# CWG End of Term Summary for Term 1 Q1/Q2 2022 The following is a summary for the ENS DAO Community Working Group for historical documentation. This timeframe covers the first six months of the ENS DAO. [toc] ## Operational Summary ### Key Activities * Created budget working group budget for first time that covered seven subgroups. * Completed content for learn docs and migrated content to [gihub repo](https://github.com/coltron-code/i18n-test/tree/main/docs) be used in new learn docs website. * Eight Twitter spaces were hosted with the ENS DAO account during the term. * ENS DAO newsletter began bi-monthly publishing 03/01. Eight newsletters were publised on-time via forum and [substack](https://ensdaonews.substack.com/archive?sort=new). * Provided hats for selection of delegates and contributors. * Held an IRL event on June 24th at ETHNewYork with over 50+ attendes. * Work began on the rdesigned learn docs website. ### Current Activities * Merch Store RFP was initiated with four responses that are currently under review. * Learn docs website redesign is underway ### Actions Required for Transition into the next Term This working group is disbanding. Subgroups will be moved to other working groups in the DAO. Subgroups leads will have the choose with working group best fits thier initiatives during this transition process. A summary of actions to prepare for next term can be found [here](https://hackmd.io/@Coltron/BJBP2i0_5). ## Financial Summary A complete record can be found on the working group payment [worksheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bpk3vinsmpNuujRjGP4qY1he1S7Cb72PHhy81mBe0Mc/edit#gid=1611786556) or on the [Gnosis Safe](https://gnosis-safe.io/app/eth:0x91c32893216dE3eA0a55ABb9851f581d4503d39b/balances) transaction history. This includes forecasted payments not yet executed. This will be updated following the execution of the final payments. For exact totals today refer to Parcel or Gnosis. ### Subgroups ![](https://i.imgur.com/j3X9wAZ.png) ### Total Term ![](https://i.imgur.com/SVkKPuq.png) **Note:** Final Balances Pending as of 06/01/22