
tags: Design

Tracked as TRIPLEOCI-357

compare with: https://hackmd.io/2sxlx1XzTa-Te47_zLv42Q

https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-wallaby/ ? quay?

make sure you create docker.io namespace for $next release

e.g. https://hub.docker.com/orgs/tripleoxeno

end goal is to see CURRENT promoter.. successfully promote wallaby.

  • the jobs that run in master. .openstack-periodic-integration-main

    • clone those jobs to use stable/wallaby
  • in the end it should run under openstack-periodic-integration-stable-1

  • openstack-periodic-integration-stable1

  • move the rest of releases one down

bugs and reviews

Create registry namespace in rdo registry

Component promotion criteria config


full integration pipeline

release files


promoter config

enable integration/component line

component pipeline/jobs

update/upgrade jobs?


upstream periodic jobs


  • update cockpit.*.jason
    • remove rocky
    • add all relevant panels for wallaby
    • <wes> forgot to add the job list for victoria in src, please add that as well

dependency lines jobs


ceph ansible is deprecrated

​​​​* replaced w/ native ansible installer in wallaby

Upstream jobs

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