--- tags: reference --- # Read Me ## Purpose This collection of pages is intended to work as a developing knowledge commons around non-extractive trade relations, and the contexts in which these can occur. By 'non-extractive' we refer to a basic condition, that interest is not charged to debtors, nor accrues to creditors. ## Guidelines for contributors The collection is largely self-structuring, through links from one page to another. There is no canoncial ordering. Thus, there is no 'grand narrative' - rather, pages are generally rather short, addressing a single 'knot' in the complex weave of mechanisms, concepts, techniques and framings that are required to make sense of the topic. How this works in practice is in development just as much as the content is. So there are no hard rules, and probably much inconsistency of detail. That's just how it is (but please use the [maintenance log](/hVeyV0ixSMmRJlx5Maz6Hw) to draw attention to anything that might need fixing). Contributors are few, working together to improve as we go. Some general guidelines on working practices: * Before creating a new article, please check the alphabetised list of existing entries in the [root](/B5e7se23Qrm__wFDPCb1Cw) entry to see if something similar already exists. If you do create a new entry, please add it to the list. * Likewise, check the [reference](/6kEVz305TOmyM2MUrY0oRQ?both) entry before introducing new definitions or mathematical notation (and update if necessary). * Where it makes sense, add a line at the top of new entries pointing to the category the entry is part of, see e.g. [risk reduction](/vlzc8wOPTsu18oMWc64wpw?both) classified as a potential benefit to trade credit club members. If this is not appropriate, a line with 'see also' articles is helpful. * If you wish to do a complete or very substantial rewrite of an entry, it may be best to create a new private note and work on that, leaving the original intact until the revision is completed. Then copy and paste the new version into the original entry to preserve the accuracy of inbound links. * Whilst short comments on the entries in this wiki are encouraged, it is not a suitable platform for in-depth discussion. Discussion of primary literature (e.g. research papers) takes place in a [WorkFlowy space](https://workflowy.com/#/e1e36426c0da), which is also more suitable for creating lists. * Embedding links to external resources is strongly encouraged, even more so if you can link to a WorkFlowy discussion that supports a particular statement or conclusion. * Where possible use established terminology from e.g. network science, rather than inventing new terms! * Mathematical notation is written using [MathJax](https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5020/mathjax-basic-tutorial-and-quick-reference).