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21st Century Prospectors at MCON 2022

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  • needs to be mainnet


21st Century Prospectors

21st Century Prospectors pays homage to the good, bad, and ugly of crypto. Influences from early computer graphics, pop art, and DIY aesthetics are woven together in a playful bricolage underpinned by punk sensibilities.

Each piece contains between 12,860 – 25,712 hand sewn stitches mounted in custom frames, they are 1/1 in physical form, representation on the blockchain, and aura.

Sale price split 50/50 with:
Bitconnecttttttt - MetaCartel Grants
Transitory Inflation - Coin Center
Cryogenically Frozen - GitCoin Public Goods Fund

Jennifer Yellow-Hat & DAO Jones

Jen and Jones contradict the fast pace of web3 with the slow practice of cross-stitch, using crypto mythology, culture, and ideology as inspiration, PoW can be observed in each stitch.


Jennifer Yellow-Hat + DAO Jones
21st Century Prospectors 02 “Bitconnecttttttt” 2022
Hand embroidered cotton on aida fabric

Half sale price to MetaCartel Grants

Jennifer Yellow-Hat + DAO Jones
21st Century Prospectors 03 “Transitory Inflation” 2022
Hand embroidered cotton on aida fabric

Half sale price to Coin Center

Jennifer Yellow-Hat + DAO Jones
21st Century Prospectors 04 “Cryogenically Frozen” 2022
Hand embroidered cotton on aida fabric

Half sale price to GitCoin Public Goods Fund

Alt Text

Photograph of cross stitch artwork depicting Janet Yellen reimagined in wild west outfit using artificial colours