This note is a work in progress and should not be mistaken for a finished project. In Particular, most of the rolllup section is wrong and I'm too lazy to make changes at the moment
TLDR ~ Build a better sequencer. Cross-domain MEV is coming.
Cross-domain MEV refers to the ability of players to coordinate their activity across multiple domains (rollups, layer 1, cex) in order to extract both
The existential risk is apparent in this sketch. The drawing attempts to show this so-called Meta-builder interacting with a hypothetical all powerful agent called JPM Goldman. This highly sophisticated agent has managed to position itself to dominate order flows while making markets across three domains; the Chicago mercantile exchange, Centralized exchanges, and decentralized exchanges on chain. The Meta-builder is connected to all blockchains across the galactic empire of decentralized trust. This agent can guarantee cross-domain arbitrage atomicity.
In this hypothetical future, JPM Goldman has decided to collocate with Meta-Builder nodes in data centers throughout the world. In such world JPM Goldman could also decide to run block producers across all on chain domains and park them in the same data centers allowing for the lowest latency possible. They would have the resources and maybe regulatory advantage over crypto native operators and eventually have significant influence over all relevant on-chain domains as they can capture MEV at significantly higher rate than the existing actors.
If this type of centralization with respect to block production is inevitable as the Endgame article suggests, is there nothing to be done aside from reinforcing the base layer with Data Availability Sampling, and consensus upgrades? Should researchers and developers burn their valuable time on solving decentralized Sequencing?
In this article we attempt to answer the question in the affirmative, that yes it is worth exploring the design space of rollup sequencers to gain a better understanding of their core competencies and associated trade-offs. Below we discuss rollups by unpacking the sequencer, then examine the types of decentralized sequencing models that can exist, and finally conclude with some analysis and a proposed research track, based on our analysis.
Modular blockchains uncouple execution from data availability and consensus. This means that each of these abstractions can be built separately and composed like Lego blocks. As it turns out, one promise of modular blockchains is next generation execution layers, rollups. This is a path dependent outcome which was influenced by Ethereum’s pivot to a rollup centric roadmap in 2019 and the emergence of Lazy ledger blockchains like Celestia which do not have enshrined execution [z].
Rollups are specialized blockchains that scale the execution of a parent chain by moving execution off chain. Rollups compress transactions and post these batches of data to a parent chain for data availability and ordering (Parent chain). Rollups move computation (and state storage) off-chain, but keep some data per transaction on-chain [n]. Fraud (fault) and validity proofs are verified on the Parent chain to prove the correctness of the rollup’s execution [b]. These proofs can be verified on chain or settled over a peer to peer network of rollup nodes [z].
Rollups come in two instantiations, classic or sovereign. A classic rollup cannot fork away from the parent chain easily. Censorship resistance is achieved by forced inclusion transactions (L1→ L2), escape hatches, and permissionless block proposing [z].
A Sovereign rollup is another type of rollup. It is a sovereign blockchain that does its own dispute resolution over a p2p network but relies on another blockchain for data availability & ordering. Validity rollups post proofs in the Block Header. This way light clients can easily verify the SNARK. Sovereign rollups have both full nodes and light nodes. Both node types run light clients on the parent chain to participate in relevant data availability sampling [z].
A sequencer or rollup coordinator is sometimes used as a catchall to define multiple roles of rollup nodes. If we unpack the sequencer into its key competencies we can see there are three distinct sub roles that can be seperated out or internally sand-boxed and defined. We will look specifically at how to separate out transaction ordering from inclusion.
as well as processing deposits.A centralized sequencer is the singleton leader. All user transactions are touched by the single sequencer. The sequencer is trusted. This comes at the cost of censorship resistance. Both OP Labs and Off-Chain Labs run centralized sequencers.
A decentralized sequencer requires some type of mechanism to choose who has the right to sequence transactions for a given slot. There are several mechanisms to choose from:
Sequencer burn auctions are interesting, because on the surface they appear to make the rollup protocol more censorship resistant. The censorship resistance comes from the fact that block proposing is open and permission-less, and the leader is selected based on an auction where everyone bids the amount of transaction fees they are willing to burn in order to win the right to sequence the next block.
In this scenario, the sequencer makes a credible commitment that has three properties they publish when bidding [k]:
bidder wants to make from proposing a blocktxList
to be included such that sumTotalFees = (txf_1, txf_2, txf_3, …txf_n)
such that burnBid = sumTotalFees - TargetProfit
If there is a tie and all of the bidders provide the same sumTotalFees
the bid that has the lowest targetProfit
is selected. targetProfit
is a fallback mechanism here. If bidders have a different view of sumTotalFees
the highest overall bid wins [k].
One school of thought suggests that the downside to permissionless block proposing is that MEV could leak down to L1 as an L1 proposer could postion themselves to delay block proposals on Ethereum if they are waiting to propose a more valuable rollup block first. Layer 1 Ethereum is well versed in MEV management and in fact has the most transparanet, decentralized, and mature marketplace today. While its possible that the above scenario may become common in the future, I'm not sure its enough of an argument to outweigh the positive properties of permissionless proposing with a sybil mechanism like Burn Auctions.
Ultimately, This mechanism makes censorship of transactions particularly difficult as it may be in the sequencer’s best interest not to censor transactions [r]. Burn auctions for sequencer selection potentially eliminates several dos attack vectors as well.
Known leader based consensus protocols all have different ways of choosing who gets to propose the next block.
Next generation consensus protocols like Hotstuff inspired Espresso's design for Hotshot. The emphasis of this protocol is on achieving high throughput and rapid finality rather than focusing on dynamic availability. It integrates aspects of HotStuff, recent advancements in Pacemakers, verifiable information dissemination (VID), random beacons produced by VDFs, and concepts from DAG-based transport layers [i]. A key objective of HotShot is to maintain high performance without limiting the validator set's size. The protocol ideally can scale to all 14,000 unique Ethereum staking adressess[i].
One argument against Consensus protocols for rollups is reintroducing Attacks in proof of stake systems. For example if the leader is determined to buy up an outstanding amount of rollup tokens to acquire the most stakeweight they could mint empty blocks to stall the network at the cost of MEV and the staked value of their tokens. The rollup users could be charged a ransom to migrate funds as well [l]. Recall smart contract rollups can not hard fork to recover from failure mode to fork out the malicious stake [i].
Hotshot adressess these issues by leveraging the Eigen Layer. By having Ethereum validators opt in to their shared sequencer service. This extends the trust and accountability of Ethereum via slashing conditions to the shared sequencer set.
The original Lazy Ledger (Celestia) white paper proposed a minimal data availability blockchain which applications could connect to and rely on for data availability and ordering. The applications would define their own business logic and handle dispute resolution. These applications are what we think of today as Sovereign rollups on Celestia. Celestia envisions a future of millions of rollups. Often, one of the bottlenecks for launching a blockchain is putting together a consensus quorum. This comes at a cost which requires issuing an inflationary token and paying heavily for empty block space while the network builds applications and acquires users.
A solution to this problem is sequencing as a service. The idea is that the rollup protocol could pay for a specialized sequencing service. These services could be both generalized and bespoke depending on the rollup’s needs. For example an L2/3 application validium may only require a centralized sequencer, while an Ethereum rollup may prefer re-staked Ethereum validators. The sequencer service could be a feature of Interchain security, Eigen Layer type of solution briefly described above, or something else entirely [x]. Its fair to say that the profotability of this "shared sequencer" would need to be greater than the cost to operate. This space is new. I suspect the Celestia ecosystem and Ethereum ecosystems will be first to market with products. While out of the scope of this article, further analysis on Avalanche subnets may inform predictions about early market trends.
Some of the benefits of sequencing as a service include ease of access, division of labor with specialized skill sets, cross rollup composability, custom ordering protocols and shared slashing conditions. Trade-offs include creating sequencing cartels whose formation is a function of future cross-domain MEV, ease of deployment making disposable rollups or abandoned projects trivial as the barriers to entry for inexperienced developers or grifters decreases.
Ordering refers to methods with which transactions are packed in a block. Ordering includes types of MEV auctions, fair ordering protocols from the Aequitas, Wendy, and Themis family, Threshold Encryption protocols, and Hybrids like FBA-FCFS. Here Ordering could also be outsourced to a protocol that specializes in block-building like SUAVE.
MEV or MEV auctions simply auction off the right to reorder transactions within an N-block window to the highest bidder. That is the winner of the auction has the right to reorder submitted transactions and insert their own, as long as they do not delay any specific transaction by more than N blocks [j].
This notion of MEV auctions would be similar to competing for the right to build the next block. The winner could further delegate tx ordering to searchers similar to what we see on Ethereum with the searcher-Builder auctions.
It may also be possible to create rollup blockspace derivitives in this way. More analysis would need to be done about the risks associated with a design. One concern is auction collusion. Bidders colluding to reduce competition and keep the auction price artificially low breaks the ability to accurately discover and tax the MEV.
Below is a summary of Trade-offs associated with MEV auctions and solutions to these trade-offs as put forward by Chitra here:
(MEVA) Block auctions create a straightforward way for the protocol to capture revenue, and then redistribute it back to users or the community for funding public goods or other incentive compatible redistribution mechanisms.
Threshold encryption is a cryptographic technique that allows a message to be encrypted and then divided into multiple parts, and distributed to the threshold committee members. The unique feature of threshold encryption is that a minimum number of shares, called the threshold, is required to decrypt the message successfully. If the number of shares falls below the threshold, it becomes computationally infeasible to reconstruct the original message. Threshold encryption falls within the family of encrypted mempools. The idea is that a user's transaction is encrypted, committed to, and then decrypted. This protects the users from various front-running attacks and censorship.
Why entertain threshold encryption? Threshold encryption attempts to limit
Arbitrum is building a fair ordering protocol that can be used in tandem with a decentralized Sequencer quorum. One iteration of this protocol is called Themis, a scheme for introducing first in first out fair ordering of transactions at the coarseness of network latency rather than at the scale of block time. Let’s unpack this a bit.
In the context of distributed systems or p2p networks, latency is the delay between sending and receiving messages. Coarseness here means that the latency is not uniform and may have fluctuations, leading to inconsistency in the responsiveness of the network. So we can say then that Themis orders transactions at the coarseness of network latency rather than the scale of block time, it implies that transactions can be ordered faster in many cases as opposed to waiting for a predetermined block time. This can lead to faster transaction processing and improved performance in certain scenarios, as it takes advantage of the variability of network latency rather than relying on fixed time intervals.
The Themis protocol presents one possible solution.
Themis is a scheme for introducing fair ordering of transactions into (permissioned) Byzantine consensus protocols with at most
faulty nodes among
Themis enforces the strongest notion of fair ordering proposed to date. It also achieves standard liveness, rather than the weaker notion of previous work with the same fair ordering property.
Themis has the same communication complexity of the underlying protocol; it is a minimum modification to any existing partially synchronous leader-based protocol. Existing fair ordering protocols require replicas to gossip tx orderings to everyone else as their first step. This results in
Themis can be paired with HotStuff or any other BFT consensus protocol. With the emergence of Espresso’s decentralized sequencing service which builds a modified version of HotStuff, the two protocols could be combined to fill in the ordering and leader election modules of any rollup Sequencer.
The idea was initially put forth by Sexy Sun and Flashbots in the Arbitrum research forum. FBA-FCFS idea builds on Themis but includes auctions. Also see arbitrum's recent time boost proposal as an example.
FBA-FCFS (frequent batch auction first come first serve) proposal is strctly better than the original FCFS in two ways:
Potential concerns of this proposal include:
For any rollup using a centralized Sequencer there exists a trade-off between fast soft-confirmations to users (UX) and decentralization. Can you have both? Can you have a low latency high throughput rollup that reduces networking latency close to its physical limits, ie. 250ms for a global round trip?
It is suggested that indeed it is possible to get decentralized sequencing at
Delta refers to a range of potential latencies in a decentralized sequencing system, with the actual latency depending on the strength of the synchrony assumptions and the efficiency of the protocol used.
Is it better to have slow block times with multiple auctions that ensure MEV sharing across the supply chain or transaction propagation at the speed of light? Is it preferable to move the auction to physical resources vs. information edge. Can low latency achieve fairer pricing on decentralized exchanges and reduce losses for passive LPs? These questions are critical in building towards more performant and fairer MEV supply chains.
As Ethereum’s Data Availability capabilities are expanded both out of protocol with middleware like Eigen DA and in protocol with full data sharding (danksharding), rollups will not be bottlenecked by Ethereum’s DA throughput, only execution time of the rollup.
Cross-domain MEV is the maximum of the sum of final balances across all considered domains into a single base asset (canonically the first domain considered), when some mix of actions across all those domains are executed together[q].
As defined by Obadia et al [q]:
Informally, cross-domain MEV refers to the ability of players to coordinate their activity across multiple domains in order to extract both
Unity is Strength: A formalization of Cross-domain MEV was ahead of its time in predicting cross domain MEV. This formalism was an early hint which predicted SUAVE, a multi-chain block-builder, one solution to cross-domain MEV. The other side of the coin which the paper presents; rollup sequencer collusion will happen because you can prove that combining domains produces more MEV than present in isolated domains.
It should be possible to simulate cross-domain MEV outcomes and what it means for decentralization by predicting Endgame scenarios and then working backwards.
Step 1: take a defined engame scenario like one outline in Vitalik's post; Cosmos vision with many L2/L3s or just one dominant rollups. You should be able to naively simulate the median protocol revenue models for each rollup's sequencer into the future in these three endgames.
Step 2 take the simulations and cross reference against existing data on cross-domain MEV. With these data points you should be able to make some inferences about the amount of cross-domain MEV in the system.
Step 3 take your projections of cross-domain MEV for each endgame scenario and again work backwards using the projections to inform forward simulations of 2 distinct sequencing models.
Outcome of Research: identify correlations of statistical significance between sequencing models and MEV. This would allow you to loosely predict cross-domain MEV based on the inputs to the endgame simulations. Ultimately, the intuition is to use the simulations as a means to support decision making when building a rollup sequencer.
In this article we introduced the existential risk of cross-domain MEV. While the analysis is insufficient it helped frame the discussion about Sequencer design by reviewing what the available ordering and leader election protocols have to offer.
Leader Election protocols which guarantee order inclusion of transactions offer a three distinct choices by relying on a tradition consensus like Tendermint, using a next generation consensus like Hotstuff to build a shared sequencer set for multiple rollups or proposer Burn auctions which mitigate the risk of known DOS attacks in proof of stake protocols. Its unclear which direction is the best here. While the middle path recently proposed by Eigen Layer and Hotshot pairing may be the most well positioned to win the market, it is still too early to say. Burn auctions have been proposed for rollups and Layer 1 and on the surface appear to be the most censorship resistant choice.
Indeed, rollup teams will grapple with these decision over the next 1-2 years as the design space is better understood, trade-offs and all. Hence, we used our learnings to propose a research track that could inform design choices of building a cross-domain MEV-aware rollup sequencer.
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