![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJdq9UZET.png) - [RAGE Report 1](https://hackmd.io/7Sw_BVM9STyGgtAFkyzbPw#DIN---DAO-Immutable-News) - [RAGE Report 2](https://hackmd.io/7Sw_BVM9STyGgtAFkyzbPw#DIN---DAO-Immutable-News-Summoner) # Rage Spike 1 DIN - DAO Immutable News (DAO Intelligence Network) Welcome to DIN - DAO Immutable News, a revolutionary platform bridging journalism and decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance. DIN empowers authors within a collaborative editorial framework while embracing the principles of decentralization and immutable content creation. ![guytyping](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sk6f5ObEp.png) ## Key Features ### Collective Article Approval Authors can submit articles that undergo collective approval by editors within the platform. This ensures a high-quality standard and diverse perspectives. ### Editorial Governance and Treasury Control Editors hold direct control over the shared treasury, fostering transparent and community-driven decision-making. ### Empowering Authors Upon an article's publication approval, the author joins the editor's panel, gaining more influence in the editorial process with each published piece. ### Tokenized Rewards and NFT Distribution Published articles are tokenized as NFTs, allowing followers to collect them. Fees collected are distributed to the author (or the root article NFT holder) and the DAO, incentivizing both content creation and community engagement. ### Reputation-based Editorial System Authors earn reputation proportional to an article's success, guiding future content creation and editorial decisions. ### Open Source and On-chain Functionality DIN operates as a hyperstructure with complete editorial governance, fully utilizing on-chain technology. It was created during the DAOhaus hackathon 2023 as a showcase of the DAOhaus tools and protocol. ![noise](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJRNcd-4p.png) ## Development and Future Enhancements This platform is an initial experiment, aimed to evolve through community contributions. The [GitHub repository](https://github.com/dekanbro/DAO-app-tutorial) offers an open invitation for collaboration and improvement. ### Planned Enhancements - Integration of NFT hooks for features like "collected by" - Design and animation of NFT art (iframe webpage) - proposal to update NFT image, animation - Markdown editor controls - Proposal list (article curration list) and details - User and author profile pages - Logo creation - Community poll integration - Metrics page development - Ideation and implementation of a comment system (reviews, feedback, collaborative editing) Join us on this journey of redefining journalism through decentralized collaboration and immutable content creation. Stay tuned for updates and be part of shaping the future of news with DIN! Collect this article to start building rep Submit a article to become an editor ![logothing](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryuwq_WV6.png) ### initial config steps - [X] - deploy dao - [X] - deploy nft (with dao address) - [X] - transfer nft ownership to DAO safe - [X] - set nft 10 loot - [X] - set nft manager shaman 2 - [ ] - send initial article - [ ] - deploy app with updated targetdao # Rage Spike 2 DIN Summoner