

Prime membership

Joined on Apr 3, 2021

  • Product Toxicity Score Environmental Score Note (Toxicity Risk) Cien Express Bain Dissolvant Sans Acétone 5/10 4/10 Solvents, potential skin irritation
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  • Flying £280 / head door-to-door Friday 04:30 -> Sunday 21:00 door-to-door Friday 14:20 -> Sunday 21:00 Driving £110 / head door-to-door Thursday 18:00 -> Sunday 21:00 Outbound Itinary Fly Friday morning Approx 8.0 hours (+1 timezone)
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  • [ ] print out guest list with extra space to note walk-in’s [ ] brief the students Plenary [ ] talking points for Guy, [ ] moving, branded backdrop from Tom [ ] AI music for Brief History of the Metaverse [ ] Jen intro to Brief History of the Metaverse needs writing Workshops
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  • Gitcoin engaged Raidguild to produce two editions of the Gitcoin comic (issues 3 and 4), driven by collaboration between Gitcoin founder Kevin Owocki and Raidguild philosopher Travis Whyche. Prior editions (issues 1 and 2), produced by Josh Blaylock, featured composable mech heroes combining to defeat a monster-Moloch, whereas the Raidguild editions took a cerebral turn reflecting on the Moloch within each of us. Gitcoin wanted to produce new comics to continue communicating the ethos of the Ethereum ecosystem, and its vision for a world where economic self interest are aligned with those of broader society. Production needed to be entirely outsourced, with Owocki's executive oversight. The Guild embarked on a process of ideation with participants from both sides of the partnership, exploring themes within crypto and society, creating detailed and conflicted charector archetypes, and mapping out a narrative arc. Argentinian comic book artist Horatio [second name?] visually brought to live Whyche’s story of co-ordination failure, with 666 copies printed for sale on the Gitcoin web store, and distribution at events including Schelling Point and ETHDenver. The result is a meditation on the darker side of Moloch that takes the reader on a journey of self discovery that epitomises the struggle of humans contending with good over adversity in misaligned societal structures.
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  • Context Protocol Labs are developing Hypercerts, an interoperable data layer for impact-funding mechanisms that speaks to Owocki's interest in impact-driven economic activity. Devs from RaidGuild are collaborating to buidl it. Budget, Timing, Deliverables Total cost $39.7k Milestone 1 $24.7k XDAI 2-3 weeks duration
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  • Set up party bids for all? needs to be mainnet Blurbs 21st Century Prospectors 21st Century Prospectors pays homage to the good, bad, and ugly of crypto. Influences from early computer graphics, pop art, and DIY aesthetics are woven together in a playful bricolage underpinned by punk sensibilities. Each piece contains between 12,860 – 25,712 hand sewn stitches mounted in custom frames, they are 1/1 in physical form, representation on the blockchain, and aura.
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  • General [ ] Documented process [ ] Well commented code [ ] User manual for final product System for deploying sites [ ] Deployment system For license capabilities
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  • Contact: joe@hungryjoe.tv Looking for a lettering + word art contribution to psychedelic comic about regenerative economics (previous editions). Mid May start, early June finish Late Around 12 pages (TBC) Fair pay (negotiable)
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  • https://impact-dao-poc.vercel.app/ <- app sketch Any feedback appreciated, bestow below: This app stinks. Almost no DAOs. from DAO Jones :')
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  • Log into Binance, go to "Wallet" page and look for the "Deposit" button Select "Crypto Deposit" (instead of fiat) Choose the token e.g. DAI, ETH, GTC, etc It will give you token options to click on, so click on the intended token It will ask which network (aka which blockchain), for us it is ussually Ethereum
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  • Venue is Broadway Cinema's "The Lounge" screening room, arrive there by 16:30. Anyone early can relax in the Broadway Cinema bar. Bar service also available from the screening room. After the movie we dine one minute walk away, at Shanghai Shanghai. Food ordered in advance for prompt eating, let Joe know your order.
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  • Venue is Broadway Cinema's "The Lounge" screening room, arrive there by 16:30. Anyone early can relax in the Broadway Cinema bar. Bar service also available from the screening room. After the movie we dine one minute walk away, at Shanghai Shanghai. Food ordered in advance for promt eating, let Joe know your order.
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  • Background Brian and Scott are interested to curate and market tokenised music merchandise. The decentralised and anti-establishment sentiments of web3 are appealing, and would be reflected in the project. As relative newcomers to the space help is sought for both product and web development. Photo51.eth // Photo51.club Scope Potentially this project will require web3 building (e.g. NFT web store), but initially Photo51 needs further ideation, product development, branding etc, to be taken one step at a time. Phase 1: Business Consultation
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  • Tom's Approach Friendly introduction What does Micah want to get out of today Paraphrased back to him Project background?
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