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I'm Ademola, and I'll be joining the EPF in a permissionless manner. This document will outline my thought process and research made since I first found out about the fellowship and decided to participate a few days ago.

Ethereum Research

I knew I first had to learn specifics about the Ethereum protocol, and so I examined a few resources gotten from a combination of the kick-off call, the fellowship github repository, and some google searches. Those resources include:

I also took note of some other resources for use as references in solving whatever problem I pick up during the course of this program:

The search for a suitable project

I think the biggest impact I can make in this program is one that's related to networking; Therefore, most of my search has been biased towards that. I hope to go into my current options in more technical detail in my next update, specifying why I chose them, but for now here's a list of the projects I'm seriously considering and the reasons for their appeal.

  • Reth stands out to me because of its neat codebase structure and interesting networking code. A potential blocker is whether or not it has problems on a large enough scope to qualify as an EPF project submission. That's an area of research I'm yet to cover.

  • The REST wrapper over JSON-RPC was an interesting one. However it remains to be seen if that's a viable one because of my late resumption, as that seems to be sorted out according to this thread.

  • The lighthouse project which was intimidating at first because it covers areas I know next to nothing about, but seems to have a lot of interesting issues I can work towards solving.

  • The suggested projects by @RalexStokes also seem appealing because they seemingly have a lot of scope for improvements.

While the above were pretty vague, I hope to do more research to help narrow down which of the above is a suitable fit, or find another area of interest from which I can contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem.