# Notes from EuroCC2 AHM Slovakia 2024 ## Luxembourg Review Debrief - Question to ask someone from PMT: can data be exported from the digital TPR tool? (Barbara hasn't answered so far) - the 5% rule about PoC projects - still not clear - first phase final payment not yet paid. Remaining problems have to do with ineligible costs - restricted travelling to other countries other than those affiliated with EuroCC projects due to funding issues - POP3 CoE is interested in more use cases - we should find them! - preferentially industry related - BCPNNSim2.0 will be possible later on because currently it's just serial - use cases need to be parallelised and/or GPU ported already, in C/C++ or Fortran, maybe Python/Julia, does _not_ need to be open source - AI use cases will now be especially targeted - We should make this visible on enccs.se - https://pop-coe.eu/request-service-form - ideas: - VeloxChem? - invite applicants via our newsletter? - Collaborations between CoEs and NCCs - CoEs propose the topic and share with NCCs and ask who will get onboard. - Planning meeting with CoEs and NCCs for detailed arrangments of training events - Code licensing issues - for commercial code/packages, how to handle the training events as it is difficult to share the code with participants - how to attract SMEs and industrial clients to attend training events - CoEs can propose the requirements for the training events and NCCs can try to dissiminate among preferencial groups to attract potential interesting SMEs, industrial clients and public administration - consider to have multiple training events on the similar topic but at varied levels, similar to a `CI/CD` format - multiple people are interested in the `training-the-trainer` programe - Siegfried (Castiel2) is interested in the RSE things, and seek more collaborations on relevant training events - there is an onboarding one-pager on BSCW with links to all the important documents - PMT will organise onboarding sessions every once in a while - make sure that Ashwin, Erik and Francesco attend one - ## Funding Information Session - 350000€ total budget available (~10k per NCC on average) - financial guidelines available on BSCW - external experts only eligible if no internal similar competence exists - most preferred option: invoice USTUTT directly with the "key label" by the service provider (rechnung@uni-stuttgart.de) - second option: invoice beneficiary, then apply for reimbursement ## Cont. CoE/NCC collaboration - upgraded competance map - cluster infrastructure and management - big data and AI - buidling/depolying parallel programs - quantum computing - domain specific software - PMT stars the knowledge database on BSCW - questionair about [Competence Map](https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=SSJJxaCEr0O9KaeJLpS1t9VBuJSkzstJk1Yzo-L1C2RUOFVKSURUWlI2QVBMTVMyRkhHQTRYSU9QVy4u) - overall objective of wp2 ## CoEs -- Impact generaation & Future plan - slow end results, we need successful stories - developing end user applications (funding?) - letter of support - support adoption (training) - testimonials - NCCs: track lack in user knowledge(?) - CoEs provide specific training - what info do CoEs need - sustainability - industry-relevant? - large scale industry usage (exascale) - benchmarking - budget ## WPL session - completely dedicated to PoC discussion. Private notes taken since sensitive info ## Thematic clusters - NCC/CoE collaboration to give greater visibility to CoE services, more services available for NCCs to provide