Kubernetes Community Days Taiwan was launched by the Cloud Native Taiwan User Groups and backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The event was held on July 29 and 30 as a segment under COSCUP.
Aug 14, 2023[TOC] Talk 1: Telepresence: 微服務快速開發測試整合利器 #Q&A (Talk 1) Talk 2: Ansible Operator — 超新手 Operator 入門 [kubesphere] (https://github.com/kubesphere/website) #Q&A (Talk 2)
Jan 26, 2021[TOC] Talk 1: AWS Firecracker VMM 之 抓住夏天的尾巴 之 還是要捲起袖子動手玩 本次silde Side : AWS Firecracker VMM 之 大熱天捲起袖子動手玩 COSCUP 2020 - Youtube video AWS企業解決問題 : 資源配置問題;隔離性;安全性;啟動速度快 Security & isolation of traditional VMs
Nov 4, 2020開會連結 https://bluejeans.com/7916330147 Day ?? 建豪 2021/5/8 結婚,請務必 booking 要請假 Day -1 前夜派對 完成健康聲明表(目前未開放填寫,7/30 公告連結)才可以進場(填一次可以續用於 COSCUP 兩天活動)
Nov 1, 2020or
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