tags: lamnua
title: crip
link: https://hackmd.io/@BOW/crip
how she became ice 瑜珈+翻譯
2023.7.29 2:10-4:36
## (2)Himali Singh Soin
6/10- 7/29 (or 8/05)
Venue: 本事藝術三樓空間+台北當代展區(05.11-05.14)
(fei) Himali在Thyssen美術館的個展[電子畫冊](https://tba21.org/items/uploads/module_download/EL%20TERCER%20POLO_BOOKLET_ENGLISH.pdf)中有很詳盡的概念與作品介紹
Mountain, Pixelated In The Water
A series of tapestries of the sound of ice crystals smashing into each other, and the various histories of pirates, South Asians, “freaks, and exotic others” at the poles. The silk-cotton tapestry is woven in an ikat weave, which is traditional but embodies the glitchy, digital nature of alien sightings at the poles. The color combination invokes the colonial histories of indigo, the peaceful resistance of Gandhian handlooms, and the archaeological connotations of terracotta. The fabric was woven by artisans in the region of Andhra Pradesh using non-violent silk.
in the spirit of the fountain
A magical realist tale in which a future ancestor encounters a past ancestor,from a volcano suddenly active due to seismic shifts in Earth’s climatic core to the volcanic remnants of Pompeii. In their encounter, they retain—and release—the tremors of the places that come before and after them. They purge 23 the prejudices of the past even while they conserve the wisdom of their elders to guide them toward renewal. Inspired by the Himalayan Jagar, a ritual in which ancestors are woken up to heal their kin, we call upon the spirits of place to conjure remedies for our contemporary crisis of lost presence. At Casa Della Fontana (The House of the Large Fountain), a source of life, guided by the improvised sound of the drums, we indicate a path, channeling water and fire, forces of creation and destruction both. Smoke becomes an instrument of illusion, in between the visible and invisible, between the core and the heaven, a quantum enchantment.A cymbal replaces the bronze oracular disc found at the cult of Hera, who presided over functions that sounded the spirits of the dead. Listening as a way of connecting to molten time. Reaching out from within the mantle. Learning how to be after. Longing for themedianwherematter and spirit become interpenetrable. The medium through which we retrieve a collective life force.
科幻書寫: 遙遠古老、神秘儀式、檔案之外、不可見或無形、毀滅危險或陰暗能量的神祇的視角
藏傳佛教的星界存有概念 與將線性時間轉化為神秘時間的罕見藍月
化為結合文字 影片 音樂的多媒體表演
維蘇埃山拍攝 這些編造的儀式以拿波里黑色魔法與喜馬拉雅神祇混淆結合
對曼陀羅的重新想像 幾何圖樣 繪畫 身體 城市 地球與宇宙 在一個巨大宇宙建築中彼此映照
故事在尋找遺失的bla 一個在世界中遊走的微小生命力量
其名稱來自希臘的藥物 被不同文化翻譯成不同名稱 在此刻的危機中丟失了自己
鼓手招喚著li 一個人類與非人意識的精神顯現 進行一系列療癒儀式 將bla召回盡我們的身體與地球
在一系列的傳送與接收 帶著棕櫚面具的角色 隨著對應著自然元素的身體脈輪
展開接地 循環 與重生之旅
我們在時間之輪的內 外 與其他輕巧飛過 從喜馬拉雅山到維蘇埃火山劃下斷層線
我們試圖與地球的靈重新連結 藉著聲音的共鳴與愛的文字的力量 療癒我們自身
Himali Singh Soin’s ‘As Grand as What’ draws on research into Himali’s namesake, the Himalayas, and its animistic rituals and remedies, mystical geometries, old new materialism and spirit realism, this immersive environment encourages rest and contemplation. Inspired by the Himalayan Jagar, a ritual in which ancestors are woken up to heal their kin, this work calls upon the spirits of place to conjure remedies for the contemporary crisis of lost presence, so as to revive our bodies and the planet with the resonance of sound and the force of the word love. Tapestries with inscribed poems will be displayed at Solid Art 3F and video installation will be presented at the Dangdai booth. (*The video is authored by Himali Singh Soin and David Soin Tappeser (Hylozoic/Desires).
Before entering the video installation will be ‘Mountain, pixelated in the water’, of a renowned ongoing series ‘we are opposite like that’ (2017-present) that comprises mythologies for the poles, told from the non-human perspective. This tapestry embodies the sound of ice crystals smashing into each other, and the various histories of pirates, South Asians, “freaks, and exotic others” at the poles. The energy of the transmission and matters of care (ice) from the perspective of new materialism is well echoed with ‘As Grand as What’ that draws seismic lines from the Himalayan mountains to the Vesuvian volcano (fire, earth, water, air). The fabric was woven by artisan Gajam Goverdhan using non-violent silk, suggesting the peaceful resistance of Gandhian handlooms while the color combination of the tapestries invokes the colonial histories of indigo and the archaeological connotations of terracotta.
## 3月(?) early stage text suggestions
(fei) 對應項目:書寫、休息、飲用
Alexis Pauline Gumbs
If you wanted to save the planet
Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons for Marine Mammals
五月至七月也希望能進行 Sandra Jackson-Dumount 的訪談,或許可以看 Octavia Buttler 的 Parable of the Sower 或是其他科幻小說
optional reading:
## 4/26 brain stroming ideas:
下兩次 7/8(六)#crip、9/16(六)#neuro-emergence 2-4pm 感覺閱讀書目可以延續,時間還久可以慢慢想。我目前想到的,是有點想讀 Olga 、一誼推薦的這兩本,我把資料放在下面的資料夾📁:
- Stop Talking: Indeginous Ways of Teaching and Learning and Difficult Dialogues
- Life Beside Itself: Imagining Care in the Canadian Arctic
- TallBear, K. (2017). Beyound the Life/Not-Life Binary: A Feminist-Indigenous Reading of Cryopreservation, Interspecies Thinking, and the New Materialisms,in Radin and Kowal (eds.), *Cryopolitics: Frozen Life in A Melting World*, The MIT Press
- 國外神經多元讀書會,整理得很好的網站<br>Intersectional Neurodiversity and Disability Reading Groups
- 台灣障礙者權益促進會
- Olga Koroleva
在 The FEELed Lab 帶的讀書會「Planthuman 植物人」讀到艾草,這裡是她寫的感受筆記
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