## Overview ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkDqtpGoT.png) Streaming quadratic funding (SQF) supercharges quadratic funding (QF), the public goods funding mechanism popularized in web3 by Gitcoin, into a real-time allocation engine. In SQF, donations are open-ended streams rather than one-off transfers. Changes to these streams immediately (and gas-efficiently) impact each grantee’s quadratic matching stream. SQF can be thought of as tabulating and distributing a quadratic matching round every second. By eliminating time discontinuities of the traditional “round,” SQF can help improve grantee and donor user experiences (no more 2-week shillfests), public goods impact (get funds to public goods faster & more consistently), and governance effectiveness (embrace real-time composability & an active allocation mindset). More product details are available here ## Where is this coming from? SQF is an open-source collaboration between Gitcoin, Superfluid, and Geo Web. The pilot implementation is a Gitcoin Allo Protocol v2 strategy enabled by Superfluid’s new General Distribution Agreement and continuously funded by the Geo Web’s PCO land market. The SQF pilot will be launched in late February & run for two months—after which the teams (and hopefully new contributors!) can apply lessons learned to prepare SQF for broader use and to perpetuate the public goods funding flywheel. **All of SQF’s contracts, interfaces, and tooling are open-source.** ## How can PublicNouns help? We are requesting a 5 ETH grant to supplement the pilot’s quadratic matching pool (the Geo Web is a small public good project itself) and to help elevate the profile/legitimacy of this experiment. 100% of the funds will be streamed to public good grantees over the course of the pilot according to community QF votes/donations. The pilot grantee list will be small but include a diverse collection of trusted public goods from the industry. We would welcome grantee nominations from the pNouns community and, of course, help spreading the word about this new public goods funding primitive. ## Recipient Address 0xDE798cD9C53F4806B9Cc7dD27aDf7c641540167c (og.geoweb.eth) Note: This is a Geo Web-owned EOA that we’ll use to immediately bridge to Optimism, wrap to ETHx, and deposit into the SQF Matching Pool. ## Amount in ETH 5 [Word Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtX_yHMEfXf4FDEJ9tT1_F5IyuAV7ftyZttTZ79H10o/edit?usp=sharing)