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# PILLAR 3: Research/Discovery Pillar
## When and How to Join:
- January 25, 2023, Wednesday, 11:00 AM
- [Microsoft Teams - click to join](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODQ5ZjhiOTYtMGRmNy00NGIwLTljYjAtYzRiZDk1ZjdiODVm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222ab5d82f-d8fa-4797-a93e-054655c61dec%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2265bb417d-8d6c-42c2-993f-54bfb1df0b66%22%7d)
Meeting ID: 239 923 148 191
Passcode: zsW6tE
Or call in (audio only)
+1 443-339-4347,,175307137#
- January 30 - April 6, 2023 (**weekly**, on Monday at 1:00PM)
[Microsoft Teams - click to join](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTJjNWFiM2YtYjEwZi00NzRhLTg0MjMtNWQ0N2ZlZjQ4ODgy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222ab5d82f-d8fa-4797-a93e-054655c61dec%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2265bb417d-8d6c-42c2-993f-54bfb1df0b66%22%7d)
Meeting ID: 224 063 653 399
Passcode: daPtV3
Or call in (audio only)
+1 443-339-4347,,161513952#
## Table of Content
1.[Meeting purpose](#Meeting-Purpose)
2.[Meeting #1 01/25/2023](#Meeting-1-01252023)
3.[Meeting #2 02/06/2023](#Meeting-2-02062023)
## Meeting Purpose:
Review all action items of the Discovery Pillar, with a central fcous on the items with a deadline: **Jan 31 or Feb 1st, 2023**
### Pillar Description and Indicators
- Discovery to accelerate usability for the community: (Michaela/Chris)
a. 100% research product (output) is “signed off” by both Technical and Strategic Directors in 75% of topics.
b. 50% of research products are linked to a development issue at the end of the first research cycle.
### Pilar Action Items
i. Establish and distribute published process and workflow for research by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### DOCUMENT: [Proposed repository](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research)
ii. Establish approach for documentation of research that does not get lost in day-to-dahttps://hackmd.io/w-CacC0ySDaT8nmXGBHY_w?edit#y development with review/approvals by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### DOCUMENT: [Proposal](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/blob/prototype-candidate/getting-started/GUIDED-TOUR.md)
iii. Develop a standard decision-making process/rubric (inclusive of space for engineering testing) for prioritizing and evaluating features inclusive of community input by 1/15/23 with the review and validation of an advisory board. (Process should be designed to avoid duplication and enable development efficiency). (Sanjay, David F)
#### DOCUMENT: Word document provided via email.
iv. Track research topics, assignments, cycle, feedback, and close date through 12/31/23 to establish median (velocity over time) and evaluate engagement. (Michaela)
- This is an ongoing activity that needs to produce conclusive material by 12/31/23. The action item (track to establish median) relies on the implementation of other action items:
- 3.i
- 3.ii
- 3.v
- 3.vi
- 3.vii
v. Establish a backlog and labels for research topics by 1/31/23 inclusive of monthly reviews thereafter. (AJ)
#### DOCUMENT: [Proposal -TBD](TBD)
vi. Establish Internal & External communication strategy: Research Roundtable for backlog prioritization and review by 3/31/23. (Michaela, Chris)
#### DOCUMENT: [Proposal-TBD](TBD)
vii. Develop External communication platforms inclusive of presentation of findings & collaborative investigation by 3/31/23. (Chris, Wendell)
#### DOCUMENT: [Proposal-TBD](TBD)
- This action item is not totally disjoined from 3.i and 3.ii which are worked together
### Other Material:
- [OSCAL SP (for Obsidian) ](https://nistgov-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/miorga_nist_gov/Documents/_OSCAL%20ELP%20Strategic%20Plan/OSCAL%20SP?csf=1&web=1&e=Dyd5Wa)
- [OSCAL SP.xlsx (project plan style)](https://nistgov-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/miorga_nist_gov/Documents/_OSCAL%20ELP%20Strategic%20Plan/OSCAL%20Strategic%20Plan.xlsx?d=w4221560c40cb43a68d25f8a4d48b85ec&csf=1&web=1&e=beqVJt)
## Meeting #1: 01/25/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants:** Michaela, AJ, Chris, Wendell (quorum [x])
### Specific topics to be discussed
- Please provide any high-priority topic here (we will start the discussion with those topics): NO ADDITIONS
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: AJ - thank you for taking over. sorry for having DoS induced tech issues)
iii. Develop a standard decision-making process/rubric (inclusive of space for engineering testing) for prioritizing and evaluating features inclusive of community input by 1/15/23 with the review and validation of an advisory board. (Process should be designed to avoid duplication and enable development efficiency). (Sanjay, David F)
#### Deadline: 1/15/23
#### STATUS: In progress, past deadline (deadline update suggested)
#### ACTION: Please participate in the 01/25/2023 @12:00PM ET meeting where Jay will present his proposal.
i. Establish and distribute published process and workflow for research by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposed repository](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research)
- Wendell asked if he should review this document and if his feedback is encouraged or required.
- AJ, David has provided feedback via PR, Chris is currently wrapping in changes and feedback.
- Chris is progressing through feedback, he will invite the team to a brief, tentatively Friday or Monday.
ii. Establish approach for documentation of research that does not get lost in day-to-day development with review/approvals by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/blob/prototype-candidate/getting-started/GUIDED-TOUR.md)
- Chris created an example in [the PR to initialize the research repository currently under review](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/pull/1) as discussed and covered in 3.i
v. Establish a backlog and labels for research topics by 1/31/23 inclusive of monthly reviews thereafter. (AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: [Proposal -TBD](TBD)
- AJ and Chris agreed to review items in the backlog relevant for the research progress.
- AJ and Chris will sync up later this week and later next week, it appears it can be on schedule.
vi. Establish Internal & External communication strategy: Research Roundtable for backlog prioritization and review by 3/31/23. (Michaela, Chris)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### STATUS: TODO (Will start in 02/23)
#### ACTION: [Proposal -TBD](TBD)
vii. Develop External communication platforms inclusive of presentation of findings & collaborative investigation by 3/31/23. (Chris, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### ACTION: [Proposal -TBD](TBD)
- This action item is not totally disjoined from 3.i and 3.ii which are worked together
iv. Track research topics, assignments, cycle, feedback, and close date through 12/31/23 to establish median (velocity over time) and evaluate engagement. (Michaela)
#### Deadline: 12/31/23
#### ACTION: -
- This is an ongoing activity that needs to produce conclusive material by 12/31/23. The action item (track to establish median) relies on the implementation of other action items:
- 3.i
- 3.ii
- 3.v
- 3.vi
- 3.vii
## Meeting #2: 02/06/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants:** AJ, Chris, Wendell. Michaela (quorum [x])
### Specific topics to be discussed
- A.J. identified that due to staffing changes in the team he will be likely be late on responsible action items
### Minutes:
(volunteer minutes taker: AJ )
iii. Develop a standard decision-making process/rubric (inclusive of space for engineering testing) for prioritizing and evaluating features inclusive of community input by 1/15/23 with the review and validation of an advisory board. (Process should be designed to avoid duplication and enable development efficiency). (Sanjay, David F)
#### Deadline: 1/15/23
#### STATUS: In progress, past deadline (deadline update suggested)
#### DONE: Please participate in the 01/25/2023 @12:00PM ET meeting where Jay will present his proposal.
- Michaela reviewed and provided feedback to Sanjay and Dave F.
- Sanjay and Dave F were on travel all last week
i. Establish and distribute published process and workflow for research by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposed repository](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research)
- Michaela:
- A second PR was submitted and made availabe for team's review
- Office hours (recurrent) were scheduled weekly on Wednesdays, 10AM-12PM
- Chris' update:
- All current PRs closed, and compiling together into one document
- First office hours will be this Wednesday (10AM-12PM)
ii. Establish approach for documentation of research that does not get lost in day-to-day development with review/approvals by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/blob/prototype-candidate/getting-started/GUIDED-TOUR.md)
- Chris created an example in [the PR to initialize the research repository currently under review](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/pull/1) as discussed and covered in 3.i
- Currently working in parallel with i.
v. Establish a backlog and labels for research topics by 1/31/23 inclusive of monthly reviews thereafter. (AJ)
#### Deadline: ~~1/31/23~~ 2/10/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: [Proposal -TBD](TBD)
- AJ and Chris agreed to review items in the backlog relevant for the research progress.
- AJ and Chris will sync up later this week and later next week, it appears it can be on schedule.
- AJ acknowledged he missed the deadlined but had adjusted it last week to 10 February 2023. AJ will coordinate with Chris.
vi. Establish Internal & External communication strategy: Research Roundtable for backlog prioritization and review by 3/31/23. (Michaela, Chris)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### STATUS: TODO (Will start in 02/23)
#### ACTION: [Proposal -TBD](TBD)
vii. Develop External communication platforms inclusive of presentation of findings & collaborative investigation by 3/31/23. (Chris, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### ACTION: [Proposal -TBD](TBD)
- This action item is not totally disjoined from 3.i and 3.ii which are worked together
iv. Track research topics, assignments, cycle, feedback, and close date through 12/31/23 to establish median (velocity over time) and evaluate engagement. (Michaela)
#### Deadline: 12/31/23
#### ACTION: -
- This is an ongoing activity that needs to produce conclusive material by 12/31/23. The action item (track to establish median) relies on the implementation of other action items:
- 3.i
- 3.ii
- 3.v
- 3.vi
- 3.vii
## Meeting #3: 02/13/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants: ** AJ, Chris, Wendell (quorum [x])
### General Comments and Topic Requests
i. Establish and distribute published process and workflow for research by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposed repository](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research)
- Putting together presentation for the first meeting on Feb 16 as a general overview.
- Need to make one more round of edits based on feedback.
- PR Feedback Summary [is here](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/discussions/9).
- Notes from first internal [office hours](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/discussions/10).
- Next office hours on Wednesday.
- First public meeting on Thursday.
- Would like to prepare and open the OSCAL-Research repository by March 1.
ii. Establish approach for documentation of research that does not get lost in day-to-day development with review/approvals by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/blob/prototype-candidate/getting-started/GUIDED-TOUR.md)
- Chris created an example in [the PR to initialize the research repository currently under review](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/pull/1) as discussed and covered in 3.i
- Currently working in parallel with i.
iii. Develop a standard decision-making process/rubric (inclusive of space for engineering testing) for prioritizing and evaluating features inclusive of community input by 1/15/23 with the review and validation of an advisory board. (Process should be designed to avoid duplication and enable development efficiency). (Sanjay, David F)
- Per Michaela, we should receive an updated draft from Sanjay soon.
v. Establish a backlog and labels for research topics by 1/31/23 inclusive of monthly reviews thereafter. (AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### ACTION: Next steps are TBD, depends on how we will prioritize efforts under this pillar.
- Backlog established as a tab in the [NIST OSCAL Work Board](https://github.com/orgs/usnistgov/projects/25/views/18).
## Meeting #4: 02/21/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants: ** Chris, Wendell, Michaela (quorum [ ])
### General Comments and Topic Requests
i. Establish and distribute published process and workflow for research by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: Done
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposed repository](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research)
- First DEFINE meeting took place! Congratulations! Thank you Chris
- RELATE to ii.
- waiting for community's feedback (due Friday, 02.24.2023)
- csrc website needs to be created, and video process for accessibility and posted
- mirror on OSCAL pages
- address community's comments by March 3, 2023
- make repo public as a preview
ii. Establish approach for documentation of research that does not get lost in day-to-day development with review/approvals by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: In progress
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposal](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/blob/prototype-candidate/getting-started/GUIDED-TOUR.md)
- First DEFINE meeting took place! Congratulations! Thank you Chris. Chris docuemnted follow up actions.
- RELATED to i.
- waiting for community's feedback (due Friday, 02.24.2023)
- csrc website needs to be created, and video process for accessibility and posted
- mirror on OSCAL pages
- address community's comments by March 3, 2023
- make repo public as a preview
iii. Develop a standard decision-making process/rubric (inclusive of space for engineering testing) for prioritizing and evaluating features inclusive of community input by 1/15/23 with the review and validation of an advisory board. (Process should be designed to avoid duplication and enable development efficiency). (Sanjay, David F)
- Per Michaela, we should receive an updated draft from Sanjay soon.
v. Establish a backlog and labels for research topics by 1/31/23 inclusive of monthly reviews thereafter. (AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### ACTION: Next steps are TBD, depends on how we will prioritize efforts under this pillar.
- Backlog established as a tab in the [NIST OSCAL Work Board](https://github.com/orgs/usnistgov/projects/25/views/18).
vi. Establish Internal & External communication strategy: Research Roundtable for backlog prioritization and review by 3/31/23. (Michaela, Chris)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### STATUS: (Will start in 02/23)
#### ACTION: see next
- DEFINE meeting is first
- CAC participates in the DEFINE
- NIST - CAC meets soon (Monday after the Th DEFINE meeting)
- need to establish CAC (dependancy)
- getting CAC up and running will take few months - we will use CRM Model which is needed.
- DEFINE meetings are monthly
- meetings were announced
- monthly cadence was established
vii. Develop External communication platforms inclusive of presentation of findings & collaborative investigation by 3/31/23. (Chris, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### ACTION:
- This action item is not totally disjoined from 3.i and 3.ii which are worked together
iv. Track research topics, assignments, cycle, feedback, and close date through 12/31/23 to establish median (velocity over time) and evaluate engagement. (Michaela)
#### Deadline: 12/31/23
#### ACTION: -
- This is an ongoing activity that needs to produce conclusive material by 12/31/23. The action item (track to establish median) relies on the implementation of other action items:
- 3.i
- 3.ii
- 3.v
- 3.vi
- 3.vii
## Meeting #5: 03/13/2023
**Generic agenda:** review the status of all action items under implementation/development, identify dependencies, roadblocks to completion, next actions and how the team can help
**Participants: ** Nikita, Chris, Dmitry, Arminta, Wendell
### General Comments and Topic Requests
i. Establish and distribute published process and workflow for research by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### STATUS: Done
#### ACTION: Please review the [proposed repository](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research)
- First DEFINE meeting took place! Congratulations
- Chris prepared for the second DEFINE meeting to demonstrate a CRM Model research spiral
ii. Establish approach for documentation of research that does not get lost in day-to-day development with review/approvals by 1/31/23. (Chris)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
#### DONE: [GH Repo](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL-Research/blob/prototype-candidate/getting-started/GUIDED-TOUR.md)
- Chris prepared for the second DEFINE meeting to demonstrate a CRM Model research spiral
iii. Develop a standard decision-making process/rubric (inclusive of space for engineering testing) for prioritizing and evaluating features inclusive of community input by 1/15/23 with the review and validation of an advisory board. (Process should be designed to avoid duplication and enable development efficiency). (Sanjay, David F)
- Per Michaela, we should receive an updated draft from Sanjay soon (Sanjay had family emergency in India).
v. Establish a backlog and labels for research topics by 1/31/23 inclusive of monthly reviews thereafter. (AJ)
#### Deadline: 1/31/23
- Backlog established as a tab in the [NIST OSCAL Work Board](https://github.com/orgs/usnistgov/projects/25/views/18).
vi. Establish Internal & External communication strategy: Research Roundtable for backlog prioritization and review by 3/31/23. (Michaela, Chris)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### STATUS: DONE -(The CAC should help NIST accomplish it)
- getting CAC up and running will take few months - Until CAC is established, we will use the OSCAL engineering and DEFINE meetings and the discussion board to gather feedback.
vii. Develop External communication platforms inclusive of presentation of findings & collaborative investigation by 3/31/23. (Chris, Wendell)
#### Deadline: 3/31/23
#### ACTION:
- This action item is not totally disjoined from 3.i and 3.ii which are worked together
- Is anything else not covered by 3.i and 3.ii that is needed here?
- How is work under the communication pillar aligned with this?
- **To reframe this item, are we asking about means to communicate findings externally for work performed as a part of the research pillar?**
- We know we will produce content within the OSCAL-DEFINE repo
- Are there other next steps after the repository content is produced? (i.e., NIST publication, other publication?)
- How do we formally report the final result of a research effort?
- How do we integrate with NIST division publication mechanisms?
- Should we set OSCAL-DEFINE repository to publish to pages.nist.gov?
- (Would this eventually use ERB/MIDAS for more formal research efforts? Like guidance for industry...)
iv. Track research topics, assignments, cycle, feedback, and close date through 12/31/23 to establish median (velocity over time) and evaluate engagement. (Michaela)
#### Deadline: 12/31/23
#### ACTION: -
- This is an ongoing activity that needs to produce conclusive material by 12/31/23. The action item (track to establish median) relies on the implementation of other action items:
- 3.i
- 3.ii
- 3.v
- 3.vi
- 3.vii