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title: DP Social Inbox presentation at dWeb Meetup
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# Distributed Press Social Inbox
Hypha Worker Co-op
Sutty Worker Co-op
*November 2023*
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Thanks for the intro.
So, we'll be talking about distributed press and our new social inbox feature, and how we bridge protocols and projects across the dweb. I'm Mauve from the Hypha worker coop and with me is my colleague Fauno from the Sutty worker coop.
# Who we are
![Sutty square logo](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ry5zDrnW6.png)
![Hypha square logo](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H1cVLH3-p.png)
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* Our coops are based in Argentina and Canada, we have been collaborating closely to simplify no-code publishing to the dweb thanks to a grant from FFDW.
* Sutty found Hypha and Distributed.Press because they read COMPOST magazine, our sister project that's the active use case of our DP tools
## Web Publishing is Centralized
Paywalls/Login Requirements
Link Rot
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So why are we doing this in the first place?
The current state of web publishing is growing increasingly centralized.
Paywalls and login requirements keep content locked away.
Link rot slowly accumulates as things disappear in favor of whatever the algorithm wants to show you today.
With everything being on a few platforms cencorship becomes more of a concern as things can be taken down at any moment based on arbitrary decisions by the platorm.
On top of that, centralized physical hosting can lead to things becoming inaccessible when a datacenter or an internet connection goes down.
# Decentralized Web Publishing
Peer-to-peer Protocols
Flexibility and Resilience
No need for server setup
More readers, more seeders
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Our solution is to make it easier to decentralize web publishing.
We use peer to peer protocols like IPFS to enable people to automatically distribute content directly between their devices and to make it available offline or over local networks without any extra setup.
The more readers there are for a site, the more people will be online to spread the data to others.
We decided on this approach because we value cooperation. We're weaving existing tooling rather than creating yet another standard to compete.
# Distributed Press
Static Site + API = (IPFS, Holepunch, BitTorrent...)
digraph {
node [
edge [
press[label="Distributed Press API / \nSocial Inbox"]
sutty[label="Sutty CMS"]
#browser[label="Web Browsers"]
#dbrowser[label="dWeb Browsers"]
press -> ipfs
press -> hyper
press -> bt
press -> fediverse
#press -> https
sutty -> press
#sutty -> https
gh -> press
publishers -> press
ipfs -> readers
hyper -> readers
bt -> readers
#ipfs -> dbrowser
#hyper -> dbrowser
#bt -> dbrowser
#https -> browser
#https -> dbrowser
#press -> fediverse
fediverse -> readers
#dbrowser -> readers
#browser -> readers
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We took these building blocks and we created a simple web server that can be deployed on your own or via our infrastructure.
All you need to do to use distributed press is send us your static site to our API and it'll be published across all the peer to peer protocols we support.
You can also "send us" your site by using no-code static site publishing on Sutty's content management system (CMS) or through GitHub actions.
Right now we have a few of the more popular protocols, and we're always on the lookout to integrate more.
# Social Inbox
- Bridge to existing Fediverse networks
- Reading, Following, Replies, Boosting
- Working on P2P integration
- Allow lists / block lists
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The new thing we've added this year is the Distributed Press Social Inbox.
It lets you connect your website to existing Federated Networks, such as through Mastodon.
It's like moving the comment section to the fediverse, and allowing necessary discussions to happen openly rather than in the exclusive garden of your website.
Instead of inventing another standard or custom interface, sites can interact with anything following the ActivityPub standard.
This year we're also working on standards for fediverse clients that load posts directly from p2p protocols.
Next my colleague Fauno will talk about how Sutty combines these pieces into an easy to use content management system.
# Sutty Panel
Sutty also refers to a content manager for resilient websites, integrating Distributed Press
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hello again!
sutty is a coop, and also a content management system for what we like to call resilient websites.
organizations can host and publish content for websites that are fast, more secure and now, distributed across the dweb thanks to distributed press.
# Quick intro to the panel
* Create a website on Sutty
* Enable dweb integrations
* Find website addresses
* Visit website on a P2P-native browser
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I'm going to show this quickly and we'll have a full blown demo in the next days
Registration is open, you're all invited to create an account and any number of sites
and enable the integrations
which You'll find within the configuration section
Once publish your website, you'll find a section on the panel with a list of all the different ways people can access your site...
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using any of the p2p protocols we talked about
https for regular web
hyper for holepunch
ipns for ipfs
and browsers such as agregore, made by mauve, peersky, made by akhilesh, a dwebcamp fellow and also our newest member, and also brave, opera, puma and others
### Follow from the Fediverse
By looking up the address on your Mastodon instance or using a browser addon like [StreetPass](https://streetpass.social/)
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Also everyone can load the website from any Fediverse client, like Mastodon as you see on the screenshot
It will show up as a profile, like any regular user
![Mastodon screenshot with blog post contents showing up as a toot](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryfIx82-6.png)
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Once people follow the website, they'll receive notifications of new content and can interact with it by replying and boosting.
the integration is seamless so you can focus on your content while readers access it in any way that works best for them.
# Get involved!
Create your own site + social presence on the DWeb using Sutty
Send us your feedback!
Contact us to migrate your site or set up a new one.
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Create your own site + social presence on the DWeb using Sutty
Help us improve Distributed Press by letting us know how it can better meet your needs
Contact us if you'd like to set something new up or migrate your existing site
Since we're worked owneed coops, you can Hire us to set this up for you
## Contact us
**Distributed Press:** hello@distributed.press
**Sutty:** hi@sutty.coop.ar
**Fediverse:** @distributedpress@social.coop
![Distributed.Press QR code](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJYQNIhbT.png)
## Thanks!
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Thanks for hearing us out today, to dweb folks for inviting us and to the FFDW for supporting our work
We hope to hear from you soon!