Brian and Scott are interested to curate and market tokenised music merchandise. The decentralised and anti-establishment sentiments of web3 are appealing, and would be reflected in the project. As relative newcomers to the space help is sought for both product and web development.
Photo51.eth //
Potentially this project will require web3 building (e.g. NFT web store), but initially Photo51 needs further ideation, product development, branding etc, to be taken one step at a time.
Total: 2k XDAI - this would be the equivalent of c£1500 - i thought it was c$300 per hour normally (aqppreciate you have put in some extra already)
Payable on xDai
DAO Jones: Cleric, client servies & account managment
taekikz: Cleric (senior), client services
Tom | Integral: Hunter-Archer, business development and brand / design
-Branding Exercise e.g. $5k / one week - would this give us complete brand guidlines and a holding page on Phot51.eth // (need to discuss both extensions too)
-Merchedise Creation / Curation e.g. $15k / six weeks (further discussion required)
-NFT Storefront Design and Build e.g. $20k / four weeks (further discussion required)
-DAO Consultation / Launch e.g. $15k / six weeks (further discussion required)
-NFT Platform e.g. $50k minimum / thirty weeks (further discsussion required)
-Tying Platform, DAO, Website together e.g. $10k / four weeks (further discussison required)