# Data Hazards Chapter planning document ## Turing Way Links - [Book](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/) - [Style Guide](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/style/style-crossref.html) - [Chapter template](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/contributing/contributing-templates.html) - [Case study templates](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/tree/main/book/templates/case-study-template) - [Pre- Book Dash goals](https://pad.sfconservancy.org/p/ttw-bookdash-may2023-onboarding) (Irma, Ceilidh & Susana) - :star: [Our GitHub issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/3096) :star: ## Goals/To-do: - [x] Make an issue and link to this HackMD and any other documents we're writing in. - [x] Plan Data Hazards illustration - [x] flesh out an image - Coparison with the lifecycle of research, and what happens at each stage! - [x] Talk with someone from TTW or more familiar with book, to let us know where to add/how to relate to what is already in the TTW book - Talk with Malvika: suggested the following structure: - Guide for Ethical Research - Landing page for Data Hazard - Subchapter1 - Subchapter2 - Guide for communication - Data Labeling - This section links to questions prompted by DH, I think https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/ethical-research/self-reflection/sr-prompts.html - [ ] (Optional) add the Data Hazards PhD checklist to [this issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/3088) to suggest as part of the PhD student route through The Turing Way - [x] Add files to toc (table of contents) - [ ] Double-check formatting - [ ] Glossary - [ ] DER case study ## Suggested structure - [x] Data Hazards (landing page) [`data-hazards.md`](https://hackmd.io/@nataliethurlby/data-hazards-landing/edit) (Ceilidh) - [x] Pre-requisites - [x] Summary of chapter - [x] Motivations - [ ] Introduction to Data Hazards [`data-hazards-intro.md`](https://hackmd.io/@nataliethurlby/data-hazards-intro/edit) - [ ] What other options are there for ethical frameworks./USP - [ ] Link to "Data labelling" projects. - [ ] [Glossary](https://hackmd.io/hf5Oyhc4STiKURuWtYLQ8Q) (of Data Ethics Hazards/Harms/Risks, similar to [this page](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/ethical-research/ethics-intro.html)). - [ ] How to use the Data Hazards project [`how-to-use.md`] (Susana)(https://hackmd.io/@nataliethurlby/Bym8gZCrn/edit) - [ ] LARD - [x] Learning - [ ] Applying - [ ] Reflecting - [ ] Displaying - [ ] Contributing - [ ] Case studies - [ ] Case study of a "Project Owner" - people who attend the workshop. - [ ] Case study overview - [ ] Elements of being a Data Hazards workshop "project owner" - [ ] Preparation - [ ] Feedback - [ ] Safety Precautions - [ ] Challenges - [ ] Reflections - [ ] [Case study for the DER Symposium](https://hackmd.io/@LdFsvYwFRxKsUEYo35m4VA/Bkf05TdS2) (+ relating to how to make a symposium succesfully(?) accessible) - [ ] Case study overview - [ ] Elements of the DER symposium - [ ] Organising - [ ] Collaborating - [ ] Accessibility - [ ] Challenges - [ ] Reflections - [ ] GitHub Repo - [ ] [Chapter Checklist](https://hackmd.io/05hHFpwcRBiBmJ8H9v-RTw) ([like this](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/reproducible-research/rdm/rdm-checklist.html)) - [ ] Make a checklist if you want to use DH in your PhD. (Look at Data Hazards Workshop materials for inspiration). - [ ] Resources - [ ] Links to any relevant resources on the Data Hazards website - [ ] Links to other ethics tools? ### Suggested TOC (WIP) ``` - title: Data Hazards file: ethical-research/data-hazards sections: - title: Introduction to Data Hazards file: ethical-research/data-hazards/dh-intro - title: Case studies file: ethical-research/data-hazards/dh-case-studies sections: - title: Being a workshop Project Owner file: ethical-research/data-hazards/dh-case-studies/project-owner - title: Running a workshop: DER symposium file: ethical-research/data-hazards/dh-case-studies/der - title: Checklist file: ethical-research/data-hazards/dh-checklist - title: Resources file: ethical-research/data-hazards/dh-resources ``` ## Handover notes (November 2023) ### Day 1: Writing together/content creation 💪 - cut back - 12pm ceilidh off - scriberia how to scriberia image 2pm - add content: landing page (C), how to page (S), add to intro section (S+C tbd, see lines 38 and 39) - add do a post to ask for feedback on intro page - ### Day 2: Feedback/talk with others - Susana hosting and day lead - Ceilidh content - Susana and Ceilidh to chat with others on content - ### Day 3: DERR BASHING - 2 sessions of 2h - 9 to 12 ish writing, pomodoro it, take breaks - 12 to 2pm lunch - 2 pm to 3pm creative writing - 3pm to 4pm final changes - TO DO: SRG question on references used in text. - TO DO: SRG and CW add image and video to intro and image to how-to section - Would like to add in the future: - in the how-to-use section. link to Euan's case study. Applying labels through a collaborative and interdisciplinary discussion can give project owners perspectives they might not otherwise consider. - landing page scriberia image? - link environmental impact to PR/chapter when published: > [name=Alejandro ©] very interested to mention or crossreference this in the WIP chapter on The Environmental Impact of Digital Research, https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/3117 - scriberia image for applying labels in the research life cycle. - hackmd volunteer form to DERR case study - hearing disability in accessiblity - add forms to github repo. DONE DONE DONE - LICENSE TO DER SYMP - DER VS DERR ### Day 4: Feedback Day - any final content to be added - feedback on updated content - check with formatting of our work with the experts ✨ - how to submit pull request ### Day 5: Wrap-Up Day 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜 - share out - submit pull request 🥳 ## Handover notes (May 2023) ### Day 1: - Made a planned structure based on the [Turing Way Chapter Template](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/contributing/contributing-templates.html) - Made an [issue](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/3096) to track our Chapter progress. ## Day 2: - Wrote the [landing page](https://hackmd.io/Dm7BZU0STUey_b8Xb_7BaA) & got some feedback on it. - Drafted a [Data Hazards glossary](https://hackmd.io/hf5Oyhc4STiKURuWtYLQ8Q). - Began working on the [DER case study](https://hackmd.io/@LdFsvYwFRxKsUEYo35m4VA/Bkf05TdS2). ## References @article{zelenka2023data, title={Data Hazards v1. 0: an open-source vocabulary of ethical hazards for data-intensive projects}, author={Zelenka, Natalie and Di Cara, Nina and Bennet, Euan and Hanschke, Vanessa Aisyahsari and Kuwertz, Emma and Garcia, Ismael Kherroubi and Garcia, Susana Roman}, year={2023}, publisher={OSF Preprints} } @article{ovadya2019reducing, title={Reducing malicious use of synthetic media research: Considerations and potential release practices for machine learning}, author={Ovadya, Aviv and Whittlestone, Jess}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.11274}, year={2019} } @incollection{cd:risk, author = {Cambridge-Dictionary}, title = {risk}, booktitle = {dictionary.cambridge.org) dictionary}, year = {n.d.}, url = {https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/risk}, note = {Retrieved 23 May. 2023}, } @incollection{cd:harm, author = {Cambridge-Dictionary}, title = {harm}, booktitle = {dictionary.cambridge.org) dictionary}, year = {n.d.}, url = {https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/harm}, note = {Retrieved 23 May. 2023}, }