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# PILLAR 1: Community Pillar Status Meetings
## When and How to Join:
- January 23 - Feb 6, 2023 (**weekly**, on Monday at 4:30PM)
[Microsoft Teams - click to join](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZjhjMWE0ZmQtMDQwMy00ZTliLTk1MWQtZWFiNThlZThiMjQ4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222ab5d82f-d8fa-4797-a93e-054655c61dec%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2265bb417d-8d6c-42c2-993f-54bfb1df0b66%22%7d)
Meeting ID: 245 114 034 644
Passcode: zwSmPF
Or call in (audio only)
+1 443-339-4347,,497397922#
- February 7 - June, 2023 (**bi-weekly**, on Monday at 4:30PM)
[Microsoft Teams - click to join](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NGUzNDQ4YmEtNjY5Ni00MzNmLTg1MTUtYTAxNzdmY2NmYzQ4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222ab5d82f-d8fa-4797-a93e-054655c61dec%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2265bb417d-8d6c-42c2-993f-54bfb1df0b66%22%7d)
Meeting ID: 272 066 068 49
Passcode: SqsVYv
Or call in (audio only)
+1 443-339-4347,,629739023#
## Table of Content
1. [Meeting purpose](#Meeting-Purpose)
2. [Meeting #1 01/25/2023](#Meeting-1-01252023)
3. [Meeting #2 02/06/2023](#Meeting-2-02062023)
## Meeting Purpose:
Review all action items of the Community Pillar, with a central fcous on the items with a deadline: **Jan 31 or Feb 1st, 2023**
### Pillar Description and Indicators
1. Community Pillar (Michaela) – Define Plan - Process, Metrics, Current State (baseline) and Desired State by 1/31/23 inclusive of:
a. Increase instances of active participation by external contributors in official feedback media rate by average of 20% by 12/31/23. (Michaela owns clarifying).
b. Look at the diversity of audience (FedRAMP vs non-FedRAMP) to achieve 5% each quarter.
### Pillar Action Items
i. Develop guidelines by 1/31/23 and commit to timeframe to recruit and formalize an Advisory Board with the goal of defining a funding and prioritization model with clear deliverables. (MKI’s and feasibility analysis). (Michaela).
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/NgkVdxYhQYOSGzDXUg0W1w?edit)
ii. Research, define, develop a customer tracking system (CRM) for participation rates, adoption rates and as clues for customer relationship management by 1/31/23. Maintain system ongoing. (Chris, AJ)
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/2XHpYtKJTkCMUDULHdf5cg)
iii. Inventory all community meetings (purpose, distribution of agendas, charter, cadence, follow up communication and priority topics) to define where/how dedicated space can be created for community sharing and education by 11/30/22. Publicize the meetings aggregated location on all GitHub repositories related to OSCAL, to make sure that interested community members have easy way to get to the meetings regradless of the way they found OSCAL references. (Sanjay) DONE, RECALLED by AJ
iv. Improve onboarding of community by hosting monthly and/or quarterly new-to-OSCAL meetings beginning 1/15/23 to educate on our processes (inclusive of posting meeting minutes/insights and tracking community use). (Michaela, Nikita, Wendell) ADevelopm curriculum of the most basic FAQs. Icluding typical mistakes and misconceptions we've seen and heard.)
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ)
v. Launch monthly emails to the community advocating for resources + the value beginning 2/1/23. (Michaela, AJ)
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposed email](https://hackmd.io/4pYtwxqlSfODl-a7QdUbTw?both) and [template](https://hackmd.io/-C5J6ckuS7yWVSbrVt2goQ)
vi. Standardize and maintain (GitHub-based or alternative) feedback mechanism by 2/28/23. (AJ)
vii. Define Engagement related metrics based on participation rates by 1/31/23. (Chris, AJ, Wendell)
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/pKfD8CBoQUC9o_Ej7cV7Hg)
viii. Define and communicate tech transfer (what and to whom) for the community by 5/31/23. (When organizations are using OSCAL, an external entity is doing the heavy lifting, we are serving more in an advisory capacity. Start using this language in workshops and community messaging starting April and ongoing). (Defining strategy: team, maintaining document: Arminta, Nikita, Wendell, communicating: Michaela, Dave W)
ix. Develop and implement an OSCAL Communication, Education & Participation Plan by 1/31/23 designed to grow program (simple and accessible) and targeted to multiple interested parties (developers, users, etc.) w/ defined hand-offs. (Michaela)
a. Define what stakeholders should be educated on by 1/31/23, execute and measure success – on-going.
#### [Notes](https://hackmd.io/x_CvprCwR36ES9N9FD3oXg)
b. Develop simplified OSCAL tutorials (based on community input), workshops, blogs, support group, etc. by 3/31/23, inclusive of needs, costs, and identification. (Michaela, AJ, Arminta)
### Other Material:
- [OSCAL SP (for Obsidian) ](https://nistgov-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/miorga_nist_gov/Documents/_OSCAL%20ELP%20Strategic%20Plan/OSCAL%20SP?csf=1&web=1&e=Dyd5Wa)
- [OSCAL SP.xlsx (project plan style)](https://nistgov-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/miorga_nist_gov/Documents/_OSCAL%20ELP%20Strategic%20Plan/OSCAL%20Strategic%20Plan.xlsx?d=w4221560c40cb43a68d25f8a4d48b85ec&csf=1&web=1&e=beqVJt)
## Meeting #1: 01/23/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
### Specific topics to be discussed
- Please provide any high-priority topics here (we will start the discussion with those topics):
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: Chris)
iii. Inventory all community meetings (purpose, distribution of agendas, charter, cadence, follow up communication and priority topics) to define where/how dedicated space can be created for community sharing and education by 11/30/22. (Sanjay) DONE, RECALLED by AJ
- When dates (events) change that impact public, we need to make sure that this is communicated in timely manner.
#### Deadline: 11/30/23
#### STATUS: DONE with clarifications
iv. Improve onboarding of community by hosting monthly and/or quarterly new-to-OSCAL meetings beginning 1/15/23 to educate on our processes (inclusive of posting meeting minutes/insights and tracking community use). (Michaela, Nikita, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 1/15/23
#### STATUS: New draft ready for review
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ)
#### ACTION: Nikita, Wendell and Michaela to meet on Jan 26 @ 12:30 to address comments
- Link to meetings from all GitHub repositories so people visiting a repository learns of the meetings as well.
- Need to make sure we ask community what "newcomer" educational material we need.
- This action item should focus strictly on new-to-OSCAL meetings, no video, other training material or demos/tools.
- Meetins will cover not only OSCAL but also NIST's process of producing OSCAL (e.g. metaschema)
- Expecting to start meetings in February.
#### ACTION: Michaela - Needs to set start date for new-to-OSCAL meetings. UPDATE: Please see the updated document.
i. Develop guidelines by 1/31/23 and commit to timeframe to recruit and formalize an Advisory Board with the goal of defining a funding and prioritization model with clear deliverables. (MKI’s and feasibility analysis). (Michaela).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review and provide comments [proposal](https://hackmd.io/NgkVdxYhQYOSGzDXUg0W1w?view)
#### ACTION: Requested to provide feedback by COB Jan 27.
ii. Research, define, develop a customer tracking system (CRM) for participation rates, adoption rates and as clues for customer relationship management by 1/31/23. Maintain system ongoing. (Chris, AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/2XHpYtKJTkCMUDULHdf5cg?view)
#### ACTION: Please provide feedback by Jan 27.
vii. Define Engagement related metrics based on participation rates by 1/31/23. (Chris, AJ, Wendell).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/pKfD8CBoQUC9o_Ej7cV7Hg)
ix. Develop and implement an OSCAL Communication, Education & Participation Plan by 1/31/23 designed to grow program (simple and accessible) and targeted to multiple interested parties (developers, users, etc.) w/ defined hand-offs. (Michaela)
a. Define what stakeholders should be educated on by 1/31/23, execute and measure success – on-going.
#### ACTION: Current info is this still here [proposal](https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ?view). New (separate) file from 1.iv is being created
#### ACTION: Michaela to separate the 1.iii (new to OSCAL training) from this action item. New document will be provided instead of https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ?view.
v. Launch monthly emails to the community advocating for resources + the value beginning 2/1/23. (Michaela, AJ)
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposed email](https://hackmd.io/4pYtwxqlSfODl-a7QdUbTw?view) and [template](https://hackmd.io/-C5J6ckuS7yWVSbrVt2goQ)
vi. Standardize and maintain (GitHub-based or alternative) feedback mechanism by 2/28/23. (Dave W)
b. Develop simplified OSCAL tutorials (based on community input), workshops, blogs, support group, etc. by 3/31/23, inclusive of needs, costs, and identification. (Michaela, AJ, Arminta)
viii. Define and communicate tech transfer (what and to whom) for the community by 5/31/23. (When organizations are using OSCAL, an external entity is doing the heavy lifting, we are serving more in an advisory capacity. Start using this language in workshops and community messaging starting April and ongoing). (Defining strategy: team, maintaining document: Arminta, Nikita, Wendell, communicating: Michaela, Dave W)
## Meeting #2: 1/30/2023 - cancelled
## Meeting #3: 02/06/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants:**: AJ, Chris, Wendell, Nikita, Dmitry, Michaela.
### Specific topics to be discussed
- Please provide any high-priority topic here (we will start the discussion with those topics):
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: Michaela) The harder job is editor and publisher of the notes taken - talking from the experience.
#### The following action items are active (listed in the order of the deadlines)
iv. Improve onboarding of community by hosting monthly and/or quarterly new-to-OSCAL meetings beginning 1/15/23 to educate on our processes (inclusive of posting meeting minutes/insights and tracking community use). (Michaela, Nikita, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 1/15/23
#### STATUS: New draft ready for review
#### DONE: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ)
#### DONE: Nikita, Wendell and Michaela to meet on Jan 26 @ 12:30 to address comments
#### DONE: Michaela - Needs to set start date for new-to-OSCAL meetings. UPDATE: Please see the updated document.- DONE
[ ]- Link to meetings from all GitHub repositories so people visiting a repository learn of the meetings as well.
[ ]- Need to make sure we ask community what "newcomer" educational material we need.
[x]- This action item should focus strictly on new-to-OSCAL meetings, no video, other training material or demos/tools.
[x]- Meetings will cover not only OSCAL but also NIST's process of producing OSCAL (e.g. metaschema)
[x] - Expecting to start meetings in February.
- Nikita's update:
- Last week Michaela, Wendell, and I met regarding the "New to OSCAL Meetings" item
- We discussed a syllabus for the new-to-oscal meetings and a plan for a rotating set of 3 intro calls
- The intro calls would all discuss "what is oscal" but from 3 perspectives
[ ] - Promote the Feb 21st
[ ] - Create a page: New to OSCAL - or find a way to link it to Learn page.
i. Develop guidelines by 1/31/23 and commit to timeframe to recruit and formalize an Advisory Board with the goal of defining a funding and prioritization model with clear deliverables. (MKI’s and feasibility analysis). (Michaela).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: Draft ready
#### DONE: Please review and provide comments [proposal](https://hackmd.io/NgkVdxYhQYOSGzDXUg0W1w?view)
#### DONE: Requested to provide feedback by COB Jan 27.
- Michaela: Received one set of comments that have been addressed.
- Does the team needs more time to review before sharing the docuemtn with the community for feedback?
[ ] Check with the team if all feedback was provided
[ ] Address new feedback
[ ] Share with the community the IDP
[ ] Office hour for discussion
[ ] Address comments and finalize
[ ] Organize first elections one month after final
ii. Research, define, develop a customer tracking system (CRM) for participation rates, adoption rates and as clues for customer relationship management by 1/31/23. Maintain system ongoing. (Chris, AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/2XHpYtKJTkCMUDULHdf5cg?view)
#### DONE: Please provide feedback by Jan 27.
- AJ will work on a spreadsheet
vii. Define Engagement related metrics based on participation rates by 1/31/23. (Chris, AJ, Wendell).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/pKfD8CBoQUC9o_Ej7cV7Hg)
- Michaela wants to provide [feedback](https://hackmd.io/hsGd21bDTtSEmvLXiWsAkQ)
ix. Develop and implement an OSCAL Communication, Education & Participation Plan by 1/31/23 designed to grow program (simple and accessible) and targeted to multiple interested parties (developers, users, etc.) w/ defined hand-offs. (Michaela)
a. Define what stakeholders should be educated on by 1/31/23, execute and measure success – on-going.
#### Deadline: ~~1/31/23~~ 2/28/23 + on-going
#### ACTION: Please review [notes](https://hackmd.io/x_CvprCwR36ES9N9FD3oXg).
#### DONE: Michaela to separate the 1.iii (new to OSCAL training) from this action item.
v. Launch monthly emails to the community advocating for resources + the value beginning 2/1/23. (Michaela, AJ)
#### DONE: Please review the [proposed email](https://hackmd.io/4pYtwxqlSfODl-a7QdUbTw?view) and [template](https://hackmd.io/-C5J6ckuS7yWVSbrVt2goQ)
#### The RFC first email will go out after teh OSCAL-DEFINE February meeting (~ March 1st, 2023)
[ ] Sent RFC monthly emails starting March 1st
vi. Standardize and maintain (GitHub-based or alternative) feedback mechanism by 2/28/23. (AJ, Michaela)
- Michaela
- Another action item owner is needed. Is AJ taking over this item or is any other team member interested?
- AJ will schedule a meeting in a week or so.
b. Develop simplified OSCAL tutorials (based on community input), workshops, blogs, support group, etc. by 3/31/23, inclusive of needs, costs, and identification. (Michaela, AJ, Arminta)
- There is a [WIP] PR Profile tutorial.
viii. Define and communicate tech transfer (what and to whom) for the community by 5/31/23. (When organizations are using OSCAL, an external entity is doing the heavy lifting, we are serving more in an advisory capacity. Start using this language in workshops and community messaging starting April and ongoing). (Defining strategy: team, maintaining document: Arminta, Nikita, Wendell, communicating: Michaela, Dave W)
Authorizing Official
Control Assessor (security or privacy)
System Security Officer (SSO)
Privacy Liaison (PL)
Chief Privacy Officer
Chief Information Security Officer
OU, or Division Level Information Technology Security Officer
Information System Owner
Deputy or Chief Information Officer
Chief Information Security Officer
Deputy or Chief Information Officer
Team Lead
Division Chief
Incident Responder
## Meeting #4: 02/13/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants:**: AJ, Chris, Nikita, Dmitry, Michaela, Wendell.
### Specific topics to be discussed
- Please provide any high-priority topic here (we will start the discussion with those topics):
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: Michaela) The harder job is editor and publisher of the notes taken - talking from the experience.
#### The following action items are active (listed in the order of the deadlines)
iv. Improve onboarding of community by hosting monthly and/or quarterly new-to-OSCAL meetings beginning 1/15/23 to educate on our processes (inclusive of posting meeting minutes/insights and tracking community use). (Michaela, Nikita, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 1/15/23
#### STATUS: New draft ready for review
#### DONE: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ)
#### DONE: Nikita, Wendell and Michaela to meet on Jan 26 @ 12:30 to address comments
#### DONE: Michaela - Needs to set start date for new-to-OSCAL meetings. UPDATE: Please see the updated document.- DONE
[ ]- Link to meetings from all GitHub repositories so people visiting a repository learn of the meetings as well.
[ ]- Need to make sure we ask community what "newcomer" educational material we need.
[x]- This action item should focus strictly on new-to-OSCAL meetings, no video, other training material or demos/tools.
[x]- Meetings will cover not only OSCAL but also NIST's process of producing OSCAL (e.g. metaschema)
[x] - Expecting to start meetings in February.
- Meetings scheduled for the third Tu of each month.
[x] - Promote the Feb 21st
- More promotion is needed
[x] - Create a page: New to OSCAL - or find a way to link it to Learn page.
- Michaela is working on it for the OSCAL pages. Created for CSRC
### CAC activities
i. Develop guidelines by 1/31/23 and commit to timeframe to recruit and formalize an Advisory Board with the goal of defining a funding and prioritization model with clear deliverables. (MKI’s and feasibility analysis). (Michaela).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: Draft ready
#### DONE: Please review and provide comments [proposal](https://hackmd.io/NgkVdxYhQYOSGzDXUg0W1w?view)
#### DONE: Requested to provide feedback by COB Jan 27.
- Michaela: Received one set of comments that have been addressed.
- Does the team needs more time to review before sharing the docuemnt with the community for feedback?
[ ] Check with the team if all feedback was provided
- Michaela will schedule an OH for this action item
[ ] Address new feedback
[ ] Share with the community the IDP
[ ] Office hour for discussion
[ ] Address comments and finalize
[ ] Organize first elections one month after final
### CRM
ii. Research, define, develop a customer tracking system (CRM) for participation rates, adoption rates and as clues for customer relationship management by 1/31/23. Maintain system ongoing. (Chris, AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/2XHpYtKJTkCMUDULHdf5cg?view)
#### DONE: Please provide feedback by Jan 27.
- AJ is wrapping up the spreadsheet, based upon Michaela's feedback. (No feedback from others)
- AJ intends to wrap up this work this spreadsheet by tomorrow morning.
- AJ's action item: prep a meeting to walk through the spreadsheet and get everyone using it and marking this complete.
### Engagement Metrics
vii. Define Engagement related metrics based on participation rates by 1/31/23. (Chris, AJ, Wendell).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/pKfD8CBoQUC9o_Ej7cV7Hg)
- Michaela wants to provide [feedback](https://hackmd.io/hsGd21bDTtSEmvLXiWsAkQ)
### Comms and Feedback Plan
ix. Develop and implement an OSCAL Communication, Education & Participation Plan by 1/31/23 designed to grow program (simple and accessible) and targeted to multiple interested parties (developers, users, etc.) w/ defined hand-offs. (Michaela)
a. Define what stakeholders should be educated on by 1/31/23, execute and measure success – on-going.
#### Deadline: ~~1/31/23~~ 2/28/23 + on-going
#### ACTION: Please review [notes](https://hackmd.io/x_CvprCwR36ES9N9FD3oXg).
#### DONE: Michaela to separate the 1.iii (new to OSCAL training) from this action item.
- Michaela needs to focus on thsi item and provide a more detailed plan.
v. Launch monthly emails to the community advocating for resources + the value beginning 2/1/23. (Michaela, AJ)
#### DONE: Please review the [proposed email](https://hackmd.io/4pYtwxqlSfODl-a7QdUbTw?view) and [template](https://hackmd.io/-C5J6ckuS7yWVSbrVt2goQ)
#### The RFC first email will go out after teh OSCAL-DEFINE February meeting (~ March 1st, 2023)
[ ] Sent RFC monthly emails starting March 1st
vi. Standardize and maintain (GitHub-based or alternative) feedback mechanism by 2/28/23. (AJ, Michaela)
- Michaela
- Another action item owner is needed. Is AJ taking over this item or is any other team member interested?
- AJ will schedule a meeting in a week or so.
### Tutorials
b. Develop simplified OSCAL tutorials (based on community input), workshops, blogs, support group, etc. by 3/31/23, inclusive of needs, costs, and identification. (Michaela, AJ, Arminta)
- There is a [WIP] PR Profile tutorial.
### Tech Transfer Plan
viii. Define and communicate tech transfer (what and to whom) for the community by 5/31/23. (When organizations are using OSCAL, an external entity is doing the heavy lifting, we are serving more in an advisory capacity. Start using this language in workshops and community messaging starting April and ongoing). (Defining strategy: team, maintaining document: Arminta, Nikita, Wendell, communicating: Michaela, Dave W)
## Meeting #5: 02/27/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants:**: Chris, Dmitry, Michaela, Wendell, Arminta
### Specific topics to be discussed
- Please provide any high-priority topic here (we will start the discussion with those topics):
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: Michaela) The harder job is editor and publisher of the notes taken - talking from the experience.
#### The following action items are active (listed in the order of the deadlines)
iv. Improve onboarding of community by hosting monthly and/or quarterly new-to-OSCAL meetings beginning 1/15/23 to educate on our processes (inclusive of posting meeting minutes/insights and tracking community use). (Michaela, Nikita, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 1/15/23
#### STATUS: New draft ready for review
#### DONE: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ)
#### DONE: Nikita, Wendell and Michaela to meet on Jan 26 @ 12:30 to address comments
#### DONE: Michaela - Needs to set start date for new-to-OSCAL meetings. UPDATE: Please see the updated document.- DONE
[ ]- Link to meetings from all GitHub repositories so people visiting a repository learn of the meetings as well.
[ ]- Need to make sure we ask community what "newcomer" educational material we need.
[x]- This action item should focus strictly on new-to-OSCAL meetings, no video, other training material or demos/tools.
[x]- Meetings will cover not only OSCAL but also NIST's process of producing OSCAL (e.g. metaschema)
[x] - Expecting to start meetings in February.
- Meetings scheduled for the third Tu of each month.
[x] - Promote the Feb 21st
- More promotion is needed
[x] - Create a page: New to OSCAL - or find a way to link it to Learn page.
- Michaela is working on it for the OSCAL pages. Created for CSRC
### CAC activities
i. Develop guidelines by 1/31/23 and commit to timeframe to recruit and formalize an Advisory Board with the goal of defining a funding and prioritization model with clear deliverables. (MKI’s and feasibility analysis). (Michaela).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: Draft ready
#### DONE: Please review and provide comments [proposal](https://hackmd.io/NgkVdxYhQYOSGzDXUg0W1w?view)
#### DONE: Requested to provide feedback by COB Jan 27.
- Michaela: Received one set of comments that have been addressed.
- Does the team needs more time to review before sharing the docuemnt with the community for feedback?
[ ] Check with the team if all feedback was provided
- Michaela will schedule an OH for this action item
[ ] Address new feedback
[ ] Share with the community the IDP
[ ] Office hour for discussion
[ ] Address comments and finalize
[ ] Organize first elections one month after final
### CRM
ii. Research, define, develop a customer tracking system (CRM) for participation rates, adoption rates and as clues for customer relationship management by 1/31/23. Maintain system ongoing. (Chris, AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/2XHpYtKJTkCMUDULHdf5cg?view)
#### DONE: Please provide feedback by Jan 27.
- AJ is wrapping up the spreadsheet, based upon Michaela's feedback. (No feedback from others)
- AJ intends to wrap up this work this spreadsheet by tomorrow morning.
- AJ's action item: prep a meeting to walk through the spreadsheet and get everyone using it and marking this complete.
- No new updates.
### Engagement Metrics
vii. Define Engagement related metrics based on participation rates by 1/31/23. (Chris, AJ, Wendell).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://hackmd.io/pKfD8CBoQUC9o_Ej7cV7Hg)
- Michaela provided feedback (https://hackmd.io/hsGd21bDTtSEmvLXiWsAkQ)
### Comms and Feedback Plan
ix. Develop and implement an OSCAL Communication, Education & Participation Plan by 1/31/23 designed to grow program (simple and accessible) and targeted to multiple interested parties (developers, users, etc.) w/ defined hand-offs. (Michaela)
a. Define what stakeholders should be educated on by 1/31/23, execute and measure success – on-going.
#### Deadline: ~~1/31/23~~ 2/28/23 + on-going
#### ACTION: Please review [notes](https://hackmd.io/x_CvprCwR36ES9N9FD3oXg).
#### DONE: Michaela to separate the 1.iii (new to OSCAL training) from this action item.
- Michaela needs to focus on thsi item and provide a more detailed plan.
v. Launch monthly emails to the community advocating for resources + the value beginning 2/1/23. (Michaela, AJ)
#### DONE: Please review the [proposed email](https://hackmd.io/4pYtwxqlSfODl-a7QdUbTw?view) and [template](https://hackmd.io/-C5J6ckuS7yWVSbrVt2goQ)
#### The RFC first email will go out after teh OSCAL-DEFINE February meeting (~ March 1st, 2023)
[ ] Sent RFC monthly emails starting March 1st
- Discussed last week on Friday and we have a follow up meeting this week to send the RFC email by 3.3.2023
vi. Standardize and maintain (GitHub-based or alternative) feedback mechanism by 2/28/23. (AJ, Michaela)
- Michaela
- Another action item owner is needed. Is AJ taking over this item or is any other team member interested?
- AJ will schedule a meeting in a week or so.
### Tutorials
b. Develop simplified OSCAL tutorials (based on community input), workshops, blogs, support group, etc. by 3/31/23, inclusive of needs, costs, and identification. (Michaela, AJ, Arminta)
- There is a [WIP] PR Profile tutorial.
[ ] The profile tutorial will be included in the RFC.
### Tech Transfer Plan
viii. Define and communicate tech transfer (what and to whom) for the community by 5/31/23. (When organizations are using OSCAL, an external entity is doing the heavy lifting, we are serving more in an advisory capacity. Start using this language in workshops and community messaging starting April and ongoing). (Defining strategy: team, maintaining document: Arminta, Nikita, Wendell, communicating: Michaela, Dave W)
## Meeting #6: 03/13/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants:**: Nikita, Chris, Wendell, Dmitry, Arminta (Michaela updated issues offline)
### Specific topics to be discussed
- Please provide any high-priority topic here (we will start the discussion with those topics):
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: Nikita) The harder job is editor and publisher of the notes taken - talking from the experience.
#### The following action items are active (listed in the order of the deadlines)
iv. Improve onboarding of community by hosting monthly and/or quarterly new-to-OSCAL meetings beginning 1/15/23 to educate on our processes (inclusive of posting meeting minutes/insights and tracking community use). (Michaela, Nikita, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 1/15/23
#### DONE: [Docuement](https://hackmd.io/QxU6N2yVQgCmJ7bCV00PsQ)
- [ ] Link to meetings from all GitHub repositories so people visiting a repository learn of the meetings as well.
- [x] pages were created for all meeeting. Linking the GH repos to those pages is pending, but it might not make sense since the main page is already linked. Re-organizing the main website is a better approach.
- [x] Need to make sure we ask community what "newcomer" educational material we need.
- [x] This action item should focus strictly on new-to-OSCAL meetings, no video, other training material or demos/tools.
- [x] Meetings will cover not only OSCAL but also NIST's process of producing OSCAL (e.g. metaschema)
- [x] Expecting to start meetings in February.
- Meetings scheduled for the third Tu of each month.
- [x] Promote the Feb 21st
- More promotion is needed
- [x] Create a page: New to OSCAL - or find a way to link it to Learn page.
- Michaela is working on it for the OSCAL pages. Created for CSRC
### C3 activities
i. Develop guidelines by 1/31/23 and commit to timeframe to recruit and formalize an Advisory Board with the goal of defining a funding and prioritization model with clear deliverables. (MKI’s and feasibility analysis). (Michaela).
#### Deadline: extended
#### STATUS: WIP, Draft discussed
#### DONE: [Draft Document](https://hackmd.io/NgkVdxYhQYOSGzDXUg0W1w?view)
[x] Check with the team if all feedback was provided
[wip] Address new feedback
- Draft needs update to reflect the discussed expectation and circulate it with the community. We are experimenting with the OSCAL DEFINE (research) to better understand where we need help from the community through the CAC
- [ ] Share with the community the IDP
- [x] Office hour for discussion
- [ ] Address community's comments and finalize
- [ ] Organize first elections one month after final
- Chris had feedback that he shared with Michaela
- Wendell also had feedback that was passed along
### CRM
ii. Research, define, develop a customer tracking system for participation rates, adoption rates and as clues for customer relationship management (CRM) by 1/31/23. Maintain system ongoing. (Chris, AJ)
#### Deadline: extended
#### STATUS: In progress
#### DONE: [Draft Document](https://hackmd.io/2XHpYtKJTkCMUDULHdf5cg?view)
- Michaela provided comments again. More clarifications are necessary - see comments.
- Where will the communication with the speakers for the events fits in? I am assuming not in the CRM as defined today.
- No updates here. Chris is not sure if a spreadsheet has been created for this yet.
### Engagement Metrics
vii. Define Engagement related metrics based on participation rates by 1/31/23. (Chris, AJ, Wendell).
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: Final discussion needed
#### DONE: Please [Draft Document](https://hackmd.io/pKfD8CBoQUC9o_Ej7cV7Hg)
- Michaela added new comments/concerns/questions.
- How is the data collected in the CRM (item ii) integrated also here?
- The dialog on Gitter/Element is also reflecting members' participation. Is there any way of tracking it? The communication can be downloaded. Maybe extracting, at minimum, (with a script) the number of interactions would also track the community's interest. THESE GITTER INTERACTIONS ARE IDENTICAL TO THE DIRECT ONES TRACKED IN THE CRM, EXEPT THAT THEY ARE PUBLIC. Why are those ignored, but we go to alot of extra work on documenting the other ones
- Lets move forward on a minimal subset and then make changes as problems arise.
- It is better to begin collecting the data now.
### Communications and Feedback Plan
ix. Develop and implement an OSCAL Communication, Education & Participation Plan by 1/31/23 designed to grow program (simple and accessible) and targeted to multiple interested parties (developers, users, etc.) w/ defined hand-offs. (Michaela)
a. Define what stakeholders should be educated on by 1/31/23, execute and measure success – on-going.
#### Deadline: ~~1/31/23~~ 2/28/23 + on-going
#### DONE: [Document](https://hackmd.io/x_CvprCwR36ES9N9FD3oXg).
- No feedback received from the team
v. Launch monthly emails to the community advocating for resources + the value beginning 2/1/23. (Michaela, AJ)
#### DONE: [email](https://hackmd.io/4pYtwxqlSfODl-a7QdUbTw?view) and [template](https://hackmd.io/-C5J6ckuS7yWVSbrVt2goQ)
[x] Sent RFC monthly emails starting March 1st
- - The RFC first email went out after the OSCAL-DEFINE February meeting.
vi. Standardize and maintain (GitHub-based or alternative) feedback mechanism by 2/28/23. (AJ, Michaela)
#### DONE: the implementation evolved organically
- Michaela: Chris implemented the research feedback process and the meetings with the community are well defined.
- AJ (and Nikita for the past week) are managing the OSCAL discussion board and the Oscal development issues.
### Tutorials
b. Develop simplified OSCAL tutorials (based on community input), workshops, blogs, support group, etc. by 3/31/23, inclusive of needs, costs, and identification. (Michaela, AJ, Arminta)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### ACTIONS: this is an on-going effort
- There is a [WIP] PR Profile tutorial.
[x] The profile tutorial will be included in the RFC.
- Waiting on the community to provide feedback.
- Presumably stable and awaiting feedback but we are not sure when we will move forward.
### Tech Transfer Plan
viii. Define and communicate tech transfer (what and to whom) for the community by 5/31/23. (When organizations are using OSCAL, an external entity is doing the heavy lifting, we are serving more in an advisory capacity. Start using this language in workshops and community messaging starting April and ongoing). (Defining strategy: team, maintaining document: Arminta, Nikita, Wendell, communicating: Michaela, Dave W)
- Still blocked waiting for the definition of tech transfer in the Eng.&Dev. pillar
- Define boundaries over what is transferred
## Meeting #7: 06/06/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants:**: Nikita, Chris, Dmitry, Arminta, Michaela
### Specific topics to be discussed
- Please provide any high-priority topic here (we will start the discussion with those topics):
- C3 logistics.
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: Michaela)
The entire meeting discussion revolved around the Community Communication Committee (C3), the C3 proposal at the OSCAL Conference (see flyer), the interest stated by the members responding to the poll and the lack of activity among community members.
Chris mentioned that he thinks the community members espect NIST to own/be responsible with organizing the C3.
Michaela indicated that she is willing to help the community elect a committee, but there is a high risk if the C3 is being organized/owned by NIST because all roles within the C3 will get "NIST" added to their title (e.g NIST C3 Chair) and the C3 members may abuse it or the commuity members may perceive it as an advantage created by NIST for those individuals.
### C3 activities
i. Develop guidelines by 1/31/23 and commit to timeframe to recruit and formalize an Advisory Board with the goal of defining a funding and prioritization model with clear deliverables. (MKI’s and feasibility analysis). (Michaela).
#### Deadline: extended
#### STATUS: WIP, Draft discussed
#### DONE: [Draft Document](https://hackmd.io/NgkVdxYhQYOSGzDXUg0W1w?view)
[x] Check with the team if all feedback was provided
[wip] Address new feedback
- Draft needs update to reflect the discussed expectation and circulate it with the community. We are experimenting with the OSCAL DEFINE (research) to better understand where we need help from the community through the CAC
- [ ] Share with the community the IDP
- [x] Office hour for discussion
- [ ] Address community's comments and finalize
- [ ] Organize first elections one month after final
- Chris had feedback that he shared with Michaela
- Wendell also had feedback that was passed along