Eisenhand (Dwarf) Torpal Keking (Elf) Anabelle Fox (Shifter) # Misney Mayhem: Conspiracy in Jolly Northville Main Premise : Jolly Saint Claus (The patron deity of the Winter Solstice) has been kidnapped by agents of hell. The Magitech power source in Jolly Northville starts to dissipate and citizens of this brightly coloured city starts to panic. It's up to our mighty adventurers to solve this issue for the rewards. ## DM screen Problems : Missing Santa means no electricity to power the factory line, no magic to make the reindeers fly. teleportation circles around the planes are not-so-slowly depowered. Citizens of jolly Northville are outright panicking and hoarding whatever supplies they can. Strangely only Misney based products are still at full power. Main Villain : Michael Moose's Chosen : K.E.V F.I.G Main Motivation: Use Santa's Divinity to generate money, cash, and other uninspired products: rehashed christmas movies. What has happened: Santa was kidnapped and "killed" in Avernus in the previous hell race event. By killing Santa, it gave KEV an avenue to trap him in the MARVEL machine and harvest his divinity. KEV is using Santa's divinity to churn out Flesh Golems for world domination. Template for KEV : Mummy Lord Lair Actions (20): Summon Executives (Wraith Template) per remaining Tower Summon Automaton (Flesh Golem Template) per remaining Tower Uninspired Rehash (creatures make a DC 10 + remaining Tower INT save or suffer the effects of Bane) Mechanical benefits: - Level 12 chars - 3 R item or lower (party) - 4 UC item or lower (party) - 5 C item (party) - 20,000 gp each One shot Timeline: Act 0: Hiring the Adventurers - They have some time (around 10 days) before Black Friday. Santa should be back by then so he can prep for Christmas - They are able to find preliminary information about Santa. - Each new day, a new Misney Plus show airs: Wand and Visor, The Eagle and the Penguin, Odin, The Marvels, Y-Men Act 1: Finding out where Santa has gone - Skill challenge DC increases by 1 everyday they spent prepping. Original DC is 15. - Failing the challenge doesn't mean they don't find out. They just don't find necessary information about - They have 1 confirmed information they will get before they start info collection which is that Santa is not in Avernus but somewhere else. The handler. - Buying stuff at a discounted price is possible - They can move around to East, West, South Jollyville which should ahve different vibes. - If none of them succeed or they decide to end prep early, the handler will sacrifice her soul to Zariel or Tiamat to find out where Santa is being held. The party will be given information about the whereabouts of Santa. - If handler still has her soul, she will give the pcs the benefits of death ward until the one shot ends. ANSWERS: - Santa is held hostage by KEV - Santa is located in Misney Studio Branch near North Jollyville Factory. - Security will consist of Rooms and traps - Creature type will mostly be undead - KEV is trying to use Santa as offering to Misney - The hells are trying to get Santa back since he is technically their property now. Yeenoghu especially - Zariel would be willing to lend her Horned Devil Steve - Tiamat would be willing to lend her Young Red Dragon Oswald. - Any other dukes of hell will give blessings depending on what they are capable of giving - Celestia will lend their aid given enough offering by sending a Deva depending on who the party ask help from. Exchange rate: 100 gp for 1 soul coin. Act 2: Getting inside Misney Studio Room 1: Alarm and Traps DC 16 to find traps. Anti-on/off cantrip obviously (Dispel Magic to remove) DC 17 to remove the Anti-ON/off - Medusa trap: Petrifying Gaze. When a creature that can see the medusa's eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the medusa, the medusa can force it to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw if the medusa isn't incapacitated and can see the creature. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrification lasts until the creature is freed by the (lesser/greater) restoration spell or other magic. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can't see the medusa until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at the medusa in the meantime, it must immediately make the save. If the medusa sees itself reflected on a polished surface within 30 feet of it and in an area of bright light, the medusa is, due to its curse, affected by its own gaze. - Specter Traps: Strength Drain: Dex Save DC 16 to hit Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage, and the target's Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. Save half damage no reduction. Room 2: Guards Narrative combat: Animated armor and shield guardians 1 round of roll off, basically just HP tax. 3 doors traps: You have to go through one of them. Behind the first door, a pit of fire is raging but turns of at certain intervals, a young solar dragon sleeping behind the second one, behind the third one, there is a Chimera that hasn't eaten since black friday. Which door will you choose? Room 3: Snack Bar - SHORT REST POSSIBLE AFTER THIS. - Eating Misney snacks can recover spell slots in exchange for either HP or stats. - How it works: - 1 HD per level of Spell Slot. - Eating Misney Snack can recover Long Rest Features: - how it works: - 1 HD HP per charge of long rest feature or 24 hour or dawn or dusk feature - Any demerit is a wish spell only removal. Act 3: Battle for Santa 4 3x3 Towers at the edge: Tower will heal Mummy Lord for 20 per remaining tower. 50 x 50 map Elevation 3 level, each level is 10 ft high, with the ceiling being 100 ft high from the lowest level. Terrain Type: King's Audience type Phase 1: 1 Mummy Lord Boss 6 wraith 6 + 4 Flesh Golem Phase 2: 1 AndroSphinx Boss 2 Gynosphinx (No Legendary Action) Phase 3: 1 Balor Boss Possible Blessing: - Santa breaks free, permanent level 5 aid, bless and holy weapon casted on the party. - Santa will cast a 6th level mass cure wounds at initiative count 20 #### REWARDS for the QUEST - Any VR item of your choice each - 1,000,000 gp (They're taking it out from Santa's bonus) - 80% off your next purchase from Best Buy. - Permanently on the Good Kid List unless committing war crimes. #### People of Interets: ##### North Jollyville 1. Jeremy (Male Winter Eladrin Elf) Santa's secretary. - What He knows : - Santa has been missing for some time - Rumours have it Santa was kidnapped by someone in Avernus - There are people who might know what happened to him around town - His suggestion is to talk to Jolly Jingle the Head of R&D or do as adventurers do start in a tavern/inn 3. Frosty the Ice Janitor, red Dragonborn : Local Tiamat Warlock - What He knows : - Has been seen in various parts of the city leaving suspicious body bags in camping tents in front of Best Buys. - Killed the previous janitor to lay low. - Santa was sacrificed as part of a bargain, his cousin saw the hell race. - As far as he knows, Deities can't die permanently, But Santa died and hasnt come back - He's willing to setup a meeting with Tiamat's Secretary, Arkhan for a price. (200 soul coins) - Being a Janitor, he's also willing to share his secret stash of magic items that he or may not have stolen (Not all are cursed). - If you spend some time helping him caroling and leaving his clones in front of all the Best Buys in town, he will be willing to reimburse you 200 soul coins. 5. Jolly Jingle, Toy Workshop Foreman : Done with Life old Dwarf man. Seller of Magic Items and Head of R&D: - What He knows : - Missing Santa means more work for him to make sure the factory keeps running - Why Santa is missing is unknown but he can give you the local contact of a Scholar who knows things about Avernus. --> Prof Permafrost - Will give discount if someone is willing to spend some time helping him in making toys (20% discount + 1 VR Manual of Choice/ Deck of Wild Cards)/ person 6. Icicle Innkeeper, Elsa Glaciershine: Blond Tired young woman who just took over the inn (holiday Inn) - What she knows : - There has been rumours that there was a suspicious individual in East Jollyville who has been leaving clones camping in front of BEST BUYS making sure that he is first for the Black Friday sale, based on the tracjectory he's already in Northville for a few days. Race wise he's a red dragonborn. - There's also been rumours Prof Permafrost has some idea on what's going on with this Santa debacle. - If you help her with her hotel business for a few days she's willing to give the hotel's blessing (+ 2 to any physical stat to a max of 20) 8. Professor Permafrost, Ice Mage : Red Tiefling Wizard - What she knows : - Santa supposedly died a few years back - The city has been basically running on generator - City generator can only power North Jollyville now. East, West, and South are basically dead towns so nothing much to see there since most of the scholars have either vacated their labs or moved up to Northville. - Her theory is that someone has captured Santa's essence and is using it as a power source. - She is willing to establish contact with Zariel's General Drak'Thar for a price (100 soul coins) - If you're nice to her and help her with some of her studies, she's willing to reimburse you with blessing of the professor (+ 2 to any mental stat to a max of 20) 9. Drak'Thar : Zariel's general - What he knows: - Santa was used as a sacrifice to Yeenoghu in the Previous Avernus Race. He is held in Misney Studio near Jolly Westville after Kelvin 5G intercepted Santa's ressurection. He's using Santa as a pwoer cell to dish out uninspired rehahes of Misney content for Misney Plus - Zariel is willing to help you to release Santa by lending you General Steve Drak'Thar if you agree that you would make sure Santa wears the red coat that the general will have on him. This is an exclusive contract. - If you sign on as part of her army she will also give you access to her infernal armory and (+2 to any stats up to a max of 24) (Any 3 Rare Items or below). 10. Arkhan : Tiamat's General/Secretary - What he knows: - Santa was used as a sacrifice to Yeenoghu in the Previous Avernus Race. He is held in Misney Studio near Jolly Westville. - Tiamat would be willing to help you release Santa by lending you a young red dragon named Orville if you can make sure that Santa would accept Orville as part of his reindeer crew. - If you sign on as part of her church, Tiamat would be willing to give you her blessing (+2 to any stats up to a max of 24) as well as her armory (Any 3 Rare Items or below).