Async Reading Club

tags: reading-club

What is this

The "Async Reading Club" is something we sometimes do during wg-async's weekly 1-hour syncs. It's an opportunity to read each other's blog posts or to read and learn things about how Async I/O works in other languages.

When are the meetings

See the calendar event, or click this button

to add it to your Google calendar.

How a meeting works

In the beginning of the meeting, join the dedicated Zulip topic and start to read the chosen document for this week.

After 15 minutes or so, once everyone is done, we talk about it for 30 minutes.

At the end, we select the next document to read from the list below (if it's controversial, or we just don't have time, wg leads will just pick).

How do I suggest something to read?

Just edit this hackmd and add it to the table below.

When we pick something, we'll move it from that table to the Meetings page.

Proposed documents for future weeks

Document Added to list by Why?
A Case for CancellationTokens eholk Seems like a decent survey of how other languages approach cancellation
Writing a basic async debugger zmitchell Can be used to start a discussion around what an async-native debugger would look like, which language/ecosystem features are missing that we would need, etc. I also think it would be interesting to discuss the "await-traces" as a complement to async stack traces.
the async iterator trait yosh I've analyzed the differences between the two flavors of async iterator
tasks are the wrong abstraction Yosh I wrote down something I've been trying to communicate for a number of years now. We've started talking about standardizing spawn APIs, and this is relevant to that.

Scheduled documents

Past documents and conversation notes are available on the Meetings page, along with meetings that have been scheduled for the next month.

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