇庭 | Mutix 資深工程師 |
工程技術專案管理 | 陳怡孜 | 資深工程師 |
HIV 相關諮詢 | Charlotte Teng | 紐約勵馨基金會心理師、Columbia University 行為心理學碩士 |