Cloud Native Taiwan User Group


Cloud Native Taiwan User Group

Private team

Joined on Nov 27, 2019

KCD Taipei 2025 正在徵稿中!

  • Kubernetes Community Days Taiwan was launched by the Cloud Native Taiwan User Groups and backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The event was held on July 29 and 30 as a segment under COSCUP. Cloud Native technologies serve as the foundation of modern Infrastructure. In Taiwan, although the utilization of related software is high, there is a lack of active sharing of use cases and emerging technologies. Through the Kubernetes Community Days Taiwan, we aspire to inspire people to share their use cases, latest features upstream, and development narratives, thus promoting Cloud Native technologies locally. Presentations Over the span of two days, We received approximately 30 Call for Papers (CFP) submissions, and a total of 16 presentations covered various aspects of Cloud Native technologies. Aside from local speakers, we also invited international speakers from South Korea, Hong Kong, India and Belgium to provide further insights into the development and use cases overseas. Some of the notable presentations included Experiences of Using Kubernetes in Taiwan's Ministry of Digital Affairs. The speakers shared intriguing details of how Kubernetes is used within Taiwan's Ministry of Digital Affairs which was particularly appealing to the attendees given that governments are often viewed as being slow to adopt new technologies. Another captivating presentation by Kevin Dubois from Belgium, titled Tekton and ArgoCD: The Dynamic Duo for Kube Native CI/CD offered listeners a live demonstration on Cloud Native CI/CD deployment involving an intriguing phone game for audience participation.
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  • cncf glossary (英文/繁中/簡中) 英文 繁中 簡中 information 資訊 信息 template
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  • [TOC] Talk 1: Telepresence: 微服務快速開發測試整合利器 #Q&A (Talk 1) Talk 2: Ansible Operator — 超新手 Operator 入門 [kubesphere] ( #Q&A (Talk 2)
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  • [TOC] Talk 1: AWS Firecracker VMM 之 抓住夏天的尾巴 之 還是要捲起袖子動手玩 本次silde Side : AWS Firecracker VMM 之 大熱天捲起袖子動手玩 COSCUP 2020 - Youtube video AWS企業解決問題 : 資源配置問題;隔離性;安全性;啟動速度快 Security & isolation of traditional VMs
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  • 開會連結 Day ?? 建豪 2021/5/8 結婚,請務必 booking 要請假 Day -1 前夜派對 完成健康聲明表(目前未開放填寫,7/30 公告連結)才可以進場(填一次可以續用於 COSCUP 兩天活動)
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  • :::info 🔔小提醒 希望能直接提供簡報連結,您可以將簡報上傳到如 Speaker Deck/Slide Share/Google Doc... 的平台,再將分享連結提供給我們! 請記得在簡報內註明一下授權條款(沒想法的話,可以考慮用 CC 授權),COSCUP 這邊是建議可以使用『 CC:姓名標示』的方式分享,並盡量避免採用「禁止改作」及「非商業性」元素的條款。 以下簡報連結也都會統一歸檔到 Cloud Native Taiwan User Group GitHub 裡。 ::: OpenStack Governance today and tomorrow by Rico Lin
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  • Talk 1: 自己的 eBPF 程式自己做 講者: 曾懷恩 CNI使用eBPF 來由 > 演變 > 使用 eBPF/BPF
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  • ###### tags: `Meetup`、`Co-writing` # CNTUG meetup #24 [TOC] ## Session 1. OpenvSwitch 深入淺出 ![]( Openflow --- - Maintained by Open Networking Foundation (ONF) - The first standard communication interface defined network... Format --- - Rule (比對規則): Switch Port, Layer 2 Header, Layer 3 Header, Layer 4 Header - Action (比對到規則後要做的事) - Forward packet to ports - Encapsulate and forward to controller - Mo
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  • ###### tags: `Meetup`、`Co-writing` # CNTUG Meetup #19 [TOC] ## Session 1. 牛牛帶你了解 Kubernetes 網路功能與原理 - Kubernetes - Distributing algor. ### Functionality [What Is Load Balancing?]( ### Distribute Algor. - Random - Round Robin - Hash Header - L3, L4, L7 - Server Status ### Special Protocol - gRPC - 基於TCP往上連線 ### True/False? - Kubernets service (L4) - Kubernets ingress (L7) ### Typcial Implementaion - NGINX - 以Load-balance
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  • ###### tags: `Meetup`、`Co-writing` # CNTUG Meetup #21 ## Talk 1: k3sup 之極度快速 Set up k3s cluster(番外篇:Kubernetes帶我飛之歷程分享) by Samina Fu [投影片link]( ### What's K3s? [Twitter 上的 Kelsey Hightower:"I like the way @rancher_labs has taken a fresh look at Kubernetes by removing, not adding, features to focus on running in low-resource computing environments such a retail stores and telco facilities." / Twit
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  • ###### tags: `Meetup`、`Co-writing` # CNTUG Meetup #20 ## Talk 1: End to End Testing for Kubernetes Cluster ### Kubernetes testing 1. why do I need to test cluster? * 分離 cluster or application 的問題 * 在上production之前確保Cluster是正常的 2. testing types * unit testing * integration testing * e2e testing: 模擬使用者角度 3. Kubernetes SIGs - SIG Testing => <a href="">test infra</a> 4. E2E Testing - kubetest * test-infra provides <a href="https://github.
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  • ###### tags: `Meetup`、`Co-writing` # CNTUG Meetup #22 [TOC] --- ## Announcement ![]( =300x) - 請多加參與社群 Meetup 共筆 [HackMD: Cloud Native Taiwan User Group]( - 多多支持台灣新創 HackMD [Use HackMD professionally and collaborate at scale]( ![]( =300x) - CNTUG <3 天瓏書局 > 多多買書回家讀,是充實知識最快的方式 --- ## Session 1. How to achieve canary deployment on Kubernetes - John Chen ([Grindr](https://www.gri
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  • ###### tags: `Meetup`、`Co-writing` # CNTUG meetup #23 [TOC] ## Session 1. Vishwakarma - A self-hosting Kubernetes cluster on AWS - Kyle Bai > Vishwakarma: Terraform modules for deloying EKS and Self-hosting Kubernetes ### Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 一般建 VM 大多都是使用類似 vagranet 這種 CLI Tool 或是用 Web Console 去部署,但是這樣 infra team 很難去維運。 透過 code 去定義資訊跟資源,用IaC 可以直接使用改 code 就可以自動部署在多個雲環境,會比手動使用 web console 更加有效率。 **The problems IaC tools can solve** 1. Create/Change/Destroy 多個 infrastructure 資源,如 comp
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  • ###### tags: `Workshop` # Contribution Workshop #1 #### # 流程 / Agenda 09:30 - 10:00 報到 10:00 - 10:10 開場 10:10 - 10:50 如何貢獻 OpenStack Upstream (開發者與使用者) 11:00 - 11:40 How to start contributing to Kubernetes 11:50 - 12:20 Ceph Upstream-Dashboard and Orchestrator 12:20 - 13:20 交流及午餐時間 13:20 - 13:50 Ceph Upstream-general ceph and deepsea and prom and grafana 14:00 - 16:30 Hands-on Labs (分組進行) 16:30 - 18:00 Summary (交流與小活動時間) --- ## 如何貢獻 OpenStack Upstream (開發者與使用者) SIGs(特殊興趣小組):不維護專案, 讓使用者有機會可以
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