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Syntax | Example | Reference | |
# Header | Header | 基本排版 | |
- Unordered List |
1. Ordered List |
- [ ] Todo List |
> Blockquote | Blockquote |
**Bold font** | Bold font | ||
*Italics font* | Italics font | ||
~~Strikethrough~~ | |||
19^th^ | 19th | ||
H~2~O | H2O | ||
++Inserted text++ | Inserted text | ||
==Marked text== | Marked text | ||
[link text](https:// "title") | Link | ||
![image alt](https:// "title") | Image | ||
`Code` | Code |
在筆記中貼入程式碼 | |
```javascript var i = 0; ``` |
:smile: | Emoji list | ||
{%youtube youtube_id %} | Externals | ||
$L^aT_eX$ | LaTeX | ||
:::info This is a alert area. ::: |
This is a alert area. |
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Write Code that All like to Read
Speaker: Ivanov Alexey
Slides: Writing code for people
Introduce "Evil Martians"
Let's talk about writing
Readable, reusable and refactorable
- The image file may be corrupted
- The server hosting the image is unavailable
- The image path is incorrect
- The image format is not supported
Learn More →Write the code
Clean code
– read the documents of linters to understand each ruleEasy to understand code
Reading flow
Code that shares context
Reading the code
Code reading
Code review
Pair programming
Q & A
Question: How to avoid PRs block development process?
- Discuss with the reviewer what you want to do
Question: How much time you spend on PRs?
Question: How to measure the size of code while using different language?
Question: How to read code which wrote long time ago? And how to find the dead code?
- Sometimes it's possible to use some tools to dectect
Question: How to handle the pull request depending on another pull request?
- Basically, you have to handle the rebase branch by yourself.