# Volunteers for the DER symposium ## 🎉 Welcome :::success Hello! :smile: Thank you for helping us with volunteering at the DER symposium on the 10th of March. We are really grateful for your support. ::: List of online attendees: please keep an eye to make sure that the zoom link has not been overshared and we do not have too many attendees who didn't sign-up via eventbrite :::success Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13buQgzAbTTSWVtONXC3cnjegWapJ0CBkL7TBkqNNRqU/edit?userstoinvite=cw779@cam.ac.uk# ::: ## :book: Volunteer Timeslots :::success Here is the availability you passed on earlier this month - please let us know if this has changed! ::: |Name |Online or In-Person| Availability| |-----|--------|------| |Patricia Herterich|Online | Entire Day |Siddharth Jaiswal |Online | Morning |Eirini Zormpa |Online | Morning |Roxana Pop |In-Person| Entire Day |Maryam, Akram |In-Person| Afternoon |Natalie Zelenka |In-Person| Entire Day |Nina Di Cara |Both | Entire Day |Vanessa Hanschke |Both | Entire Day Morning session timeslot: 9:30-13:00 Afternoon session timeslot: 13:30-17:00 ## :pencil: DER Meeting Zoom Link :::success Data Hazards, Ethics and Reproducibility Symposium https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89670289137?pwd=U2FkQjY0cW9ZakZDQm5RYjV1bnZqZz09 Meeting ID: 896 7028 9137 Passcode: 313561 ::: ## :small_orange_diamond: Online Tasks <span style="color:blue">Ceilidh </span>, <span style="color:blue">Susana </span>, <span style="color:gold">Siddharth </span>, <span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span>, <span style="color:MediumSeaGreen ">Nina </span>, <span style="color:purple"> Natalie </span>, <span style="color:Magenta"> Eirini </span> : all helping debug issues during the day #### 9:30-10:00: Online Set-Up - <span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> - [ ] set up zoom link connection in enigma room - [ ] add all volunteers as co-hosts - [ ] 10:00 - welcome people into the zoom call from the waiting room (cameras off, mics muted) #### 10:00-10:15: During the introduction Sort Break out Rooms - <span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> - Once everyone is in the call please put people into break-out rooms with 5-6 people per room. Please could you allow the co-hosts/hosts to roam the breakout rooms. - These break out rooms will then be used for the rest of the day at any other oppurtunties i.e. networking session online 14:00-14:30 #### 10:15-11:05: First Session - <span style="color:gold">Siddharth</span> and <span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> (<span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> can you you make Anne and Paz co-hosts so that each of them can record their talk (with transcription enabled) as reminded by chair) - [ ] Siddharth keeping an eye on questions in the chat and raised hands - [ ] Keep and eye on technical issues of participants and message Ceilidh or Susana directly with any queries - [ ] at the end of the speaker the chair of the talk (Susana) will ask for one question/raised hand from online chosen by Siddharth #### 11:15-13:00: Online Data Hazards workshop - <span style="color:MediumSeaGreen ">Nina </span>, <span style="color:purple"> Natalie </span> and <span style="color:Magenta"> Eirini </span> - [ ] Nina and Natalie responding to any data hazards specific questions - [ ] Nina, Vanessa and Eirini moving between breakout rooms to facilitate discussions - [ ] If you are in a breakout room feel free to take part in the discussions too if the group in the room is chatting well! (No recording here!) #### 14:00-14:30: Facilitate Networking session - <span style="color:MediumSeaGreen ">Nina </span>, <span style="color:purple"> Natalie </span> and <span style="color:Magenta"> Eirini </span> - [ ] Ask particpants to rejoin their breakout room by clicking the breakout room button at the bottom of the screen, make sure no one is lost, left behind - [ ] Slide for networking prompts (found in agenda) to also be shared in the zoom chat for all participants to reference #### 14:30-15:00: Second Session - <span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> (<span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> can you you make Ezra and Natalie co-hosts so that each of them can record their talk (with transcription enabled) as reminded by chair) - [ ] Patricia keeping an eye on questions in the chat and raised hands - [ ] Keep an eye on technical issues of participants and message Ceilidh or Susana directly with any queries - [ ] at the end of the speaker the chair of the talk (Maryam) will ask for one question/raised hand from online chosen by Patricia #### 15:15-16:00: Second Session - <span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> and <span style="color:MediumSeaGreen ">Nina </span> (<span style="color:FireBrick ">Patricia </span> can you you make Clau, Melanie and Alden co-hosts so that each of them can record their talk (with transcription enabled) as reminded by chair) - [ ] Nina keeping an eye on questions in the chat and raised hands - [ ] Keep an eye on technical issues of participants and message Ceilidh or Susana directly with any queries - [ ] at the end of the speaker the chair of the talk (Roxana) will ask for one question/raised hand from online chosen by Nina ``` Additional Information: Presenter instructions (already sent to presenters via email) - Make sure you are in the zoom link meeting prior to your presentation, so that we can offer you co-host rights to share and record. - One of the helpers will make you co-host. - Share screen. - Hit the record button to record your talk. ``` ## :small_orange_diamond: In person tasks <span style="color:blue">Ceilidh </span>, <span style="color:blue">Susana </span>, <span style="color:red">Roxana </span>, <span style="color:orange">Maryam </span>, <span style="color:green">Vanessa </span>, <span style="color:purple"> Natalie </span> : all helping debug issues during the day #### 9:15-9:45: Room Set-Up - [ ] set up zoom link connection in enigma room - [ ] check microphones and speakers are working - [ ] test presenter view for data-hazards workshop #### 9:45-10:00: Welcoming, registrations - <span style="color:blue">Ceilidh </span> - [ ] Welcome people at the door, keep register direct them to Enigma - [ ] Give sticker badge, people write name and pronouns #### 10:00-10:15: Introduction - <span style="color:blue">Ceilidh and Susana </span> #### 10:15-11:05: First Session - Chair: <span style="color:blue">Susana</span> - [ ] Introduce speaker name and title of presentation (see agenda) - [ ] Make sure microphones are working, both for presenter and when questions come in. - [ ] one question in-person and one question online per presenter/talk #### 11:05-13:00: Data Hazards - <span style="color:blue">Susana</span> and <span style="color:green">Vanessa </span> - [ ] Presentation, discussion session in separate groups in the room, and the combined online/in-person feedback to the room #### 12:30-14:30 Catering <span style="color:blue">Susana</span>, <span style="color:red">Roxana</span> and <span style="color:orange">Maryam </span> - [ ] Ceilidh, Roxana, Maryam need to get food set up around 12.30pm. Catering company will call Ceilidh, and we will go to parking entrance with the help of facilities. - [ ] 14.15-14.45 remove food (<span style="color:red">Roxana</span>, <span style="color:blue">Susana/Ceilidh/Reception</span>) #### 14:30-:15:00: Second Session - Chair: <span style="color:orange">Maryam</span> - [ ] Introduce speaker name and title of presentation (see agenda) - [ ] Make sure microphones are working, both for presenter and when questions come in - [ ] one question in-person and one question online per presenter/talk #### 15:15-:16:00: Third Session - Chair: <span style="color:red">Roxana</span> - [ ] Introduce speaker name and title of presentation (see agenda) - [ ] Make sure microphones are working, both for presenter and when questions come in - [ ] one question in-person and one question online per presenter/talk #### 16:00-16:30: General Discussion and Closing Remarks - <span style="color:blue">Ceilidh and Susana</span> - [ ] Take raised hand questions and in-person questions and general feedback for discussion