# Deploy RPG Maker MV/MZ Games to Steam with NWjs
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true"></i> This article was translated using "[DeepL Translator](https://www.deepl.com/translator)".
## ■ Windows
### ◆ Import NekoGakuen_SteamworksPlus.js Plugin
Go to the link below to download the NekoGakuen_SteamworksPlus.js plugin.
Place the NekoGakuen_SteamworksPlus.js file located in the NWjs/plugins folder into the js/plugins folder of your game project.
Open your game project, to "Plugin Manager" to install the NekoGakuen_SteamworksPlus.js plugin, and set the relevant plugin parameters.
### ◆ Using the Plugin Command in the Game Project
Add "Event Commands" to the Events page, switch to Page 3 and select "Plugin Commands...". The description of the plug-in commands can be found in the help information of NekoGakuen_SteamworksPlus.js in the "Plugin Manager".
### ◆ Deploy Your Game
Select "File" → "Deployment...".
**【RPG Maker MV】**
**【RPG Maker MZ】**
### ◆ Download Steamworks SDK
<i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Requires a valid Steamworks Developer ID account.
Go to the following URL to download the Steamworks SDK file, and the SDK version must be at least 1.5.0 or higher.
**【Steamworks SDK】**
### Configure game content
Copy the game you just deployed to the `NWjs/Build-Windows(release)` folder, but be careful not to copy the package.json file. Next, extract the Steamworks SDK, and then copy the steam_api64.dll file located in the `sdk/redistributable_bin/win64` folder into the `NWjs/Build-Windows(release)` folder. Finally, compress all the files in the "Build-Windows(release)" folder and upload them to the Steamworks backend.
<i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> If you need to perform debugging during the testing of the game, you can use the contents of the "Build-Windows(debug)" folder first.
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###### tags: `貓咪學園` `NekoGakuen` `RPG Maker` `RPG Maker MV` `RPG Maker MZ`