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title: PLUG Committee Meeting 2023-10-17
date: 2023-10-17
## 0. Opening
* Meeting opened by Patrick at 19:47 PM
* VENUE: https://meetings.ucc.asn.au/b/plug
* Present: Peter, Nick, James, Patrick
* Apologies: Benjamin, Paul, Niall
* Absent:
* Guest:
## 1. Confirmation of Previous Minutes
* https://plugorgau.github.io/events/committee/2023/09-19/
## 2. Next Committee Meeting
* Possible adjournment to Tuesday 2023-10-24
* Peter can't make it
* Third Tuesday 2023-11-21 19:00 PM - In-person @James
* Perhaps order pizza using PLUG card before meeting starts
## 3. Reports & Standing Items
* Financial Situation end of 2023-09-18 (Peter)
* Balances:
* Cash box
* $679.10 current, $598.95 start of year ($446.30 start 2022)
* Business Debit Card
* $38.68 current, $167.17 start of year ($200.00 start 2022)
* Bank Balance
* $3404.24 current, $3610.89 start of year ($3885.20 start 2022)
* Receivables
* $10.00 cash being held by Nick as petty cash/float
* Total Assets
* $4163.03 (was $4418.01 start of year) ($4531.50 start 2022)
* Statement:
* Income
* $40.00 this month, $0.00 last, $580.15 this year
* Expense
* ($57.35) this month, ($57.92) last, ($845.13) this year
* Net Proceeds
* ($17.35) this month, ($57.92) last, ($254.98) this year
* Membership Situation as of 2023-09-12
- ? new members, ? returned, ? renewals
- Need to nudge new attendees towards formal financial membership
- Current Paid Members 24, was 29 at AGM
- Expired Members 329, was 320 at AGM
- Members on meetup.com 547, was 472 at AGM
- lost our survey questions!
## 4. Events Status
* Review of recent events:
* September 2023
* PLUG-in-the-Pub Thursday 2023-09-28 PirateBar@Mount Hawthorn
* ( ITLAPD-adjacent )
* October 2023
* Second Sunday PLUG+POSH: 2023-10-08 - Artifactory
* Infra? or Projects/AV hack?
* Second Tuesday talk: 2023-10-10 - BenjaminIDS: EMACS for Notetaking
* EMACS using https://orgmode.org/ for notetaking
* ACTION: James to process the video
* Upcoming events:
* November 2023
* First Tuesday 2023-11-07 PLUG-in-the-Pub https://www.champstavern.com.au/whatson
* Second Sunday PLUG+POSH: 2023-11-12
* Second Tuesday 2023-11-14
* Raspberry PI showcase - possible if organize now (events.raspberrypi.com?)
* ACTION: Promotion, calendars, post-meeting: Patrick, James, Nick
* Committee Meeting Online: 2023-11-21 in-person
* December 2023
* Xmas BBQ? with PLUG+POSH? Second Sunday 2023-12-10
* Patrick - Salad, buns/bread, sausages, onions
* Peter - cheese/grated cheese
* Niall? drinks?
* Napkins? Plates? Sunscreen?
* January 2024
* Second Tuesday AGM 2024-01-09
* 25th anniversary - incorporation registered 1998-09-14
* Budget for food: up to $100 of pizza
* Announce that there will be food
* Future talks?
* Margaret: EMACS-based UIs for database applications (not until 2023)
* Yuchen: Haskell-code-explorer (unlikely to be ready in 2023)
* Locutus: Ian Clarke (Contact)
* Aidan - Graphics work
* Other event info moved here for non actionable items. https://hackmd.io/O85j6jvpR8SlIKln1UD_AQ
## 5. General Business & Matters Arising
* Time to raise membership?
* Will require UGMM and website redeploys
* Concession: 15+ 20+ 25+
* Full: 30+ 35+ 40+ 45+ 50+
* Starting from: 2024-01-01? 2024-01-08? 2024-01-09?
* Feedback from mailing list? also AGM announcement
* Reminder that concession membership is available
* ACTION: Nick, send draft?
* New team, new financials
* Was last set in 2012 and some considered it too low then: http://lists.plug.org.au/pipermail/plug/2012-January/081284.html
* ACTION: Event promotion: team effort - see previous minutes for details, e.g. https://github.com/plugorgau/plugorgau.github.io/blob/master/content/minutes/2021-05-18-minutes.md#5-general-business--matters-arising
* ACTION: Paul will update all events in Meetup/Google calendar. Can email these once confirmed
* `Matt Richardson <matt@raspberrypi.com>` ACTION: Promote relevant events on events.raspberrypi.com , need "Raspberry Pi ID" ?
* facebook?
* ACTION Peter: pay DNS 2023-06-04: Invoice 0490 from White IT Solutions
* ACTION ???: approve p.r.n. card account topup to $200
* ACTION: Peter: Update PLUG addresses + update the address associated with the ABN (via ATO.gov.au?), ASIC (N.B. Benjamin's new address)
* Who/what/where to contact next?
* https://connectonline.asic.gov.au/ , "Perth Linux User Group" ABN 58233849580
* 2021 was President's address
* Bank using Treasurer's address
* Also AWS has old address: volunteer to fix?
* Subcommittee: Review of PLUG mailing lists Discuss with mailing list members. Reinstate plug-announce and ensure all active members are on it to enable us to meet legal requirements for announcing AGM. This would require regular updates as members join/drop out. Margaret to investigate using UGMM for official announcements - script written to extract email addresses of all current and overdue members, used for official announcement of AGM and call for nominations.
* Can we create a [PayID](https://payid.com.au/) for the PLUG bank account? This would be less error prone than typing the BSB + account number. We could create PayIDs for committee email address and maybe also ABN.
* http://lists.plug.org.au/mailman/private/committee/2021-June/010370.html
* Ask Bendigo Bank again, post-AGM-2024
* aws.amazon.com
* Bill due first few days of each month
* ACTION: (late 2023?) Nick: Contact Developer Marketing Manager for an event speaker+swag: quiz
* Plan is for PLUG to take over digitalocean.com bill directly
* New reporting requirements for tax-exempt not-for-profit organisations.
* https://www.ato.gov.au/Non-profit/Newsroom/General/Straight-from-the-source---August-2022/
* ACTION: Peter to fill in online form
* https://associations.commerce.wa.gov.au/
* Reports done up to 2023, next will be due post-AGM-2024-01
- ACTION: Paul: Linux Australia grant money, when have stabilised our events
- Ephemeral BBB instance, e.g. https://demo.bigbluebutton.org/gl/m-s-e73-zvh-5hy but with our own single-meeting build, run&record, download and teardown workflow
- update mailing lists: moderators
- admin/committee busybee items: get people using bulk actions on mailing lists
- ACTION: Purchase a smaller/lighter cashbox, suitable for bringing to meetings.
## 6. New General Business
- Raspberry Jam event?
- upcoming Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb events
- card topup
- membership processing
## 7. Meeting closed by Patrick at 20:55
- Post-meeting busybee
- Event calendars