# OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0118 Agenda: - [ Q/A Session ] - How to build a service using OpenSearch? Feel free to comment on the agenda before the meeting if you want to add an item or have a question. During the meeting the agenda will be unlocked for collaborative editing / note taking. After the meeting the agenda will be set to read-only mode. [OpenSearch Community Meeting - 2022-0111 - open office hour Agenda](https://hackmd.io/@HmdZWaVnQU6M8icdvC5TwQ/B1chFeYct) ## Chat log 08:59:21 From Kyle Davis to Everyone: Here is the agenda document:https://hackmd.io/keZkb5kWToK8SgXI9Obqeg?both 09:28:03 From nean to Everyone: I’m using "_cluster/voting_config_exclusions" to kinda enforce to specific nodes, but a dedicated version will be appreciated 09:28:50 From nean to Everyone: "dedicated command" I ment 09:32:43 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: Sorry, you cannot hear me? 09:32:54 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: No/ 09:33:03 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: You can type and I can read out for you 09:35:23 From Firdaus B to Everyone: Can you please cover -- Being able to build nested queries and nested aggregations in the visualization dashboard ? 09:35:43 From Firdaus B to Everyone: it appears that currently there is no support for it 09:35:44 From Firdaus B to Everyone: https://issueexplorer.com/issue/opensearch-project/OpenSearch-Dashboards/657 09:37:14 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: Thank you! 09:37:19 From Ram Suman Karumuri to Everyone: What is the best place for a new contributor to get familiar with the code? I am trying to understand the read path of the code better. 09:37:55 From Michael Hoydis to Everyone: Can we talk bugs? This one seems like a show-stopper in Dashboards, has been Open for a while. https://github.com/opendistro-for-elasticsearch/alerting-kibana-plugin/issues/143 09:38:03 From Amitai Stern to Everyone: Thanks Sam 09:38:10 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: Thanks Sam and Ani! 09:38:20 From Sam Herman to Everyone: Thank you all for the great questions! 09:39:03 From David Venable to Everyone: @Ram Suman Karumuri, If you like learning by doing there is a “good first issue” tag: https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/labels/good%20first%20issue 09:40:38 From Kyle Davis to Everyone: ICYMI agenda/notes: hackmd.io/keZkb5kWToK8SgXI9Obqeg?both 09:41:23 From Ram Suman Karumuri to Everyone: Thanks David. I have a few questions like the difference between SQL interface and the REST API etc.. Is there a slack community I can join somewhere 09:42:08 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: https://discuss.opendistrocommunity.dev/ 09:42:17 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: This is a good place to ask those questions 09:42:30 From Hasan Asfoor to Everyone: Speaking of the roadmap, will there be auto-completion for the SQL workbench? 09:43:33 From Ram Suman Karumuri to Everyone: Thanks Ani. Will check it out. 09:43:49 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: Hi Hasan, could you please open a feature request for this ! We can confirm and prioritize on the issue 09:44:25 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: Btw/ it would be cool to have a SQL autocomplete! 09:47:25 From Belaid to Everyone: I'm new to Opensearch, is there a compatibility with Kibana and Opensearch-Dashboards : can we install kibana 7.x plugins in Opensearch-dashboards 1.2.x please ? 09:48:39 From David Tippett to Everyone: @Belaid is there a particular plugin or set of plugins you are interested in? 09:52:35 From Belaid to Everyone: maybe kbn_network to visualize relationships ? 09:54:15 From Ryan Paras to Everyone: regarding the search limit - have you looked at Asynchronous search? not sure it would help - but maybe? 09:54:50 From Belaid to Everyone: Thx, i'll check :-) ! 09:54:55 From Daniel Doubrovkine to Everyone: The way I try to learn a new codebase is to 1) get code to build, then 2) go fix/improve some unit tests. In OpenSearch core there’s a ton of issues around UTs, we even have a label for it - https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/labels/Flakey%20Random%20Test%20Failure 09:55:27 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: For SQL / PPL here’s an easy start: 09:55:38 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/tree/main/docs/dev SQL : how to get started architecture https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/blob/main/DEVELOPER_GUIDE.rst 09:55:49 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: Dev setup : guide 09:56:52 From Daniel Doubrovkine to Everyone: Also OpenSearch does have docs around code, and active contributors to it, eg today: https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/pull/1930 09:58:55 From Belaid to Everyone: Thx Kyle, good news :-) 09:59:41 From Andriy Redko to Everyone: Thanks a lot everyone! 10:00:01 From Ani ( OpenSearch ) to Everyone: Thanks everyone! Thanks @sam for taking the time 🙂 10:00:10 From Sam Herman to Everyone: Thank you!