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# Weekly Translation Meeting of _The Turing Way_
==*If you are new to HackMD, please see this document for a short guide (right click, open in a new window): [https://hackmd.io/@turingway/hackmd-guide](https://hackmd.io/@turingway/hackmd-guide).*==
Thank you for joining the _Turing Way_'s Translation meeting!
We're delighted to have you here :sparkles:
**When?** Every 2 weeks on Wednesday at 14:00pm UTC (15:00pm BST)
- **Join Zoom Meeting**:
Meeting ID: 937 3793 5742
Passcode: F!t9G.cR
**What?** *The Turing Way is a "lightly opinionated" **handbook to data science and research**.
[Translation Sessions](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/coworking/coworking-collabcafe.html) are **online collaboration and coworking calls** that engage anyone interested in Translating the Turing Way or enhancing the translation or its documentation: https://the-turing-way.netlify.com*
+ The translation chapter in The Turing Way is [**here**](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/translation.html)
+ The GitHub organization: https://github.com/TWTranslation
+ Crowdin: turingway.crowdin.com/ (add link to join our project)
**Who?** ***Everyone** interested in reproducible, ethical, and inclusive data science and research are welcome to join. No prior sign-ups needed!*
### Wednesday 21-3-24
#### Names
- Batool
- Melissa
- Andrea
#### Notes:
- Grant
- Offboarding of Melissa
- New regular calls
### Wednesday 28-2-24
#### Names
- Batool
- Toby
- Oscar
- Melissa
#### Importnat Links:
* Current draft for TTW Community localisation is [here](https://hackmd.io/asXt25PKQFOEfS5w2HDanw)
* Exploring community governance models from CSCCE is [here](https://www.cscce.org/2021/11/19/novembers-community-call-recap-exploring-community-governance-models/) (Co-developed by Alycia)
- What is missing in TTW localisation governance?
- Toby mentioned how people can go into their roles? it needs to be captured in the governance document.
- How this project will be scaled?
- Anowledgemnt
- Authorship on Zenodo
- Authorship on the published translated version
- Names added to TTW book website (translation chapter)
- Badges in Linkedin.
- What counts as sufficient contribution to badge?
- Maybe open this role for translators too? Or have them in a facilitator role to feel more empowered.
- How we open opportunties to folks to give talk/partcipate.
- Ask Alycia!
- Introducing a new structure for meetings
- Added https://hackmd.io/asXt25PKQFOEfS5w2HDanw
- We will work on Theory of Change in the next call in mid April.
- Agree on targeted invited guests!
- Batool wil create agenda and do targeted invited guests.
- Batool to merge the co-working calls with TTW collab cafe
### Wednesday 21-2-24
#### Names
- Batool
- Annajiat Alim Rasel (Brac University)
- Alex
**Importnat Links:**
* Current draft for TTW Community localisation is [here](https://hackmd.io/asXt25PKQFOEfS5w2HDanw)
* Exploring community governance models from CSCCE is [here](https://www.cscce.org/2021/11/19/novembers-community-call-recap-exploring-community-governance-models/) (Co-developed by Alycia)
* Guide for Governance of open source is [here](https://opensource.guide/leadership-and-governance/#understanding-governance-for-your-growing-project)
* Governance for Community-led Localisation and Translation
* What do we mean by governance?
* Norms, behaviors and how decisions get made in the community.
* Review the current draft for TTW Community localisation is [here](https://hackmd.io/asXt25PKQFOEfS5w2HDanw)
* Decision making in contextualisation
* Quality Control by external contractots/agents.
* Reward and recognition
* Global audience might need different recognition schemes.
- https://zenodo.org/records/10666615 (from slide 8)
- Define WG Chair and WG responsibilities. [This info can be useful for the conversation](https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/pull/3499/files):
- **Chair and co-chairs**: These person(s) are responsible for the creation and continuation of a working group. They play the role of the facilitator of the group, and are responsible for organising and chairing meetings, distributing responsibilities, and ensuring the broader accountability of the assembled group. While this role may be occupied by multiple people, it is important to establish how each person upholds the responsibilities of a chair in an equitable way.
- **Secretary**: This person is responsible for ensuring the logistical reporting of the group. They are responsible for uploading meeting notes, ensuring that time-keeping is set in meetings, and that records of the group's activities are transparent, open, and accessible for others to access. For example, if the duties of the chair are distributed across multiple people, the secretary is responsible for documenting this format in the working group's repository.
- **Leadership Council Liason**: Members of working groups have historically provided operational, strategic and advisory support for their area of work to *The Turing Way* leadership council (the collective group that includes the core delivery staff and (co-)leads of working groups). This has allowed them to inform project-related decisions and/or remain active in their specified area of work. In this iteration, an identified core team representative will participate in leadership council meetings, and represent the working group in wider governance meeting spaces. They will be responsible for relaying feedback, announcements, and discussions from the leadership council to the working group.
- **Turing Staff Delivery Team Contact**: While working groups should be able to operate with autonomy in most decisions that apply to their work, sometimes they may require help from the TTW core staff delivery team in order to enable their operations, and/or support the incubation of the group. Each working group should have an assigned contact from the staff delivery team, most likely either the project Community Manager or Project Manager.
- **Member**: Any Turing Way community member may join a working group without restriction, and without taking on a leadership role.
- Add a ReadMe on the
- Summarise what the working groups are
- How can people get involve
- Roles and responsibilities of the members
- How to expoer the Glossario from Carpentries to TTW
- Pointing out to the project and contributors - and making sure the cre contributors are happy.
- Reach out to https://github.com/fmichonneau or https://github.com/elletjies
### Wednesday Jan 31 2024
#### Names
- Batool
- Alycia Crall
- Olexandr (University of St Andrews - Ukrainian Carpentries translation project)
- Oscar
- Melissa
#### Notes
- Olexandr:
- set up things in Transifex using previous lesson template (thanks to David Pérez-Suárez!)
- after some initial practice within St Andrews [invited translators](https://olexandr-konovalov.github.io/posts/2023/03/28/carpentries-translation/), offered [student internships](https://olexandr-konovalov.github.io/posts/2023/04/24/carpentries-step-up/), etc.
- by now have involved 16 people from 6 locations
- Guidance for translators (in Ukrainian, but screenshots may be self-explanatory): [see here](https://github.com/ukrainian-carpentries/translation-guide/blob/main/UkrainianCarpentriesTranslationGuide.pdf)
- in Transifex they have fully translated almost 5 lessons, which are at different review stages (see the image) ![Transifex_Ukrainian_2024-01-31](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1nAnAv9p.png)
- Pilot training of Git in Ukrainian at [Research Software Camp: FAIR Software](https://olexandr-konovalov.github.io/posts/2023/06/19/Git-training-Ukraine/) in summer 2023
- BioConductor CrowdIn account used to update Git in Ukranian and make it available at https://ukrainian-carpentries.github.io/git-novice/ to teach it at a winter school in January 2024; this uses new lesson infrastructure now (The Workbench) - thanks to Joel Nitta for migration and Bioconductor team for hosting
- Crowdin is set-up by Rob (Director of Technology, Carpentries),
- Batool: Also chatted with Rob about infrastructure; trying to figure out technical things before distributing to team; moving from Transifex to Crowdin, had same challenges; if moving from two systems, can only rely on translation memory; if you move inside CrowdIn, you can move in a better way to transfer things; will write more about this in TTW book
- Batool: mini grant application, $300, require in person
- Olexandr used the manual that Joel created for localisation in the Carpentries
- in addition to that, Joel created [this guidance](https://hackmd.io/1cj3p6yySc61MJzi3qhZeA?view) specifically for the Ukrainian translation.
- Melissa: Add another topic to agenda, where and what kind of guidelines to adopt when you want to write a country or city's name in a document when translating
- Batool: in Arabic, known translation for countries and cities; would be good to have more concrete guidelines on this
- Olexandr: made decision to separate translation from localisation to start so used original names; ex: Dracula and Wolfman written in Latin instead of Ukrainian -> this needs localisation approach; wanted to translate "collaborator" avoiding it sounding like "collaborant" or "collaborationist" and was replaced therefore by "co-author"
- Batool: go back to governance and localisation, who is responsible for making decisions on how this will change
- Update on CZI call: submitted an application in September/October to Ford Foundation Digital Infrastructure to support localisation (https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/blob/main/project_management/proposals/digital-Infrastructure-insights-fund.md) Malvika has approached funders to support localisation as essential when it comes to open science; CZI will be opening new calls and speaking with community to identify needs of use to them; what they are going to do is send a "call for information" to collect more information about the work and how we see this work supporting localisation; this will support identifying new calls for proposals (https://hackmd.io/Zl6u8y43ReGmCJPsr665kg); Nico and Kirstie identified fees associated with the work to be considered in seeking funding; in next call can draft changes to discuss
- Batool: trying to create deliverable to define action items for the group over the next six months (outlined below)
- Melissa: Makes explicit what we have been trying to do for a long time; will help organize thoughts and get community feedback
- Batool: this will help support accountability of our group; are these deliverables good use of your time? good value? of interest? or something different as your preference? This will help us structure our meetings
- Oscar: looks good to me as starting point to provide guidance and structure; might want to have a meeting to break them down; assign deliverables and how much time required; how does this look across organisations for the deliverables; we are updating Glosario at The Carpentries, if we are doing this work, does it fit into the glossary deliverable or not?
- Olexandr: Another potential project - programming historian https://programminghistorian-i18n.github.io/cw23-slides/
- Batool: like idea of breaking down these for other initiatives doing similar work; have to create a glossary in CrowdIn; some words are created for open science terms that may not be available in certain languages; which one of these should we start with?
- Blog on governance from CSCCE: https://www.cscce.org/2021/11/19/novembers-community-call-recap-exploring-community-governance-models/
- What tangible outputs would the group like to have?
- Melissa: Metadocencia has been discussing governance and can take a long time; how are we going to make decisions so could be a more narrow focus to make process faster; some of the work could be divided up asynchronously, just this piece could take >6 months
- Oscar: Please also look into governance by consensus. Slightly less black/white than voting, but it could be best...
### Delivery Plan Overview:
#### Q1 (Months 1-6):
- **D0: Development of Theory of Change and Indicators**
Develop a foundational framework outlining long- and short-term outcomes and indicators, serving as a guide for all subsequent activities.
- **D1: Localisation Toolkit**
Add resources, tools, and guidelines in The Turing Way for community-led localisation chapter, around onboarding, offoarding, Management of files, governance, blog post series, ..etc.
- **D2: Interoperable Multi-Language Glossary and Translation Memory**
Design a shareable and interoperable glossary and translation memory to support community-led translation initiatives.
- **D4: Community Engagement and Governance Strategy**
Review the engagement strategies and governance templates adaptable to diverse community localisation needs.
- **D5: Digital Infrastructure Documentation and Enhancement**
Work with infrastructure team to support coherent workflows for localisation across multiple languages.
### RACI Matrix:
| Task/Deliverable | Q1 (M1-3) | Q2 (M4-6) | Responsible | Accountable | Consulted | Informed |
| D0: Theory of Change | X | | | | | |
| D1: Localisation Toolkit | X | X | | | | |
| D2: Glossary & Translation Memory | X | X | | | | |
| D4: Governance Strategy | X | X | | | | |
| D5: Digital Infrastructure | X | X | | | | |
- **Responsible:** Individuals or teams doing the work.
- **Accountable:** Person or role with ownership and decision-making authority.
- **Consulted:** Those whose opinions are sought; two-way communication.
- **Informed:** Those kept up-to-date on progress; one-way communication.
### Wednesday Jan 17 2024
#### Names
- Batool
- Toby
- Kozo
- Melissa (she)
- Jean Baptiste Fankam
#### Notes
- Structuring the call
- Agenda (the day before?)
- Onboarding
- Localisation breakout room
- where to archive these notes?
- Publishing it on Github makes it more easily findable
- Start on Github from now on and link to the current hackmd?
- Let folks know where this will be published in case they don't want to disclose certain information
- Summary in the readme and an index
- Moving the time to 2:30pm UTC to avoid overlapping
- Ok! Collab cafe starts at 3:00pm. People could go over there to continue working on the localization
- Moving Documentation
- Part of a delivery plan for localization
- Centralize resources for different languages and alphabets
- Questions about the Crowdin translation into Japanese
- The ttw/main is the correct one
- Blog post series
- TTW post: on the last review stages, we should soon schedule the publication
- Next call
- Delivery plan (milestones, how to make progress with localization and deployment)
### Wednesday Dec 6 2023
#### Names
- Oscar (he/they)
- Melissa (she)
### Notes
- Blog post series
- Next are probably OSCSA and rOpenSci. Posts next year
- MetaDocencia? Different experience facilitating translations with contract workers + individual team members that join translation projects in other communities
- In 2024, maybe focus more on the technical challenges and how infrastructure teams are tackling them (Carpentries, TTW)
- The Carpentries Glosario is an example - how they do maintainance
- Start writing content in a broader way to avoid having to localize it later
- Batool was contacted by the Carpentries again to help it Crowdin as they migrate to it.
### Wednesday Nov 22 2023
#### Names
- Alycia Crall (she/her), The Carpentries
- Andrea (she/her) The Turing Way/OLS/Global Fishing Watch
- Melissa (she/her)
- Annajiat Alim Rasel, The Carpentries / Brac University
### Notes
- TTW Book Dash last week, biannual event; established that there is a localisation slot in Book Dash; María who was on the last call was supporting guidelines for Spanish; couple of cultural practices were put in book; want to make sure alt text is included; conversation around accessibility; conversation with folks about jokes, pop references, etc. that should not be included; how can native English speakers write better in this way
- Joel Nitta and the Carpentries workbench. Call with other folks from TTW and Carpentries. Exciting meeting! Notes:
- Joel started using Crowdin after seeing how TTW uses it
- [Carpentries translation Guide](https://hackmd.io/@joelnitta/SkCSC6ZNT)
- [Workshop lesson in Japanese](https://joelnitta.github.io/targets-workshop/basic-targets.html)
- [Internationalisation Call Notes with The Carpentries](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l6pQlvwPlBI8cYR1UTzEdi_V_75Nva_A7R23DihNS_o/edit)
- Melissa: made an issue for the Portuguese guidelines; María works with me so hope they continue to participate; what else is happening on Spanish side? how much was brought from Transifex translation
- Andrea: added Transifex content as translation memory on CrowdIn; what was automated will be translated using that translation memory; also discussed having general translation guidelines that is not language specific; discussed that it should be in main content so there are not separate repos
- Alycia: Batool spoke about the Transifex > Crowdin transition, which happened with Carpentries too. Batool and Joel connected about how to bring content over to Crowdin for the communities
- Technology around localization is changing rapidly. What we are putting in place should be easily transitionable in case of future changes - i.e., using filetypes that would allow that change
- Andrea: .po files is the standard in the field. We currently use .md. We shouldn't be dependent on a specific platform
- Question from TTW infrastructure team: Crowdin's centrality around English. Does Crowdin even understand if you upload something in Spanish?!
- Melissa: CrowdIn support team is very responsive so could send an inquiry, suggestion and someone could say something; not sure if they have the support in different languages; seen updates in Slack from Infrastructure Team; still trying for multi language deployment
- Andrea: do not have the details; discussing moving out of Netlify; platform [Sphinx](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphinx_(documentation_generator)) that is related to Python; think this might be a good solution but no updates; Sarah did discuss having regular meetings with infrastructure and translations
- [{dovetail} package](https://github.com/joelnitta/dovetail)
- Annajiat's idea: **have a playlist of recordings and past related sessions**
- For instance, [Joel's talk at CarpentryCon 2022: Translation at The Carpentries: Technology Past, Present, and Future](https://www.joelnitta.com/talks/2022-08-10_carptrans)
- [CarpentryCon 2022: Panel - Translation at The Carpentries - Where we've been and where we're going](https://youtu.be/9zCrGda6p7Q?si=246NgJDkBs8Na00P)
- [CarpentryCon panel 2](https://youtu.be/g5vyNVx4fdM?si=6avzxX4VRVZP9Rjx)
- **Zotero group or collection!!!**
- Zenodo serves different roles; they assign DOIs; it is a database that provides permanent citation; not every organisation has right / power to add DOIs; Zotero similar to Mendeley; reference manager; Zotero is open source; more like a database because it provides information for resources
- The Carpentries core team will be meeting to discuss how to use Zotero/Zenodo and other platforms for their activities, what goes on each one etc.
- Status of blog post? Not sure for TTW on publication date but Yani will be pulling one together for rOpenSci
- [Notes document about blog](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VggBHHnnfPlHXuYBMKX-wdT6ruL0VCYm5Ps21O3UwOE/edit#heading=h.ryq0hi8sksij); might be good to start reaching out to folks about contributing to future posts
- documenting efforts, following technology available; times of year during these tranlsation calls where we look at all these
- could we have a Localisation Dash? A series?
### Wednesday Nov 8 2023
#### Names
- Alycia Crall (she/her), The Carpentries
- Batool
- María Nanton (she/her), Metadocencia, RLadies Buenos Aires
- Kozo Nishida (he/him), The Carpentries, Bioconductor
- Oscar Masinyana (he/they), The Carpentries
- Jean Baptiste Fankam Fankam(he/him) Carpentries Instructor
### Notes
Batool: meetings every two weeks; co-working sessions where we discuss workflows for translation; created blog post series to support bridging communities doing this work; what do we want to do during these meetings to make them productive for you?; would like suggestions from the group
- Agenda for these meetings
-Alycia: Quick updates from the different members of the group to share what they have been up to - resources, developments on what they are working on, challenges, etc.
-Batool: Expectations for these meetings? Document ways of working in The Turing Way; chapter on localisation and translation; defines terminology used within the community; also provides informaiton on how to start (e.g. your language does not currently exist in the book); different roles to support translation; details on how to join the CrowdIn group; priority list of what needs translation first; chapter on crowdsourced localisation; everything exists in CrowdIn but has not been deployed; more to do with Jupyter book issue; has been integrated into GitHub and has to be deployed with Netlify; the book evolves every day and all new content gets automatically imported into Crowdin; triggers a pull request as "new Crowdin update"; problem is more about how you can deploy it from code to website; able to deploy Arabic one but had some problems; the infrastructure team will be working on this during the BookDash; it is the 10 anniversary; BookDash is like hackathon for Turing Way; grant submitted end of September to work on deployment (https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/blob/main/project_management/proposals/digital-Infrastructure-insights-fund.md); trying to create video as part of BookDash event to include localisation; video will be shared on Friday and is open to anyone
- Oscar: once tranlsation is complete, is there a way to maintain resource or do you consider it done/fixed?
- Batool: have someone managing each language/translation; for each language, have language specific rules; have a lead for each language who has responsibility to make sure that these rules are followed; someone can improve translation; CrowdIn has version control; includes upvotes and comments; it is not fixed, it does change; some of the terminology does not exist in various languages so different opinions on ways to translate those terms; there is a glossary that will be updated throughout book
- Kozo: have you experienced loss of translation?
- Batool: Cannot change source within CrowdIn; they have to create a pull request in The Turing Way instead; it is linked to GitHub itself; we had people come in and make randomm contributions; do get notified of new individuals and can block individuals if needed
- Maria: where can I find team leaders for each language?
- Batool: if you go back to link given; available in README file (https://turingway.crowdin.com/turing-way#languages)
- Maria: to get involved in Spanish tranlsation, reach out to lead?
- Batool: Yes, contact lead; exported from Transifex into Crowdin as .csv file so older translations were not lost; can link separate projects within CrowdIn, links tranlsation memory so reduces duplicated effort and makes sure it is consistent; when we did migration from Transifex, file format gets changed; translate everything into Markdown file; CrowdIn supports a lot of file formats but support of rMarkdown was a challenge; Joel getting support from CrowdIn to help with this file type
- Batool: different types of access for people so everyone can have different privileges; "team governance" within book; when people starting using Transifex, CrowdIn did not exist; open source projects started with Transifex; before Transifex, wikipedia had an in house tool for translation; technology does evolve and change; problem / gaps that we have is that we don't have translation management system (TMS) that is open source; these platforms are supporting open source but they are not open source themselves; have to contact technical team to make adjustments; gap that there is no open source TMS; when doing research, was a TMS that was not maintained so not being used anymore; goes back to how much funding exists to support this work
- Blog post
-almost finished, needs some additional review
- multi-deployment
- https://github.com/RealRichi3/ttw_multideployment/tree/multi_depl/book
- English/not multi-lingual
- French deployment
- Fix the GH action and importing localisation
- Where index is missing, can we do anothr PR to fix the current one?
- Alycia: We re working in blog post series that discuss the blockers/progress with the current work. There is no formal workflows but we have been trying to exchange learnings between different teams/languages and connect them together. Carpentries has also discussed with rOpenSci to develope roles to aknowledge contributions.Blog post: The blog post: https://carpentries.org/blog/2023/10/carpentries-opportunities-and-challenges-in-localisation/
- Kozo: Joel and I do not have translation set up as much as Turing Way; will be attending meeting with others to discuss further on Friday of this week
- Batool: Had a meeting with Yani, community manager at rOpenSci, to consider conference spaces to discuss localisation; host workshops (at line 93)
- Maria: interested in workflows and guidelines/processes; difficult to implement and agree on; a lot of work to go back and do because process was not in place; have guidelines and handbooks and this has been where I focus my time (BaseR); have a Slack R contributors (r-contributors.slack.com); R sprint couple of months ago where got folks together to contribute to developing process, guidelines; https://contributor.r-project.org/translations/
- Batool: rOpenSci: https://translationguide.ropensci.org/; following up about this workshop, was there anyone participating from Arabic speaking community?
- Maria: yes, someone from RLadies community of practice; https://contributor.r-project.org/translations/Conventions_for_Languages/Arabic-specific-translations.html
- Batool: will follow up with Saranjeet
### Wednesday Oct 25 2023
**IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: This week's meeting has been cancelled. Meetings will continue on 8 November**
### Thursday Oct 12 2023
- Batool Almarzouq
- Oscar
#### Notes
- We have reviewed the blog post which will be posted today at midnight
- We have changed the time of the localisation call to be 3:00pm BST on Wednesday
- We'll look into new events/conferences where can use to do something like localisation dash
### Thursday Oct 9 2023
- Batool Almarzouq
- Yani
#### Notes
- This isn't co-working session but 1-2-1 meeting with Yani who is leading the localisation of rOpenSci
- Things to discuss
- Our current docs: https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/translation
- Using Crowdin that support DeepL and multiple engines
- Add how we moved from Transfix to Crowdin
- Grant: https://github.com/the-turing-way/the-turing-way/blob/main/project_management/proposals/digital-Infrastructure-insights-fund.md
- Support of babelquarto to non-latin script and RTL
- Grant to support langauges (2 reviewers + editor)
- Use APA citation, co-authored
- Metadata, milestones
- Do it during conference
- LatinR conference for TTW
- Hactoberfest
- Resources:
- https://ropensci.org/commcalls/2019-06-28/
- https://docs.ropensci.org/babelquarto/
- https://docs.ropensci.org/babeldown/
- https://translationguide.ropensci.org/
- Action items
- Invite the rOpenScie for the localisation series blog post
- Co-organise a session around localisation to Spanish in LatinR or other big conference
- Create Hactoberfest issues for translation, or have an event during Hactoberfest.
- Look intohaving at least having one regular reviewer for each language
- Design a system where achiving a milestone can grant someone to be co-author for translation of the book
- Test the packages: https://docs.ropensci.org/babelquarto/ with non-latin script and RTL
### Thursday September 14 2023
- Batool Almarzouq
- Toby Hodges
- Melissa Black
#### Notes
- Localization blog post series
- [Working document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VggBHHnnfPlHXuYBMKX-wdT6ruL0VCYm5Ps21O3UwOE/edit) - contains links to other documents
### Thursday August 17 2023
- Batool Almarzouq
- Alycia
- Andrea
- Oscar
#### Notes
- Migration to GH org for TTW
- https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/3213
- Need a new Crowdin structure
- Carpentries Blog https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VggBHHnnfPlHXuYBMKX-wdT6ruL0VCYm5Ps21O3UwOE/edit
- Invite others to space like a community localisation hub.
- How to invite people to these calls, make the flow of the blog post better.
- We have submitted an application to Big Team Science Conference for a conference around localisation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BFteu6Fnfacj6fSwOKOupKnrR9NJt9LgZJ1YrEwfurc/edit
- Other communities interested:
- Translate Sceince http://datasciencebydesign.org/blog/multilingual-data-science
### Thursday August 3rd 2023
- Batool Almarzouq
- Melissa
- Richie
#### Note
- Migration to GH org for TTW
- https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/3213
- Teams for localisation with different priviliages
- What is the structure - creating new repos
- https://github.com/orgs/the-turing-way/repositories
- We have multiple repos.
- Deadline for moving is next week
- Onborading for Melissa in the core team
- Times for this co-working call
- Update it in the chapter
- and newsletter
- Fortnightly on Thursday
- Batool spoke to Raphael around Crowdin
- Batool applied for grant in IoI, shared with the team
### Tuesday July 20 2023
- Batool Almarzouq
- Alycia Crall (she/her), The Carpentries
- Goodnews Sandy
#### Notes
- Carpentries Blogpost
- We will release 2 blog post:
- one intro about the journey and challenges
- Code of Conduct in other langauges, reported in other languages.
- Accessibility
- Social Media posts, announcements in other languages.
- Buffer, schedule for social media.
- Accessible events from Yani.
- Carpentries will be leading a session about Bioconductor
- https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=NjJlN2wyb2N2ZXMzZTlkMDVvZWdtaDc1ODYgb3NldXVvaHQwdHZqYm9rZ2czbm9oOGM0N2dAZw&tmsrc=oseuuoht0tvjbokgg3noh8c47g%40group.calendar.google.com
### Tuesday July 5 2023
- Batool
- Meli
- Richie
- Andrea
#### Action Points
[ ] Think of a better way to wrap up the translation chapter of the book - it currently ends kind of abruptly
#### Notes
- The new PR for localisaton is merged!
- We need in the future to add:
- Crowdin Contributors
- Deployment
- Governance
- Crowdin Contributors
- https://github.com/RealRichi3/crowdin-contributors-automation
- What we like:
- Keep The image
- Keep the username
- Add Functions/roles
- Infrastructure 🚇
- Translators 🌍
- Proofreader 👀
- Leads/Governance/project-management 📆
- Language
- Make them capitalised
- Add a list of the code defination
- Correct Spanish for Es
- Keep the no of words (over 5 words)
- Deployment
- Check tags/links/syntax are correct and the book: let's build them locally
- [ ] Andrea can check the spanish one
- Check the local deployment for each languages
- Netlify local toml vs. cloud toml
- Changing the co-working calls
- Infrastructure of the localisation
- Catch-up with Alycia about Carpentries blog post
- How to engage the team of the translators
- Translator-of-the-month?
- Governance in terms of
- Who active/who isn't?
- How to document the progress?
- About outreachy internships: are we doing that again? how can we apply, can we have a list of next tasks/projects for interns
#### Notes
### Tuesday Jun 20 2023
- Batool
- Meli
#### Notes
- Change the time of these coworking calls
- We are planning two working calls in two different time zones (one for Europe/Africa and one for Americas)
- We'll be joining the collab cafe for localisation to discuss governance
- On-boarding Meli to the core team as translation co-lead
- Add her to the core team calls + Add her to collab cafe calls
- Batool to email Kirstie, Meli and Anne
- Reviewing the PR and Governance
- https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/3153
- Catch-up with Alycia about Carpentries blog post
- Meli reviewed and approved the [Update Localisation Guidelines PR](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/3153)
### Tuesday jun 5 2023
- Batool
- Richie
- Sandy
- Richi worked on the Crowdin API to fix the aknowledgment and submitted a PR
### Friday jun 2 2023
Onboarding Laurel from Metadocencia
+ Alejandro
+ Andrea
+ Laurel
Laurel participated in the Book Dash and will be collaborating in the new Accessibility Guide, with some of her colleagues from Metadocencia.
Some of these colleagues would be writing in Spanish. So the idea would be to write this guide bilingually from scratch (!!!)
She will talk to them at MD and we will see what shape this pilot takes <3
### Tuesday 9-5-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
- Andrea
- Meli (Portuguese)
#### Notes
- Onboarding Oscar, Sebastián
### Tuesday 25-4-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
- Batool
- Meli
- Anna (Italian)
#### Notes
- Last week: talk at CSV,conf + workshop at CZI meeting
- Added a new language, Italy
- Onboarded Anna to the localisation Team
- Idea: add a FAQ to the documentation
### Tuesday 11-4-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
- Andrea
- Alejandro
- Johan
- Meli
### Agenda
- Translations to French!
- [ ] Check out the documentation in the chapter
- [ ] Talk a little bit about governance (5min) https://hackmd.io/@andreasancheztapia/ttwt_gov/edit
- [x] Create a Crowdin account
- [x] Join the GitHub organisation https://github.com/TWTranslation (let your email/handle here)
- [ ] After this call: Look for some old issues like [this one](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/1343)
### Discussion
- Translation and Localisation section is live! :dancer:
- https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/translation.html
- Onboarding Johan
### Action points
- Andrea will setup a French guidelines repo: https://github.com/TWTranslation/French-specific-translation-guidelines
### Tuesday 28-3-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
- Batool Almarzouq
- Andrea Sánchez-Tapia
- Alexandra
- Anne
- Melissa
### Discussion
- Email? (Meli here, I'm not sure what that was about)
- Hello Alexandra, welcome!
- CW Workshop for Andrea to speak
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CeC69FW-zWHI-7iYsUltSzfjsIy_fhx5oNOZXX4mhJU/edit#
- Melissa to maybe join co-leads?
- Governance emerging -> can be brought into the book?
- Background on TTW Translation team
- Book Dash Nov 2021: Camila & Alejandro (Spanish team) & Chinese team (Names?)
- Forked repository (used copy of repository)
- Used Transifex - but had problems with process
- Developing governance --> ongoing teams
- Spanish:
- Portuguese:
- Arabic: Outreachy
- Turkish:
- French:
- Andrea: SSI Fellowship
- Describing ongoing projects
- Combining with The Carpdn
### Tuesday 14-3-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
- Batool Almarzouq
- Alycia Crall
- Melissa Black
- Richie Moluno
- Goodnews Sandy
- Andrea Sánchez-Tapia
### Discussion
- Change the calender invite!
- 2 calls every week! [name= Andrea] i thought it's a call every two weeks
- Joined a blog post between the Carpentries and TTW
- putting ideas into written form will help us organize them too
- Interest form to collect timezones - and figure out the time!
- Google Doc instead of pad to make editing and commenting easier
- What will be in the post?
- Richie and Sandy have been working in the infrastructure side of localisation. This also can enter the post.
- [name= Alycia] Joel Nitta, Toby Hodges from the Carpentries could also participate. Let's try to identify people who are interested. An interest form! Drafted a blogpost but community involvement needed.
- Languages/countries with higher demand
- Carpentries: Japan, Italy
- TTW: Spanish, French, Portuguese
- Things to explore in the blog post
- Infrastructure
- RTL Langauge
- Governance in localisation
- Open Innovation platforms
- Decolonization
- Possible connections, after our ways of working are more settled
- [Translate Science](https://translatescience.org/)
- [Localization Lab](https://www.localizationlab.org/)
- Maybe promote bookdash for localisation!
- [Application form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaJwxIjgBgG4v7F6mwWc9jKgPEFtGIjWnFQlHVcuGQ7KvMlw/viewform)
### Action points
- Batool to ask Anne to change the calender
- Alycia to take permission for sharing an outline for
- Alycia create a small form
- Alycia to summarise the panel
- https://youtu.be/9zCrGda6p7Q
- https://youtu.be/g5vyNVx4fdM
- Andrea (changing topics a little bit) will review Richie's PR and close the old one. There is repeated content (not your fault, Richie) so I may reorganize the order a little bit. *my deadline for this is next Friday! 17th* (**Update** It's done! :tada:)
- Batool to conatct FORCE11 about the affliation!
## Tuesday 28-2-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool
+ Andrea, Portuguese, French
+ Alejandro, Spanish
+ Richie
+ Sandy
### Discussion
- [name=Andrea] I pinged the members of a potential French team :fr: :tada: and answered Daniel about portuguese translations :flag-pt::flag-br:
## Tuesday 14-2-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Andrea: Portuguese
+ Alejandro, Spanish
+ Melissa, Portuguese
### Discussion
- New PR: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2961
- Carpentries co-working call
- [Onboarding Doc](https://hackmd.io/DtMu0nm4RsaOdapi0zFdnA) and [Google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aDZUfueP3vlq4NvkPyQoiq3kn4zuxoK_3Ku6DwGDTDQ/edit#heading=h.nrlhhqkf08av)
- [Translation priority list](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ty413fCZfMOOMCOUNC7goa3EiC10a0nNRaw-RgU1zUk/edit)
- [Offboarding Checklist for Translation & Localisation Team](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BUg1nAXj98_ZHMwmp8odyfs-rI6RwE6Xbh7yKXakm6k/edit#heading=h.thiumy1x2ns3)
- These docs are super cool! Thanks!!
- From Esther
> Hi all! There are a couple of issues open related to translation which I'm not sure if they can be closed:
on translation of technical terms: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/1343 :fr: [name=Andrea]
glossary https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/969
a button to switch between languages https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/855
Workflow documentation: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/853 [name=Alejandro] suggests closing and crossreferencing [PR#2961](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2961)
Are these issues still relevant?
- SSI fellowship for Andrea
- organise some translation-dash (a week).
- Meli can also use our calls to chat with Andrea about SSI topics
- Arabic team will present at FORCE, they are working a lot in infrastructure. [name=Melissa]: maybe they could share their work with the rest of the team before the intership ends?
- Reach out again to the Turkish team when things are more settled over there
- [2023 GSoC timeline](https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline)
- OLS applied for GSoC 2023 and, if approved to be an org, can host project ideas under its umbrella
- Let Meli know if you have an idea - it can be anything that involves coding
- Google Summer of Docs - org applications open from Feb 15 to Mar 24 - [timeline here](https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/timeline)
### Action
- Batool to contact Anne and Alycia about the new schedule
- We need to update the composition of the team, add a Google Slides about the Team.
- Add governance doc.
- Check out the old issues for anything that could be done right now or otherwise close them.
- [x] Andrea will check the French one to later reconnect with the French team
- [x] Andrea will reply Daniel's email about the portuguese translation
## Tuesday 10-1-2023
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Melissa, Portuguese
## Discussion
- We discussed Outreachy iterns feedback
- Collaboration cafe - get both interns to attend one of the collaboration cafe
- Opportunities:
- Google Summer of Docs
- https://fellowship.mlh.io/
- Networking
- GitHub Sponsors
- The Facebook Grace Hopper Scholarships https://currentschoolgist.com/grace-hopper-scholarships-for-2020-2021-facebook-microsoft-google-gold-sachs/, https://ghc.anitab.org/attend/scholarships/
- Kate
### Tuesday 13-12-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Khadijah, Arabic
### Discussion
- The Carpentries
- https://carpentries.org/
- Send the Slack workspace and our capcity building program
- The Turing Way
- Discuss the localsation workflow
## Tuesday 6-12-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Anne
### Discussion
+ Work on the RIOTs talk
+ [Organising doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kRelDvPTvjCFCijsmGDCfdnFyOLWYkbuXMnSnhvoPoM/edit)
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PRhvo-5ThqVOy9MguDX87ux9dUABaI9l/edit#slide=id.g14fe816493e_0_8 )
* Notes:
* Origin story of the Turing Way
* Started as a response to the reproducibility Crisis - but expanded to think about ethics, design, ...
* It followed the narrative of making science open - then One of the key questions that emerged is how to make it global. Open for whom? open for what?
* Bringing new vocabs
* Human rights evolve - how we treat each other and collaborate, protection for people - as grown as a concept, it doesn't mean the same way in different cultural contexts.
* Open Science emerged as a way to counter reproducibility crisis
* expanded to other aspects
* Start with how the Open Science movement -> Turing Way emerged -> both growing -> shift (movement gathered stem) with COVID-19 -> access to resources that they didn't have before -> real questions asked?
* unequal participation of knowledge production
* In theory, the turing way was created to promote openness -> but the reality that it emerged from specific geographic and context
* but that's no surprising - global production
* landscpae of open scinece
* sstemed from othr geographic
* but all is operating in English
* Open -> western
* TTW become global
* only geography but not the languages
## Tuesday 28-11-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Anne
+ Melissa, Portuguese
### Discussion
+ Work on the workshop for Einstein Foundation
* [Etherpad](https://pad.sfconservancy.org/p/TuringwayLocalisationWorkshop)
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LvfNOW3G6rAP-_w1H3fIG-JU5kcAf9uBnAH403y2GhE/edit#slide=id.g19b6ff0b15f_0_8)
* [Planning Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AGM73fR_gBlLVZygwDjqG8XkMa6W6_PoCoT2s5_250E/edit#heading=h.ydv2m8wmbw3j)
* Notes about the PR)
- Docs planning!
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wJ1lmKefJn660KG0UhVpIFouRKneCvH_gCLWUvb2ddk/edit#
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J0HxSYI-ZnNdefywKa41oKNP_3H8oTcZImALveTQSAE/edit
- https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/collaboration/research-infrastructure-roles.html
- Equity of knowledge
- Cases studies for translation
- ice breaker
- Have you ever had a "lost in translation" moment within your research team or group?
- Questions:
- Why is it important to support multilingualism in open science?
- Is Multilingualism in Open Science important and why?
- What is the difference between localisation and translation?
- What would it mean to localise science within your group or team?
- Who does Open Science exclude?
- What does monolingualism exclude?
- Add link to the preview of the PR
- Add more details about step-by-step in Crowdin
- Add link to the deployed translation that we have
### Final Notes on the workshop
- Are you comfortable with me adding the slides to Zenodo? and there's slides for skipping, do I keep them in Zenodo (Because thet imported nonetheless)?
## Tuesday 22-11-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Melissa, Portuguese
### Discussion
+ Open an issue for workshop in the TW repo
+ Work on the PR
+ Ask the infra team about the PR
## BookDash Nov 2022
## Illustrations
We need diagrame for onboading new members with title "Join us in localisation of the turing way". This is inspired by this drawing:
We want to summarise the following steps as journey:
1. You love open science and wants to convey this knowledge to a wider community (of non english speakers) - join us
2. Read the landing page of The Turing Way and README
3. Review the Translation Guidelines.
* Choose your path
* A Reviewer
* B Proof-of-reader
* C Translator
5. Start translating from the translation priorities list
6. Your contribution is recorded and akcnowledged in README file and the book.
## Monday 14-11-2022
**8:00am Morning Session**
**Batool and Pamela** is working on makin onboraing easier for newcomers through:
**- Plan through SMART goal:**
- Specific: Work on the onboarding materials:
- Poster with all steps needed for onboarding to the Translation (Monday)
- Videos + high overview for the Translation within the Turing Way) (Tuesday and Wednesday)
- This will added outside the book but maybe cross-referenced inside README/Welcome page
- Measurable: Video is edited and report is ready in a PR (outside the book)
- Attainable: We will plan it before the book dash, we need footages from the Turing Way + BookDash
- Relevant: Yes, we have a problme with making the localisation process easy - we need onboarding process to for new members
- Time-bound: The 16th of Nov - Video and report is ready!
- Goal statement: By the the end of the week, we want to have a smooth process for onboarding new memebers!
- **What did we do?**
- We created a join account in Canva
- Created a small [sketch](https://www.canva.com/design/DAFR6MM6c4E/py4h3mjqOgSzsZAW5cthRg/edit?utm_content=DAFR6MM6c4E&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton).
- 1. You belive in OS, wants to convey this knowledge to a wider community
- 2. Read the landing page of The Turing Way and README.
- 3. Create an account in Crowdin
- 4. Review the Translation Guidelines
- 5. Choose the language you want to contribute to
- 6. Start Translating chapters from the translation priorities list
- 7. Crowdin Editor 101
- 8. Your contribution is recorded and aknowledged in README file and the book.
- Revisiting [the Localisation chapter](https://deploy-preview-2202--the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/translation.html)
**17:00am Evening Session with Batool and Melissa**
- We will work on though milestones for each language
- Meli set up the milestones for Portuguese using the Tasks in Crowdin
- Work on the worskhop for Einstein Foundation.
## Tuesday 15-11-2022
**8:00am Morning Session**
- Working on the off-boarding of the localisation
- General rules accross languages:
- Prepare a section with general information relevant to every language
- How to proceed with words in English that are used in English in every language (ex: term in English and in brackets what it means in the target language?)
- Punctuation
- ...
- Video (max 1-5 mins)
- Introduce the Turing Way Project
- Introduce the Translation/localisation
- Introduce the activities within the TW
- BookDash
- Collaboration cafe
- Translation co-working session
## 22-Oct-2022 (To be confirmed) GENERAL MEETING
When? https://www.when2meet.com/?17339094-pzb13
### Sign up below
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
### Agenda (preliminary, feel free to propose)
1. **the governance of the team.** [Draft](https://hackmd.io/@andreasancheztapia/ttwt_gov/edit)
2. **November BookDash**
- short presentation at the beginning of the BookDash?
- merge the chapter of translation to the Community Guide
- ethical guide (How does translation serve the purpose of opening, giving access and power, and learn about and from each other?)
### Discussion
## 8-Nov-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Melissa, Portuguese
Outreachy reviews
- Meli can help with certain topics during the internship - career advice, contributing with open source communities, impostor syndrome, review blog posts.
### Discussion
## 1-Nov-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Shamsuddeen Muhammad, Hausa
+ Melissa, Portuguese
## 18-Oct-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Melissa, Portuguese
+ Andrea Sánchez-Tapia, Portuguese, Spanish
+ Ruqayyah Nabage, Arabic
### Discussion
- Next week, Batool will be in conference
- Prepare an agenda for next week meeting!
- Timing might change with daylight savings ends!
- Outreachy Project
- Melissa was added as a mentor
## 11-Oct-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Villar González, Pamela (Spanish)
+ Melissa, Portuguese
### Discussion
- Sharing with Pamela latest team news and general guidelines, answering questions
- Review of [TTW Hacktoberfest issues](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2700) to see which ones the Translation and Localisation team can contribute with [will do this in the next meeting]
## 4-Oct-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool, Arabic
+ Meli, Portuguese
+ Andrea, Portunhol :)
### Discussion
+ SSI Fellowship
+ Andrea applied to support the translation and localisation team
+ Melissa applied through OLS and MetaDocencia to localise cohorts - have fully Spanish-speaking cohorts
+ Outreachy
+ Co-mentored by Batool and someone else in the community (Meli is probably gonna be there)
+ Onboarding and translation tracking
+ Deadline for publishing projects in 2 days
+ Batool was invited to speak at the MENA Forum
+ Will talk about the localisation team. Trying to get support from them.
+ BookDash
+ Partcipation
+ Slack
+ Chapters
+ Hacktoberfest
+ [Glossary tasks?](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/afterword/glossary.html)
+ [Issues on Github](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+glossary) about the Glossary
+ [name=Anne] Is there interest in created a "main thread" on issues related to the glossary?
+ Translating Slides and Images?
+ [name=Anne] What would this look like? Having a basic slide deck for translation in the promotion pack?
+ Alternative text
+ [name=Anne] Added this issue!
+ README of the Translation (not the TW) in different languages
+ [name=Anne] Added the mega thread from last year's Hacktoberfest
+ Meli opened a test issue on github, that Anne had asked about, about the WTD presentation. It looks like the github action to close the issue works
+ Anne
+ Where is the translation team within the mapping of TW?
+ Basically everywhere, lol! Onboarding, technical, content.
+ Feedback on the Translation chapter
+ Move part of it to the Guide for Ethical Research?
+ Or to [Accessibility](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/communication/comms-overview/comms-overview-accessibly.html?highlight=languages#language-translation)?
+ Ask Camila if she will be joining?
+ Ask the Turkish team if they are joining?
+ Open invitation for the translation in the BookDash
+ Ask OSCSA if they are joining?
+ Ask within the Carpentries if they are interested in joining?
+ Meli will ask MetaDocencia's communication team to post about it
+ Meet all before the BookDash with Agenda
+ introduce ourself at the beginning of the BookDash - prepare a small presentation (reuse previous slides)
+ List tasks about the Translation
## 27-Sep-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Melissa, Portuguese
+ Andrea
+ Anne
### Discussion
- We chatted with Anne about a ton of translation-team topics! Many ideas for the near/not so near future.
we would like to make an all-team meeting at some point before the BookDash, to discuss governance and plans for the bookdash
## 20-Sep-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Batool Almarzouq, Arabic
+ Andrea Sánchez-Tapia - Portuguese/Spanish
### Discussion
- Problems!
- BookDash: [name=Andrea] **Accessibility/translation**: I would like to improve the alt-text for the images throughout the whole TTW ([proposal](https://https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2630#issuecomment-1248565626)) and update the translations for them. We can do a short introduction and maybe ask Liz if she wants to check it or deliver it Also: think about translations of images themselves, what is already in SVG and could be edited or not and how can we do that.
- Who will register? [name=Andrea] I will o/
- Invite the Turkish team and Invite individuals from the carpentries, AsiaR, ArabR, past contributors
- [New Google Doc to organise the tasks](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tAMnJgQl4tuAkzYLrcVMP2XWvp7q12JbnZbyUSSF12k/edit#)
- Any new illustrations?
- Deployment
- Meeting with the Turkish Team
## 13-Sep-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
+ Andrea Sánchez-Tapia - Portuguese/Spanish
+ Melissa - Portuguese
+ Camila Rangel Smith - Spanish
### Discussion
- [name=Andrea & Melissa] The QA checks are insisting in correcting spaces after each sentence and do not like hifens, can we change that configuration?
- [name=Melissa] Aww, thank you, Batool and Asma!!! For presenting and for bringing the feedback here! I wonder what steps are needed to publish the PR (reviews?).
- [name=batool] OSCSA will have **2 interns** with Outreachy in December cohort, one will work in specific project for OSCSA in web-developemnt while the 2nd one will be working in the documntation + Translation of the Turing Way.
- [name=batool] The WtD 2022 was fantastic, thank you, Melissa and Asma 👏.
- Few people asked why the docs is still a PR
- Some comments and Qs from the conf - for Melissa and Asmaa:
- Can't find the Translation section in the Community Handbook section you were talking about... Has it been removed or moved somewhere?
- I gave them the link to the PR
- Excellent talk, @Asma Kacem ! I was curious about the 'Translation' section in the Turing Way community handbook (at the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/). There was a screenshot in the presentation, but can't see a 'Translation' section when I go to the page myself. Do you have a URL for this?
- I gave them the link to the PR
- 👏 impressive!!!
- And you encourage others to re-use your work! Great mind!
- As an ex-translator, I think I'll take a look 😉
- It never fails to amaze me how some Open Source projects manage to become waaaay more organized and efficient in a completely organic and community-lead way than some companies 😅
- I am currently nodding at everything you say.
- vai Brasil!
- and sooooo many claps
## 6-Sep-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Melissa - Portuguese Br
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
* Andrea - Portuguese
### Discussion
- Introduction
- https://www.writethedocs.org/conf/prague/2022/schedule/
- Changed a few things in the slides with the landing page, is that OK?
- [Slides](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cU_mwvHPVutL0hD5Dv21cx2DG3ZmWqws )
- **Instructions from WTD:**
- confirm that you've uploaded your slides or vocabulary for the captioners
- confirm that you've answered the questions about pronouns and interests that the emcee uses to record your intro!
- register your free Hopin speaker ticket -- the entire conference is held in Hopin, from writing day on Sunday, all talks, unconference sessions, chat, etc. Only the Monday evening social will be held in Spatial.chat.
- schedule an audio-visual check with me or our AV tech the day before your talk. This helps me know you're around 😉 and logged in to Hopin, and lets us clear up any audio or visual issues before your Q&A. We recommend you do this even if you're confident about your setup. The audio-visual checks happen in a private Hopin room.
- https://calendly.com/writethedocs-speakers/sound-check?month=2022-09
- Remember, all Q&A sessions this year will be a joint chat with the emcee and two speakers, and start straight after every other talk, in the Speaker Q&A session (the Monday and Tuesday Q&A sessions have different URLs).
- Some speakers like to hang out in the event chat and answer questions during their talk, but that is entirely up to you. We'll be moderating questions before the Q&A regardless.
- Otter.ai
- share with all and asteele@turing.ac.uk
- OSCSA will sign up for Outreachy
- working on the onborading, off-brading
- https://github.com/Open-Science-Community-Saudi-Arabia/localisation/issues/9
- Change time
- Change it to Translation Team Meeting (last Tuesday in each month).
## 30-8-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Melissa Black - Portuguese BR
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
* Andrea Sánchez-Tapia - ES, BR - finally back after many weeks!
* Daniel Umpierre - Portuguese BR
* Alejandro Coca - ES
### Discussion
- Introducion
- Breakout Room
- onboarding
- Progress in Arabic
- Onboarding Daniel ([name=Andrea] I got so lost with the links to the many hackmds, we should have an onboarding document/guide :bulb: :thinking_face: I added some of the links in the warning above) [name=Batool] I agree!
## 23-8-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Melissa - Portuguese BR
### Discussion
* WTD talk
* Shared Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_WtPkBI1JGqyS11wNKwfdVwzbcuOkpDU
* Batool recived an email from WTD forwarded to everyone
* Time = 20 minutes
* Add a demo
* The Turing Way book - translation instructions
* Community Handbook
* Github
* Crowdin
* Names
* Everyone listed contributed to the abstract
* Transcripts and Slides
* Zenodo
* Otter.ai (Turing Way)
* How to improve these co-working calls
* Celebration + mini report (share out)
* Tweet in OSCSA + Turing Way (milestones)
* Set Milestones (check boxes + progress)
* On-boarding
* Recruiting more folks
* Milestones
* Having milestones for each team, so we have something to work toward, something to look forward toma
* co-work with other communties in Crowdin
* Funding
* More than one communtiy
* Awards (badge, stickers, reference letter)
* maybe apply for Outrachy
* Deadline: Sept. 9, 2022 at 4pm UTC
* Documentation (would be useful for volunteers, onboarding), award plan
* larger event (e.g. Translation dash)
* Localisation communties
* [Localisation lab](https://www.localizationlab.org/)
* Checking other ways to communicate with them (Twitter? Slack? another email?)
* [Notes from a meeting arrnaged by code for Science and Societ - names and conversations were removed from the doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DCpENP0-77S3vkFC9b64vjs1mF0xT7VOSVpsbbmFYD4/edit#)
* [Crowdin Projects to share Translation memeory](https://crowd[in.com/projects#showcases/education)
* [Amara](https://amara.org/en/) (video subtitles)
* [Translate Science](https://translatescience.org/) or https://fediscience.org/@TranslateScience
* off-boarding guidlines
* graduation!
## 16-8-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
* Camila Rangel Smith - Spanish
* Melissa - Portuguese BR
### Discussion
* WTD talk
* Slids:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17jJ_7WPmNTOR4IVCyI1niwUDrFuQ5BPb41PXANOV2To/edit#slide=id.g1447db14b2b_1_2704
* Abstract: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NRYh-fRTxr9hnQ3Vz71N12InqtnVakR5R3T1d-ACmNM/edit#
* Shared Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_WtPkBI1JGqyS11wNKwfdVwzbcuOkpDU
* Recording
* screencastify
* Zoom
* Deadline: 20th of August
* Email
* Tickets for the conf and ask about Q/A (if it will be live?) cc you all
* Infrastructure for the Crowdin
* Remove duplicated branch after discussion with co-leads
## 9-8-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Alejandro Coca-Catro - Spanish
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
### Discussion
* WTD talk
* Batool forwarded a reminder to the Turkish Translation team
* Infrastructure discussion with co-leads
* Proposed date: 23rd of August slot
* Glossary
* We should have a script
### Celebrations :confetti_ball:
* [name=Alejandro] Finished the translation of the Binder section.
* [name=Asma] Finished the translation of Overview of the guide of reproducible research, Licensing, Research Compendia and Reserach Data Mangament.
## 2-8-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Alejandro Coca-Catro - Spanish
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
* Melissa - Portuguese BR
* Iman Al Hasani - Arabic
### Discussion
* CarpentriesCon 2022
* :tada: Camila succesfully represented the translation team in the first panel of translation, see shared notes of the panel below:
* https://pad.carpentries.org/cc2022-translation-at-carpentries
* We'll have also a second panel with our own Andrea representing us. Shared notes will be available at the same link above.
* Pre-recoding WTD talk
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17jJ_7WPmNTOR4IVCyI1niwUDrFuQ5BPb41PXANOV2To/edit#slide=id.g1403509fb15_0_704)
* Template for Translation
* [CarpentriesCon22](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vXiDz3KqxeVDQkEIUhngPBOTii2MdYcu/edit#slide=id.ge5db8df391_0_0)
* [glosario](https://github.com/carpentries/glosario)
## 26-7-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
* Alejandro - Spanish
* Camila Rangel Smith - Spanish
* Iman Al Hasani - Arabic
### Discussion
* Pre-recoding WTD talk
* Email was forwarded!
* Ask Camila and Anil if they can volunteer to join the CarpentryCon 2022
* crangelsmith@turing.ac.uk
* Review and Translate Crowdin
* Camila confirmed for CarpentryCon 2022! :100:
* Draft
* News Section
* Discussion about:
* typos in the main page
* Suggested translation
* Spanish Book
* deplyment
## 12-7-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Alejandro - Spanish
* Melissa - Portuguese (BR)
* Andrea -
### Discussion
- [WTD submission](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NRYh-fRTxr9hnQ3Vz71N12InqtnVakR5R3T1d-ACmNM/edit#)
- Ticket
- Time
- [CarpentryCon 2022](https://2022.carpentrycon.org/)
- The first is scheduled for 2 August, 7:00-8:30am UTC and the second for 10 August 12:30am-2:00am UTC.
- [Notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DbnAretaGnZ7vjoD9dQ0K6SdmX_3ayslN9IfwDgCTx0/edit)
> Translation at The Carpentries:
> Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going The Carpentries started out, and remains, a community whose activities are largely conducted in English. However, The Carpentries is rapidly growing across the globe, and English alone is not sufficient to maintain the core values of the organization, in particular accessibility for all, community collaboration, and strength through diversity. To realize these values, we propose making translation a core part of Carpentries activities, on par with lesson development and maintenance. This panel discussion will facilitate meeting this goal by synthesizing translation efforts thus far and plotting out the road ahead. Panelists will include both members of the core team and volunteers. The intended audience is anybody interested in translating Carpentries materials, in particular members of regional communities that need curricula in languages other than English. Expected outcomes include greater clarity on the state of translation at The Carpentries and increased awareness of the need for translation as a primary activity of The Carpentries.
- Melissa can't make it to the first session; the second one is very late for her (11 pm) but she can attend if no one else is available
- Charing the session and timetable
- The Time will be visited back in Nov when timezone change
- Meeting with the langauge-lead:
- 1s Tuesday in each month (all leads)
- TW calander
- Governace Plan should be shared with all group
- On-boraing
- Off-boarding
- Report Back
- Charing Session
- https://meet.jit.si/
- Breakout rooms? https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/community/breakout-rooms/
- Zoom - Melissa will check if her job's account could work for us
## 5-7-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Cigdem Ozen - Turkish
* Melissa - Portuguese
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
* Andrea Sánchez Tapia - Spanish, Portuguese
* Anne Lee Steele - English, Korean
### Discussion
- [WTD submission](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NRYh-fRTxr9hnQ3Vz71N12InqtnVakR5R3T1d-ACmNM/edit#)
> We received a slot as a 30 min conference talk (Just now, received the email)!
- Governance (links from the chat)
- draft governance: https://hackmd.io/iMCWKWLtSfel4GpmFfDi2Q
- https://hackmd.io/Xx6lgXf-SiGssa-qoEEJiw
- https://github.com/TWTranslation/the-turing-way
- https://deploy-preview-2202--the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/translation.html
- https://hackmd.io/iMCWKWLtSfel4GpmFfDi2Q
## 28-6-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
* Melissa - Portuguese
* Anıl Tuncel - Turkish
### Discussion
- [WTD subission](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NRYh-fRTxr9hnQ3Vz71N12InqtnVakR5R3T1d-ACmNM/edit#)
- Removing Translation
## 21-6-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Melissa Black - Portuguese
* JAFSIA Elisee - French
* Asma Kacem- Arabic
* Camila - Spanish
* Alejandro - Spanish
### Discussion
- Proofreading the translation
- Reviewing the Glossary
- Pomodero cycles of 25 mins
- How to move to all content editor?
- How to remove approved strings?
- How to find the priority list?
- https://cuckoo.team/translation
- Conference
- Write the Docs: https://www.writethedocs.org/
- Deadline: 30th of June
- Examples: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=writethedoc
- Maybe something along the line:
- Globalisation of open source: documenting your localisation Journey!
## 14-6-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Andrea Sánchez Tapia - Portuguese, Spanish, French
* Abdulrahman Dallak - Arabic
* Abdulrahman Alswaji - Arabic
* Melissa - Portuguese, Spanish
### Advertise and promote your event or anything exciting you're working on. ✨
### Agenda
* Translation workflow for new members
* [Preview of a work-in-progress translation chapter in The Turing Way](https://deploy-preview-2202--the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/translation.html)
* Reviewing PR:
* [Chapter about Translation](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2202)
* [Template for asking for Translation from GH](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2380)
* Questions
### Resources
* Example of Spanish translation, [Enseñar tecnología en comunidad](https://teachtogether.tech/es/index.html#s:traduccion)
### Feedback at the end of the call
## 7-6-2022
### Sign up below
**Name/Languages you want to collaborate with**
*(Remember that this is a public document. You can use a pseudonym if you'd prefer.)*
* Batool Almarzouq - Arabic
* Andrea Sánchez Tapia - Portuguese, Spanish, French
* Alejandro - Spanish, Portuguese
* Melissa - Portuguese, Spanish (can contribute with)
* Pamela - Spanish
* JAFSIA Elisee- French
* Iman Al Hasani - Arabic
* Asma Kacem - Arabic
### Advertise and promote your event or anything exciting you're working on. ✨
### Agenda
* Translation workflow for new members
* [Preview of a work-in-progress translation chapter in The Turing Way](https://deploy-preview-2202--the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/translation.html)
* Added Melissa, Pamela and Elisee
* New language, French :fr:
* Reviewing PR:
* [Chapter about Translation](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2202)
* [Template for asking for Translation from GH](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2380)
* Suggestions for acknowledgments
* Does all contributors bot work? [name=Andrea]
* Questions
* [name=Alejandro] Members role
* [name=Andrea] Governance will depend on each language team, set translators and proof-readers
### Resources
* Example of Spanish translation, [Enseñar tecnología en comunidad](https://teachtogether.tech/es/index.html#s:traduccion)
### Feedback at the end of the call
* [name=Andrea] Please go around crowdin and the PR preview and let us know!