# Security Rework: The Rest Of It These changes improve the Security experience when it comes to crew behavior management and the Prisoner experience. ## PenalPoints :tm: Leaderboard A leaderboard mounted outside of Security ala the Tram hit counter or the Shifts Since Supermatter Delamination counter, but for the top 10 employees who have gathered the most PenalPoints :tm: overall. Possible names: * Most Trainings Pending * Most Redeemed Employee * Your suggestion here! Whether it is shift-specific or persistent is up to implementation ## Prisoner: Minor Changes * Slots upped from 1 to 5. * Prisoners can now set what crime they're in the brig for. With the large rework of the permabrig into the Workplace Culture Center, it now supports significantly more people being inside of it, especially with the new visitation system, and more people are going to want to be around the WCC. Provides more opportunity to engage in prison roleplay. ## New Mechanic: VIP Prisoner * 1 random prisoner at the start of the shift is chosen to be this prisoner. * Has his own room of the brig, significantly fancier than the rest of the cells, including a mini-kitchen stocked with ingredients, a fancy rug, nice bedding, and a reading nook. * Receives an actual paycheck, unlike other prisoners, and a hefty one. * Has a black market uplink that drops inside of the permabrig exclusively. Be the rich mobster doing a year for contempt, or the wealthy aristocrat who enjoys his steak medium-rare while doing your time in the WCC. Bribe the guards and other prisoners to do things for you, and sell them things from the black market uplink. ### Supplementary Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQV6CijIzrc ## New Job: Prison Guard ![prison_guard](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJrgIiCDT.png) * Three slots. * Tagline: Watch the prisoners, check the visitors for contraband, look the other way when paid to do so. * Answers to the Warden. * Collects a meager paycheck, having not cut it for real Officer work. Perhaps there's other ways to make money on this gig? With the increased foot traffic in the new Workplace Culture Center, the possibility for security concerns has skyrocketed. As such, the Warden cannot handle the security of the brig and prisoner management alone, and has been assigned Prison Guards. However, they aren't paid well, so the potential for corruption is high. Open to rolling this into Security Officer as something they can tag themselves for but I want to run starting tests with Prison Guard as a job before testing with it as a sub-class of Security Officers. ### Supplementary Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQNAdgo91JE ## New Mechanic: Space Law * Space Law is now codified with preset crime datums with punishment point totals and/or alternative punishment write-ins. * The Captain and Head of Security can update Space Law at will from their offices. * Crewmembers can view the current status of Space Law at a billboard outside Security, or via an app on their PDA. * Crewmembers placed in the Workplace Culture Center will be set as having broken a specific law, unless the person placing them in there sets a specific point goal or overrides it for an infinite sentence. * Whether a crime qualifies for bail by default can also be set here. By allowing the Captain and Head of Security to dictate the Law of the station, they can now decide what crimes they do/don't care about during a shift, adding improved roleplay opportunities. ## Security Officer: Minor Changes * Officers now spawn with a Citation Printer. Can be used in-hand to select a crime from Space Law, and then clicked on crewmembers to automatically add the crime to their record and the associated points. * Citations that get actually fufilled via payment or via WCC PenalPoints :tm: pay out a % of the points on the citation to the officer who issued it as a credit bonus. Gives Security a way to issue station call slips so that offenders they don't want to haul in right now can either go in on their own time or go pay off the charges at the front of the brig. ## Warden: Minor Changes * The Warden now has access to a WCC Management Console which lets them keep tabs on people inside of the WCC. Crewmembers doing time inside the WCC can be pardoned from this console, and can have bail enabled/disabled. * The Warden now has access to a Dispatch Console. This provides the warden with a suit-sensors-based minimap of Security, Prisoner, and Wanted/Suspicious crewmember locations. Example image below(ignore the uniforms, was coded downstream) ![164976679-0745e398-c708-4cf0-a3e8-86bf49b5368b (1)](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sy8YK30PT.png)