## Workshop September 28-29 2023 ### Workshop playbook General point: - for collective notetaking in breakout rooms, recommend one person to share screen and write down notes from others - recommend to write notes outside central hackMD, and copy-paste content into main doc to avoid sluggishness or glitches, and to not get confused oneself by jumping lines | Part | Who teaches | Comments | | ---- | ----------- | -------- | | Before screensharing lesson | Thor | Walkthrough hackMD, icebreaker question, instructor intro | | Open up lesson material | Thor | Acknowledge CR and SC, show lesson structure, remind about preparations | | Welcome and Introduction | Thor | each instructor says what they want to get out of workshop | | Welcome and Introduction | Thor | ice breaker in groups - BO room of 3, 3 min/each - use hackMD for "tricks and solutions" and "what is your motivation" // ST: what do tricks refer for -- teaching practice? | |Training providers episode| Thor | Launch poll "How common are these practices" | |Available lessons|Thor| quick walkthrough of lessons, encourage participants to contribute own| |First teaching practice | Martina| Introduction to exercise, split into BO rooms with 2 in each for 20 min, followed by 10 min debrief in main room| | Acquisition of Skill | Stepas| "Mapping a mental model" exercise: in groups - BO room of 3 (~10-12 min) to draw and discuss maps, then write chosen topics in the list on HackMD; back in main room (~8 min) for ST to prompt to show and comment maps of the most interesting(ly sounding) topics | | Acquisition of Skill | Stepas| "Describe a misconception" exercise: HackMD write-in list with ST picking examples to read (5 min)| | Lesson Design | Thor | "How do you design?" exercise: if time allows, 20 min BOR with 3-4 people | | Lesson Design | Thor | "Design a faded example" OR "Design formative assessment to identify misconceptions" exercise: in main room take 10 silent minutes for everyone to think about one of these exercises. In BOR with 3 people for 10 minutes, learners explain their solution.| | Lesson Design | Thor | "Backwards-design a lesson" exercise: introduce it and give as homework, to be discussed morning after| | After "Lesson Design" | Thor | At end of day 1, have a moment of reflection where participants give feedback: What was most interesting today? What was most unclear?| | Good interactive teaching practices | Stepas | "What are the top issues new instructors face?" exercise: as we have a suggestion list already, let's make it a poll (HackMD/ does Zoom allow multichoice polls?) for participants to select what they think or have found to be the top issues (10 min), with running commentary from ST | | Good interactive teaching practices | Stepas | "Live coding example 1" exercise: breakout rooms (15 min) where everyone first watches independently and then discussses how to give feedback, and writes it down into 2x2 templates (one for each video, common for all groups) provided in main HackMD; main room (5 min) for ST to summarize/ comment on feedback given | | Good interactive teaching practices |Stepas | "(Optional) Live coding example 2": ~~probably~~ definitely skip for time | | Teaching Mechanics | Stepas&Thor | "Addressing the challenges" exercise: collect notes from everyone in hackMD // ST: sounds good | |Collaborative Lesson Development | Thor | "collaborative lesson development" Discussion: maybe invite hackMD input| |Collaborative Lesson Development | Thor | "Explore a Sphinx lesson": just walk through and demonstrate| | Collaborative Lesson Development | Thor | "Create your own lesson": type-along? everyone follows the steps to create repo out of template, activate gh-pages etc. // ST: yea, probably. Some people will not bother with creating a lesson, but at least will have seen the procedure. | | After teaching practice | Thor | Reflection after day 2. What topic, if any, from this workshop will you be able to use immediately in your teaching? | ### Planning meeting September 18 - should we use a zoom poll for engagement and showing how they work for inspiration - facilitation part unsure, Martina been too busy - Martina's part: - first teaching exercise - 30 min - EuroCC/CASTIEL introduction at the very beginning - 10 minutes - after Thor's intro and "Training providers" episode since Martina shows up at ~9:15 - TODO: - [] participant info, preparations steps - [] close registration - [] Zoom link to Martina and Stepas - [] hackMD page(s) - [] Stepas and Thor to prepare teaching, and plan breakout room sessions - [] Martina to prepare first teaching exercise - [] make sure that we can create >10 breakout rooms - [] think of icebreaker question - [] think of Zoom polls: - how many years of teaching experience ### Planning meeting September 4 - Thor decided against splitting up episodes into more fine-grained topics - tentative schedule: https://enccs.github.io/instructor-training/guide/ - initial teaching exercise: https://enccs.github.io/instructor-training/welcome/ - facilitation - what do we do? - dividing episodes between ST and TW: * Welcome -- Thor * ENCCS part -- Thor * first interactive teaching exercise -- Martina * Acquisition of skill -- Stepas * Lesson design -- Thor * Good interactive Teaching practices -- Stepas * Facilitation (part of above) -- Martina? * Teaching mechanics -- co-teaching * Collaborative tools -- Thor Notes: - initial teaching exercise will take much longer than 10 min, 20 minutes perhaps - first day should go on until 12:30 - facilitation part - fits into Good Interactive teaching practices - specifically https://enccs.github.io/instructor-training/interactive-teaching/#keeping-learners-motivated - Martina available only after 9:30 on day 2 (and day 1) - move initial teaching exercise to after ENCCS/EuroCC episodes - that way Martina can teach it! - pre-workshop email - participants expected to prepare - first preparation episode - prepare 5-minutes teaching on any topic - tentative agenda and link to material - encourage to attend both days - accept many can we expect? - even 35-40 could work - what is a limiting factor, any drawback with many participants? - consider inviting everyone, because why not - no need to advertise more, except in EuroCC newsletter --- ### Planning meeting August 21 - add facilitation episode and exercise? - example exercise: in groups of three, one takes role of interviewer, one as interviewee, one as observer. Interviewer asks questions about pre-defined topic to help/guide interviewee towards identifying sources of and solutions to a particular problem (e.g. what do i struggle with in daily life: remembering to water plants, organising summer vacations, remembering people's birthdays). Observer summarises 5-minute sessions between interviewer and interviewee, then roles are swapped. - facilitation aspect not so clear from this exercise perhaps - we should look around and think about a suitable exercise to do in small breakout rooms - an exercise based on theory, allowing participants to employ the theory - Facilitation has different meanings - which topic from Martina? - exercise in the beginning in pairs - do something practical, get one feedback about how they teach - should be any topic! - pre-workshop preparation: add that everyone should prepare 5 minutes of teaching on a topic of their choice, something they've taught before or something new - exercise ends with giving feedback on what was easy, what was hard, interesting etc. Collected in shared workshop document (hackMD) - facilitation section: 30 minutes, 20 min theory + 10 minute exercise - Martina will gather some material - lesson maintenance - Thor has started - divide sections between Thor and Stepas - material: https://enccs.github.io/instructor-training/ - workshop schedule, need detailed breakdown of how much time each section needs ### Notes from planning meeting July 7 #### Title - "Best practices in HPC training" or similar - Best practices in teaching HPC topics? - Best practices in giving ((needs adjective)) HPC training? - HPC training best practices - Train-the-trainer workshop #### Github - Several new ENCCS lessons need to be added to the "list" episode - Rewrite optional episode to stress that it is a real-life example (at ENCCS) - Consider moving ENCCS episodes to separate section "NCC specific topics" #### Organizational questions - Teaching practice ep. -- are the participants asked/ encouraged to share their upcoming "practice" presentations in advance? (F.e., to find out how many of them are planning to do it at all.) - Thor suggestion: everyone picks either https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/02-filedir.html or https://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/01-intro.html and teaches a portion of it. We let participants know about this ahead of workshop so they can spend 20 minutes preparing - also allow them to teach their own topic if they prefer - Remember to ask Györgi F. to add this workshop to the weekly newsletter - done - how many participants? (around 30) - on Aug 21: 35 registrations - emphasise on event page and in announcements that the workshop is both for new instructors/trainers and those who have been teaching previously - go through CASTIEL best practice guide and adopt from there as needed - https://www.eurocc-access.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/26052022_Best_Practice_Guide-Sharing-Circle_final.pdf #### Martina's section/part - coaching skills - people in pairs - teach something to each other at start of workshop, then do it again at the end to see what changed - consider facilitation techniques (and maybe an episode within the lesson) - ~1h (split? Total?)