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# ARThon #001 Proposal + Records
:clapper: 活動直播連結
[Opening Proposal 開場提案](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ_a-jcy-og) 15:45後開始提案
[Final Presentation 計畫呈現](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yycdBuCnRm0) 總長8:00
# 時間地點 Date & Location
:calendar: Sun, Jan 6, 2019 8:30 AM - 5:30PM
:house: 社會創新實驗中心 (106 台北市大安區仁愛路三段99號)
::: info
提案截止 submition deadline: 1/5 12:00PM
# 當天行程 Schedule
::: info
:bulb: 活動準時開始喔(真的嗎?)提案的同學要記得至少 9:10 前到,想跳坑的同學也是,有好好聽提案比較好跳坑。
| 時間 | 內容 |
| :--------: | :--------:|
| 8:30 - 9:00 | Registration 參與者報到 |
| 9:00 - 9:10 | Opening 活動開場 |
| 9:10 - 10:00 | Proposal Presentation 提案分享 |
| 10:00 - 12:00 | **Hacktime 組隊實作 Part 1** |
| 12:00 - 13:00 | Beer & Lunch 啤酒與午餐時間 |
| 13:00 - 16:00 | **Hacktime 組隊實作 Part 2** |
| 16:00 - 17:00 | Final Presentation 計畫呈現 |
| 17:00 - 17:30 | Happy Hour 歡樂時間 |
# 閒話家常 Chat Board
--- @ what are you trying to say?
想說要不要把左右刪掉大家自己會左右 \+_y/
好 我最棒
# 提案寶寶區 Proposals
::: info
:bulb: 想提案的同學^與藝術家大大^們,可以複製以下的格式貼到提案區,活動當天每案約可報告 10 分鐘 ~上下左右前前後後~ ,敬請請多多利用。
> ### EXAMPLE 提案表格
>#### 1. (提案名稱)
>- 提案人: (optional)
>- 案情簡介: (required)^*^
>- 需要人手: (required)^*^
>- 相關連結: (optional)
### 1. Currency Design for Art Community 藝術社群貨幣設計
- **案情簡介 intro:**
Designing a probable art currency and its relating strategies.
在Hacktime1討論藝術貨幣有可能需要的政策及制度,並在午餐時間介紹制度,讓各案在Hacktime2玩。( ?!最後賺到最多幣的專案就是贏家 :tada:)In the Hacktime part1, we discuss the strategies that could be used to invent artist currency, later at the Hacktime part2, assigning participants to play with the invented rules.
- **需要人手 People needed:**
Peopole who are interested in assembling an art union, redesign an fair econonmics within art community, and who likes to lobby the government officials and institutions.
- **相關連結 Reference Link:**
>薪水政策 Salaries policies
>- [UBI For Artist](https://www.crikey.com.au/2018/05/11/a-ubi-would-help-artists-as-little-as-it-would-help-precarious-workers/)`rec. by 紫彤`
>>==本節重點 pinpoints==
>> - **examples of who's paying it**: Silicon Valley (with the belief of not paying the mechines and robots, automatation and digitalization; rich dudes are paying human(with no strings attached)), canadian onterio government(through taxing the rich and giving it to the poor) ^[ref1], Switzerland Rheinau city concil paying to a filmmaking person, and the person pays to the participants for a period of time, cooperating with researchers^[ref2]
> - [荷蘭藝術家薪水計算機](http://kunstenaarshonorarium.nl/en/) `rec. by 沛瑩`
>>==本節重點 pinpoints==
>>- **Target**: Artists who have upcoming exhibition
>>- **Calculation variables**:Category of Work, number of the participants, duration of the exhibition
>>- **Cooperate with**:artist's union, platform of visual arts, lobby assoication for art platforms, other governmental funds.
>>- **[Guidelines Details](http://kunstenaarshonorarium.nl/en/guideline-for-artists-fees/)**
> 貨幣設計
> - [CurrencyLab Board Game 桌上遊戲](https://www.coinspiration.org/game/)`rec. by 紫彤`
==[載點 downlaod](https://drive.google.com/file/d/17M2D2L3jknfCYAqh8ePbUuzC2kxFt5nt/view?usp=sharing)== `there are lots of great strategies in the game`
> - [ArtCoin](https://www.artcoinfund.com/)
`rec. by 沛瑩`
> - [Steemit](https://steemit.com)`rec. by 紫彤`
> - [wildSpark](https://wildspark.me)`rec. by 紫彤`
> - [數位當代藝術加密貨幣交易所](/dG5j2qukSjOIM4CwkWAwdQ)`rec. by 白香`
> - [Brixcoin](https://www.businessinsider.com/brixton-pound-local-currency-created-to-keep-money-away-from-global-chain-stores-community-2017-10?fbclid=IwAR2O7Z2U6tKC0pLRd2aLXnWQINwfAm8txJ8EGA7SAW3Pj6cpXIWRUFNCu3M)`rec. by 沛瑩`
- :pencil2: **活動後筆記 Notes on discussions**
1. **藝術家的需求如何滿足?How to feed the artists needs?**
- 平台 Plateforms
>| 所需資源 resouces |相關平台 platforms | 其他註解 notes
>| -------- | -------- | -------- |
>|起始資源 |[Patreon](https://www.patreon.com) | It's like getting the comissions for art first |
>| 材料 | [OurGoods](http://ourgoods.org) | |
>| 空間 | [PickeOne](www.pickoneplace.com) | Taiwan's place |
>| 團隊與feedback |[ANT Project](http://www.antproject.com) | 還在創建中
>| 曝光 | | |
>-- 目前困境:台灣沒有相對應的平台
2. **如何讓有價值的作品,去中心的讓觀眾發現?How to let quality art works being discovered by audiences without the hand of existing institions?**
- 使用區塊鏈去中心特質消除+使用以太幣為主的token
>-- 相關案例
[重塑媒體內容價值鏈](https://medium.com/matters-lab/matters-項目草案-重塑內容價值鏈-ae9f9aa98249) by [Matters](https://info.matters.news)`rec.by 阿定`
[Better News](https://betternews.org/)`rec.by shuyang`
[CVL Token](https://civil.co/help/)by[Civil Foundation](https://civil.co/civil-foundation/)`rec.by 阿定`
3. **藝術貨幣設計 ARTcoin design**
- 設計實務去以參照上方的 ARTcoin白皮書
- 公益價值作為貨幣潛在價值
- 參考資料
[How to start a private currency?](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/04/how-to-start-your-own-private-currency/73327/)
- Design model draft `discussed. by 紫彤、shuyang、阿寬、水怪、Rachel`
> Set X=10,000 artcoins,
> Art community can make the claim of our needs, and issuing the art coins to the person/institutions who are supporting these goals:
>1. reform art ecosysten to make it more sustainable
>2. boosting the economic and value production system in art
>The artcoins receiver can have a benefit price on using the coins buying artworks, and art-relating stuffs.
>The transaction fee can be used as the base of UBI to the artcommunity.
>To crease its uniqueness, some art-works are stated only priced and sell with artcoins.
- 所需技術 Tech specs:Digital purse and blockchain 電子錢包與區塊鏈的寫作
- Comment:`discussed. mainly by poga, evisu`
- Uniqueness: How to attract first time contributors?
- Organization: Should it have board members (一個人 vs 一群人)
- Visions: What's more than the beliving to ARTcoin? (信念之外)
### 2. 台灣文化組織關係圖
- 提案人:Chihao
- 案情簡介:[台灣文化組織關係圖hackmd](https://g0v.hackmd.io/D34S13f9R_ixLYBPSolW4Q?both)
- 相關連結:
[Quantifiying Reputation and Success in Art](http://barabasi.com/f/972.pdf)`rec. by 沛瑩`
### 3. Inviting #GhostKeepers 迎靈者招募 ver.2
- **案情簡介 Intro**:
迎靈者 是一個參與式藝術計畫,試圖以跨越文化、時空的方式,書寫各地私密的歷史敘事,了解時至今日我們召喚歷史與亡者的意義,以及超越肉身、靈魂們彼此連結的可能。
#GhostKeepers meant to construct a collaborative fictional history from personal perspectives, revealing why we are summoning these history today, and our spiritual affinity when facing pridominal ties.
| Project Statement |
| :--------|
| It has been more than 70 years since the World War II ended, however, there are so many stories in different regions that are being buried and being forgotten as the time goes by. Current media and history writers may no longer keep records of the oppressed nor the oppressors. ==#GhostKeeper invites you to be the keepers of this project==: a social media ritual to make the unknowns alive. We invite you to profile a person from our contibutors, who hasmemory that is rarely known to majority. These are stories had passed away or someone never been able to live their life fulfilled due to national political violence. As keepers, you would be writing facebook account for 30 days on behalf of these stories, making these memories alive again. In the period of time, audiences of this project will have to add these avatars as Facebook friends in order to interact and see the posts of their afterlives, the avatar may check-in, share infos and chat with the audience..etc. In the last day of the exhibition, these avatars will no longer live online, the account will be terminated.
- **需要人手people needed**: who are interested in investigating stories, writing stories, who are concern transitional justics.
- **相關連結references**:[Ghostkeepers Facebook Page](https:// "www.facebook.com/GhostKeeper")
## 當天順序 (TBD)
> ::: info
> | project # | project name | order |presentor |
> | -------- | -------- | -------- |--------|
> | 1 | Currency Design for Art Community 藝術社群貨幣設計 | t.b.d.|t.b.d.|
> | 2 | #GhostKeepers ver.2 | t.b.d.|t.b.d.|
> | 3 | 藝術文化關係圖 | t.b.d. |t.b.d|
>| 4- | :heart: (等待你的提案):heart: | t.b.d. |t.b.d|
> 這次活動會準備 Youtube 直播,不想入鏡的人也可以選擇不。
> :::