# Using the RPG Maker Series of FAQ (English) :::danger ![](https://i.imgur.com/XKmDnbq.png) ::: :::warning <i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true"></i> This article was translated using "[DeepL Translator](https://www.deepl.com/translator)". ::: This article is a FAQ for windows 10 and macOS, as well as RPG Maker MV/MZ for the Steam platform. ### Q1. When I run a Chinese language game of RPG Maker 2000 or RPG Maker 2003 with Windows 10, the text content part including the title menu will show "garbled"? A1. (*The following is the operation of Windows 10) Click "Start" → "Settings" (the one shown by the gear) → "Time & Language" → "Language" at the bottom left corner of the desktop. Then click "Administrative language settings" on the right. under "Administrative", in the "Languages for non-Unicode programs" section. Click on "Change system locale..." and choose to switch to another language and then you will be prompted to restart. Click "Yes" and wait until the system restarts again, then return to the previous language setting. Repeat the above steps to switch back to the original "Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)". Remember to uncheck the "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" box. Then restart the system again and run the Chinese language game of RPG Maker 2000 or RPG Maker 2003. ![](https://i.imgur.com/2BgrlN7.png) ### Q2. When I run RPG Maker 2000/2003 games with Chinese agent version on Windows 10, the game suddenly black screen or blank screen and other crashe? A2. In RPG_RT.exe, right-click "Properties" → "Compatibility" and check "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" or above, then click "OK" and run it again. ![](https://i.imgur.com/d9Cxweg.png) :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> The following is the reference information for the Traditional Chinese agent version. **RPG Maker 2000** The Chinese version of RPG Maker 2000 is distributed by "SMEC MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION", a company that announced its winding-up in 2009. **RPG Maker 2003** The Traditional Chinese version of RPG Maker 2003 is distributed by "T-Time Technology Co., Ltd.". The company no longer provides technical support for the software. ::: > ### Q3. Why is it very slow for me to run any RPG Maker game in Windows 10? :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> This problem has been solved with the new version of Windows 10. ::: > A3. Check if your Windows 10 has "Xbox DVR" enabled. > On your "Desktop" select "Start" → "Settings" (Gear Icon) → "Gaming", and under "Xbox Game Bar" Off the "Enable Xbox Game Bar..." option. > ### Q4. Why does the using OBS Software capture game window go black screen when I run the RPG Maker MV game on Windows 10? > A4. It is possible that the RPG Maker MV game is developed with of version 1.6.1 or higher. Since the core of version 1.6.1, it has changed to WebGL processing, two solutions are provided below. :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Currently OBS software (ver 25.0.1 and above) can support Windows 10 1903 and above for window capture. ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/XV0QnSe.png) :::warning <i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden="true"></i> The use of the following methods will cause many problems in the execution of the game, so please avoid using them as much as possible. ::: > Modify **package.json** under the game project folder. After `"js-flags": "-expose-gc",` add Add a new line `"chromium-args": "-disable-d3d11",` and save the **package.json**. Of course, when you deploy the output "Windows", you need to modify the output **package.json**. ![](https://i.imgur.com/uXi9xFj.png) > Create a shortcut to Game.exe for this game Right click on the shortcut and select "Properties", add '` -disable-d3d11`' after the "Target:" path and click "OK" to run it again to solve it. (PS. The '`-disable-d3d11`' includes the first blank, but does not include the single quotes on both sides.) ![](https://i.imgur.com/87YiYjX.png) ### Q5. Why does the blank screen, crash, or partially display black blocks after I open RPG Maker MV/MZ? A5. There are many uncertainties in this issue... 1. Try to uninstall RPG Maker MV/MZ and reinstall RPG Maker MV/MZ, currently RPG Maker MZ does not support below Windows 7. 2. Try updating your computer's graphics card driver version. ### Q6. Why does the game display "Failed to load..." on some non-English speaking computers when running RPG Maker MV/MZ games error message? A6. It is recommended that your game project does not contain any non-English text or Garbled Text, and spaces when naming assets! ### Q7. Why do I get a "Failed to load: data/Actors.json" error when I run index.html directly from my computer when I deploy RPG Maker MV as a web browser? A7. It is recommended to upload the deployed web files to a web server ,or download and install the "Web Server for Chrome" Extensions in Google Chrome. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-server-for-chrome/ofhbbkphhbklhfoeikjpcbhemlocgigb ### Q8. Why I can't run the game under macOS when I deploy the output to macOS with RPG Maker MV/MZ on Windows? ![](https://i.imgur.com/zZ9mg0O.png) A8. Due to the special hardware architecture of macOS, you must deploy the output to macOS under macOS to use it, or refer to my article "[Let RPG Maker MV/MZ deploy macOS Games under Windows environment](https://hackmd.io/@Mirai/macOSGameforWin)" for the solution. ### Q9. If I want to draw maps in RPG Maker series, I want certain blocks to be drawn without being affected by auto tile when drawing maps (e.g. 2nd floor facades, layering of buildings, building bridges over rivers, etc.)? ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZSO1unS.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/QCQroUk.png) A9. You can draw by pressing and holding <kbd>Shift</kbd> on the keyboard. ### Q10. Why does the "Failed to create a distribution package." error message pop up when I'm halfway through deploying RPG Maker MV/MZ? A10. Check if the file names of your game project contain special characters like *%20*, and try to remove them when renaming the file. ### Q11. Why do I get a "Failed to create a new project." error message when I try to create a new game project with RPG Maker MV/MZ? A11. Check if your new project is stored under the protection of the system folder, such as `C:\Program Files\` or `C:\Windows\`, etc. Since the system folder is usually set to read-only status, it is recommended that you change the path where you can store it. ### Q12. If I want to test events in other places on the same map when I run a game test with RPG Maker series, but there is an impassable map component stuck between the two sides, is there a way for me to directly pass through the wall without setting the test to transfer players or modify the original map passage? A12. You can press and hold one of the <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> (<kbd>Command</kbd> for macOS) buttons on the keyboard to run the built-in through-wall test mode of RPG Maker series while running the game test. ### Q13. Why do I get an "Profile error occurred" when I run RPG Maker MV/MZ games? [Windows] ![](https://i.imgur.com/D8lfgQj.png) [macOS] ![](https://i.imgur.com/r3DnRCx.png) A13. The solution of this part can be directly referred to the solution of "[Chimaki](https://www.notion.so/aker-c760be3a01194c1da1f4c8bebc551cda)". https://www.notion.so/RM-2-0-nwjs-6297961e98ff42bc93f3de8f88c591a8 Or you can refer to the following solution... [Windows] Open "File Explorer" and go to the following path to delete the "nwjs" folder. `C:\Users\(User Name)\AppData\Local\nwjs` [macOS] Open "Finder" and press and hold <kbd>Option</kbd> on the keyboard. Select "Go" > "Resource Library" in the upper menu bar, and then Go to the following path to delete the "nwjs" folder. `/Users/(User Name)/Library/Application Support/nwjs` ![](https://i.imgur.com/Rw9VEqk.png) ### Q14. Why do I keep getting stuck in the "Now Loading" screen when I run RPG Maker MV on Windows 7 OS? A14. The solution of this part can be directly referred to the solution of "[Chimaki](https://www.notion.so/aker-c760be3a01194c1da1f4c8bebc551cda)". https://www.notion.so/RM-2-0-RMMV-NowLoading-3c92370726754a46b96cc540d58026f9 ### Q15. Why are there fewer default game materials in the new game project I created with RPG Maker MV/MZ than before I used RPG Maker VX Ace version? ###### (e.g. the sound effect file in RPG Maker MV is missing the default sound effect of "Chicken" and so on...) A15. It may be that Gotcha Gotcha Games officially echoes one of the features of RPG Maker MV/MZ, "No RTP", so the default game material in RPG Maker MV/MZ does not contain all of them. If you want other default game materials, you can find all the default game materials of RPG Maker MV under the folder `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\dlc\BaseResource`. RPG Maker MZ, on the other hand, can be found under the `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MZ\dlc\BaseResource` folder, and the default game material for RPG Maker MZ can be found under the `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MZ\dlc\BaseResource` folder. You can also open the "Resource Manager" in RPG Maker MV/MZ and select the location you want to import. Clicking the "DLC..." button will open the import file window from `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\dlc`. For RPG Maker MZ, open the `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MZ\dlc` import file window and import the material you want. ![](https://i.imgur.com/LR5k2zI.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/TtYZpLj.png) ### Q16. If I want to draw a map in RPG Maker series, I want to copy a part of a house that I have just drawn to a new map, such as the following picture shows a copy of the house on the right to the open space on the left? A16. You can first use mouse <kbd>Right Click</kbd> hold and select the block you want to copy, then go to the empty space on the left and paste it with mouse <kbd>Left Click</kbd> kbd>single click. ###### (* The best results will be achieved by using the [Q9](#Q9-If-I-want-to-draw-maps-in-RPG-Maker-series-I-want-certain-blocks-to-be-drawn-without-being-affected-by-auto-tile-when-drawing-maps-eg-2nd-floor-facades-layering-of-buildings-building-bridges-over-rivers-etc) solution!) ![](https://i.imgur.com/9jZy1Hd.png) ###### (*The following video the operation with RPG Maker MV.) {%youtube aecbtY8q8Rw %} ### Q17. If I want to use Parallaxes in RPG Maker MV/MZ, what should I do if I want to fix them on the map instead of on the screen? #### The effect of fixing the parallax image on the screen. ![](https://i.imgur.com/3Y3DmJe.gif) #### The effect of fixing the parallax image on the map. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Jjve7MB.gif) A17. Under the img/parallaxes folder, add "!" in front of the file name of the parallax image you are using. For example, if you rename the original "*Mountains4.png*" to "*!Mountains4.png*", you can fix the parallax image on the map, remember to enter the English half "! to have an effect. :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> This feature is only available in RPG Maker MV/MZ or later versions! ::: ### Q18. Why do I use the "Light" game default material in RPG Maker series, but when I test the game, the light of the "Light" is still, and when I trigger the "Light" event, the "Light" suddenly turns into a "candlestick" or other material? ![](https://i.imgur.com/Uo4aYgM.gif) A18. Edit the "Light" event on the map, and check the "Stepping" and "Direction Fix" boxes, as shown in the figure below. ![](https://i.imgur.com/qDEPwfz.png) ### Q19. The new RPG Maker MZ has a new feature - map layer function. Every time I want to switch between layers, I have to move my mouse to the function menu in the upper left corner to switch. A19. Press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Tab</kbd> to switch layers in RPG Maker MZ's map editing mode (<kbd>Option</kbd> + <kbd>Tab</kbd> for macOS). ### Q20. Why does the following warning screen pop up when I run a game on Windows 10? ![](https://i.imgur.com/duzHsvW.png) A20. This is because the Windows 10 default Microsoft Defender SmartScreen, the system security mechanism to block you from running the game, if you think it is simply a Windows 10 error, you can click "More Info" on this screen, select "Run anyway" and then you can run the game normally. ![](https://i.imgur.com/fsZ1rmZ.png) ### Q21. Why do I find that the deployment options of "Android/iOS" and "Linux" are missing when I use the deployment output of RPG Maker MZ, can I not export the mobile version of the game to play in RPG Maker MZ in the future? ![](https://i.imgur.com/4DsCvN8.png) A21. No, RPG Maker MZ unifies the original "Android/iOS" export option into a "Web Browser" export option, so you can export the mobile version in RPG Maker MZ as well, and the "Linux" export option is now confirmed to be abandoned in this RPG Maker MZ. :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> Currently RPG Maker MZ has changed the name of "Web Browser" to "Web Browser / Android/ iOS" in version 1.1.0 and later. ![](https://i.imgur.com/tXVSAsh.png) ::: ### Q22. Why does the following message sometimes pop up when I run RPG Maker MV/MZ after upgrading my macOS version to 10.15 (Catalina), and even opening the project and deploying the output does not work? ![](https://i.imgur.com/jzcMK38.jpg) A22. This is a problem caused by the security mechanism of macOS 10.15 (Catalina), follow the steps below and reboot or login to resolve the problem. ![](https://i.imgur.com/owSSBbG.png) **RPG Maker MV Path:** `/Users/(User Name)/Library/ApplicationSupport/Steam/steamapps/common/RPG Maker MV` **RPG Maker MZ Path:** `/Users/(User Name)/Library/ApplicationSupport/Steam/steamapps/common/RPG Maker MZ` ### Q23. Why do I get an error when I run the "Save" or "Options" option command on the game after deploying an exported RPG Maker MV game on macOS? A23. The solution of this part can be directly referred to the solution of "[Chimaki](https://www.notion.so/aker-c760be3a01194c1da1f4c8bebc551cda)". https://www.notion.so/RM-2-0-RMMV-Mac-5e29c055ea8e4611a5fc083167fff788 Or add a new folder and move Game.app to this folder, or move Game.app to the "Applications" folder, in short, you need to move the unzipped Game.app to any other file path to play the game properly. ### Q24. When I use RPG Maker MV to run or test a game in Chinese language, the font of the text content in the default dialog box seems strange (as shown in the game screen below)? ![](https://i.imgur.com/27YkuUS.jpg) A24. For this part, you can try to use some font plugins, or you can use "[NekoGakuen FontManager](https://rabbitteaparty.itch.io/nekogakuen-fontmanager)" plugin to solve the problem of Chinese fonts. ### Q25. Why is it that when I download someone's RGSS ~ RGSS3 (RPG Maker XP ~ RPG Maker VX Ace) scripts from the RPG Maker forum overseas, the downloaded file format is *.rb, how do I open the *.rb file format or import it into the RPG Maker script editor? A25. Right-click on the *.rb file format and select "Open File...". and select the program you can open for editing (e.g. Notepad). Then **Copy** the script code inside **All** and **Copy** it into RPG Maker's script editor **Paste** it. ### Q26. After importing enemy pictures to the "img/sv_enemies" folder in RPG Maker MV/MZ, I can't find the enemy pictures I just imported in the settings of the "Enemies" tab in the "Database"? A26. If you want to use the side-view battle, follow the steps below to see the enemy pictures you have imported, or if you don't use the side-view battle, just import the enemy pictures to the "img/enemies" folder. ![](https://i.imgur.com/hvYxPuV.png) ### Q27. Why is it that when I use RPG Maker MV under macOS, after I add any action command or change the lower left "option" in "Set Movement Route...", any key on the keyboard "Up, Down, Left, Right" suddenly crashes and does not respond? A27. This is one of the bugs in RPG Maker MV on macOS. The solution is to check "Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls" under the "Shortcuts" tab in "System Preferences" → "Keyboard" in macOS. In addition, the checkbox in step 3 for "**Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls**" is the name of the option displayed in macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and above, while the name of the option displayed in macOS 10.14 (Mojave) and earlier is "**All Control**". ![](https://i.imgur.com/BvyZn9E.png) ### Q28. Why do I want to use OBS for live or recording games made by RPG Maker MV/MZ in macOS, but I can't hear the game sound when I start live or recording? A28. The solution of this part can be directly referred to the solution of "[NiJia Lin](https://nijialin.com)" https://nijialin.com/2020/11/29/mac-stream-soundflower/ ### Q29. Why does the RPG Maker 2003 (Steam) game keep drifting upwards when I connect the gamepad to it, no matter on the menu or the map? A29. This is one of the serious bugs that Gotcha Gotcha Games has not fixed yet, there is no solution to this problem, so use the keyboard to play the game for now. ### Q30. When I update the program version in RPG Maker MV(Steam), I find that it updates to version 1.6.3 when I switch to the Japanese language, but the language other than Japanese remains at version 1.6.2? A30. This is an official update by Gotcha Gotcha Games for users of the Japanese version of RPG Maker MV (Steam) only, so even if you do not switch to the Japanese version and update to version 1.6.3, it will not have any effect. ### Q31. How do I change to another language interface in the Steam version of RPG Maker MV/MZ? A31. Open Steam client, select RPG Maker MV/MZ software in "Library", but remember to save and close the game project of the software first, mouse right-click and select "Properties...", then select the "Language" you want to change in the "Language" tab and wait for the software update. ![](https://i.imgur.com/BeUw1qC.png) ### Q32. Why does everyone else's RPG Maker MV/MZ receive new software updates, but mine never does, and even if I restart the Steam client or reinstall the software, it's still the same? A32. Try logout of your Steam client account and login again to resolve your issue. ### Q33. Whenever I use the Steam version of RPG Maker series software to edit a game project, Steam Overlay is suddenly show as shown in the question below, how do I turn off the show of this feature? ![](https://i.imgur.com/h4TDcVE.png) A33. Open Steam client, select the RPG Maker series software from the "Library", but remember to save and close the game project of the software first, mouse right-click and select "Properties..", and uncheck "Enable Steam Overlay while in-game" in the "General" tab. ![](https://i.imgur.com/N6ZP7Z9.png) ### Q34. Why can't I get the translucent effect on the lower half of the "grass" Tile on the map in some of the RPG Maker series software (e.g. the difference between the priest and the Chest in the picture below)? ![](https://i.imgur.com/YtN2jtd.png) A34. Try to check if the image file you are using (e.g. Chest.png) has a **semi-exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of the file name. )**, because the software is set up to assign a **half exclamation mark (! )** at the beginning of your file name, it will specify that the lower half of the map will not be displayed. :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> This feature is only available in RPG Maker VX or later versions! ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/enaVeER.png) ### Q35. Why do I have the problem that the size of map does not match when map in the RPG Maker series software after importing the "single" characters image into the game project? ![](https://i.imgur.com/EwkedWf.png) A35. You need to add **$** in front of the image file name. Change the original image file name from "Gate2.png" to "$Gate2.png" to specify the size of the "single" characters image. :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> This feature is only available in RPG Maker VX or later versions! ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/1CYL00i.png) ### Q36. How do I use the "AutoTile" advanced map drawing feature when drawing maps in RPG Maker XP? A36. In "Map" mode, mouse left click twice the "AutoTile" you want to start editing to bring up the "AutoTile Expansion" window to specify the "AutoTile" for map drawing. :::info <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> This feature is only available in RPG Maker XP! ::: ![](https://i.imgur.com/3KnRxXE.png) ### Q37. How can I make the game window full screen, display FPS (Frames Per Second), game control settings, etc. in RPG Maker series games? A37. Please refer to the following keyboard shortcuts. **[RPG Maker 2000/2003 (Chinese agent version)]** Fullscreen/Window ─ <kbd>F4</kbd> Change Zoom ─ <kbd>F5</kbd> Call "Game Debug" **(Only Playtest)** ─ <kbd>F9</kbd> Restart Game ─ <kbd>F12</kbd> **[RPG Maker 2000/2003 (Steam)]** Fullscreen/Window ─ <kbd>F4</kbd> Call "Video Options" ─ <kbd>F5</kbd> Call "Game Debug" **(Only Playtest)** ─ <kbd>F9</kbd> Restart Game ─ <kbd>Alt</kbd> + <kbd>F12</kbd> **[RPG Maker XP/VX/VX Ace (Steam)]** Fullscreen/Window ─ <kbd>Alt</kbd> + <kbd>Enter</kbd> Call "Properties" ─ <kbd>F1</kbd> Show/Hide "FPS(Frames Per Second)" ─ <kbd>F2</kbd> Call "Game Debug" **(Only Playtest)** ─ <kbd>F9</kbd> Restart Game ─ <kbd>F12</kbd> **[RPG Maker MV/MZ (Steam)]** Fullscreen/Window ─ <kbd>F4</kbd> Show/Hide "FPS(Frames Per Second)" ─ <kbd>F2</kbd> Call "Game Debug" **(Only Playtest)** ─ <kbd>F9</kbd> Call "Web Browser Debug" **(Only Playtest)** ─ <kbd>F8</kbd> / <kbd>F12</kbd> Restart Game ─ <kbd>F5</kbd> ### Q38. How can I make RPG Maker MV games more controllable on mobile platforms(Android, iOS)? A38. You can try go to the following path `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\dlc\KadokawaPlugins_New\js\plugins` find the plugin called "TouchUI.js" and copy it to your game project, load the plugin from the plugin manager and use it to play on your mobile platform. ### Q39. How do I find a "Modern Style" characters image for RPG Maker MV, especially one with a suit and tie? A39. You can try go to the following path `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\dlc\Modern_Generator` find the content you need, and use it by backing up what was originally in`"D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\Generator` copy all the material files in this "Character Generator" folder, and then `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\dlc\Modern_Generator\parts\Generator` the contents of the folder to `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\Generator` directly replaced and used. In addition, if you want to restore the clip file of "Character Generator", just copy your original backed up file to `D:\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\Generator`. :::danger <i class="fa fa-times-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> The "Character Generator" material file of the RPG Maker MV cannot be shared with the RPG Maker MZ. ::: ### Q40. I recently found that when I use RPG Maker MV/MZ, I find the interface of the software is too bright for my eyes, how do I change the interface to a "Dark" interface? A40. You can select "Tools" > "Options..." from the toolbar at the top of the software. and then change the "Theme" to "Dark" in the "UI", as shown in the following image: #### RPG Maker MV [Windows] ![](https://i.imgur.com/gKbKMno.png) [macOS] ![](https://i.imgur.com/tPACXtM.png) #### RPG Maker MZ [Windows] ![](https://i.imgur.com/0yuRIZ7.png) [macOS] ![](https://i.imgur.com/XqnEuBY.png) Mirai - Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MiraiDiary Mirai - Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/Mirai_so_Sad Mirai - itch.io: https://miraisosad.itch.io Mirai - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/miraisosad/ ###### tags: `貓咪學園` `NekoGakuen` `RPG Maker` `RPG Maker MV` `RPG Maker MZ`