::: danger
This note is a work in progress and should not be mistaken for a finished project. In Particular, most of the rolllup section is wrong and I'm too lazy to make changes at the moment
TLDR ~ Build a better sequencer. Cross-domain MEV is coming.
Cross-domain MEV refers to the ability of players to coordinate their activity across multiple domains (rollups, layer 1, cex) in order to extract both $EVsignal$ & $EVordering$. On the one hand there are some benefits. The idea of a meta-builder or one cross-chain block builder to rule them all could allow users to enjoy the benefits of cross rollup composability with low latency and high confirmation assurances. These meta-builders could offer soft confirmations or guaranteed tx inclusion if the user pays a given fee, perhaps even free in an Order flow auction prior. This Meta Builder could be at worst a proof of authority quorum with only a handful of actors or a quorum of every single Ethereum validator at best. The meta-builder could act as a prime brokerage for block space supplying flash loans on demand.
The existential risk is apparent in this sketch. The drawing attempts to show this so-called Meta-builder interacting with a hypothetical all powerful agent called JPM Goldman. This highly sophisticated agent has managed to position itself to dominate order flows while making markets across three domains; the Chicago mercantile exchange, Centralized exchanges, and decentralized exchanges on chain. The Meta-builder is connected to all blockchains across the galactic empire of decentralized trust. This agent can guarantee cross-domain arbitrage atomicity.