Python Packages by Domain Stack


Scientific Python libraries for analyzing celestial bodies.


Scientific Python tools for packaging.


Scientific Python packages for improving performance when coding in Python


Scientific Python libraries for visualization


Scientific Python organizations that provide support to open source Python projects


Scientific Python packages that contain developer tools.


Scientific Python libraries with math tools.

Building blocks

Scientific Python packages that make it easier to build and work in blocks.

Machine Learning

Scientific Python packages for machine learning.


Scientific Python libraries for working with DataFrames.


Scientific Python tools for writing tests.


Communities around specific disiplines.



Stéfan van der Walt (Scientific Python)
Juanita Gomez (Scientific Python)
Pamphile Roy (Scientific Python)
Paige Martin (Pangeo)
Ryan Abernathey (Pangeo)
Jim Pivarski (Scikit-HEP)
Henry Schreiner (Scikit-HEP)
Levi Wolf (Geography)
Martin Fleischmann (Geography)
Pey Lian Lim (Astropy)
Isaac Virshup (scverse)

Meeting notes

  • Initial idea: Place for new users of the Scientific Python ecosystem where they find information about tools that they can use for a specific domain.

Challenge: Linear structure is hard since there are packages that are used for a lot of domains.
Possible solution: Using tags

  • Using Stacks
  • Two different ideas: The landing page plus infrastructure (cookie-cuttter)
  • Assigning responsabilities in order to maintain this. People from each of the stacks. -> How do we decide on this people? Voting?

Is this made for new commers or for people already involved in the ecosystem?

  • It is useful to have information about who is maintaining which package to know who to reach out depending on the needs.
  • It is useful for new comers to get to know packages from the different domains.

For example Astropy has

It makes sense to have a person in charge of keeping the information updated but also allowing people to collaborate and having a review process in order to add new packages.

Counterpoint: The ecosystem is amazing because of decentralization, a lot of people creating.
There are a lot of resources that have the information about Python packages but we have the support of people from the community maintaining packages so we should have a high-bar standard for the packages that we include. -> On the topic of reviewing, it is essential to coordinate with PyOpenSci.

Two possible concerns:

  • People don't really look up for packages in lists, they usually learn from them in tutorials.
  • There is a security concern when including all the packages

We can make a distinction between "core packages" but having a list can be useful to teach people what is used by most of the people.

There is not a lot of documentation on how to use several packages together. -> This is the idea of the Pangeo inicitative:

List of tools developed and used by several packages that we can help coordinate:

A need from the Scientific Python community: Link to legacy code-> So it would be useful to have a centralize place to point to this information.

Next steps?

  • Organize a sprint to build the pages (we can work on some infrastructure before)

Chat transcript

08:06:34 From Henry Schreiner : Just figured out that I had no sound, sorry! Fixed.
08:07:49 From pllim : Pey Lian
08:10:08 From Juanita Gomez : I’ll be taking notes here under "Meeting 1”: Feel free to add anything there!
08:10:32 From Isaac Virshup : Do we need to come back to jim?
08:10:48 From Pamphile Roy :
08:10:55 From Pamphile Roy : Remove the dot :)
08:11:06 From Juanita Gomez : oops
08:12:54 From Henry Schreiner : It worked for me with the dot too, it was ignored when I clicked the link ¯_(ツ)_/¯
08:15:21 From Levi John Wolf (he/him) : my apologies for arriving in late! Levi Wolf w/ PySAL & Geopandas.
08:16:52 From Jim Pivarski : "Stack" vs "framework"? (There's the VanderPlas layers diagram for illustrating stacks.)
08:17:01 From pllim :
08:19:14 From Ryan’s iPhone : On the topic of reviewing, it is essential to coordinate with PyOpenSci.
08:19:29 From Stefan van der Walt : Definitely; we will be talking to Leah.
08:19:34 From Ryan’s iPhone :
08:29:55 From Pamphile Roy : Sorry I will have to jump out, something came out now. I might be able to jump back again, but in any case I will watch the recording. Thanks all, great to see everyone 😃
08:36:29 From Ryan’s iPhone : Agree security is important. But also probably beyond the scope of what we can accomplish here. Companies like anaconda have big businesses about providing security guarantees for open source package. Hard to match that from a volunteer effort.
08:39:58 From Ryan’s iPhone :
08:43:15 From Ryan’s iPhone : On the topic of notebook build processes
08:45:44 From pllim : How widely can this meeting's recording and notes be shared? Am I allowed to share this with Astropy Coordination Committee members (5 people)?
08:46:45 From Stefan van der Walt : Sure, we'll post on YouTube so others can watch and comment.
08:48:36 From Jim Pivarski : And much of that is broader than our HEP domain.
08:51:18 From pllim : The diagram here gives you an idea on the Astropy side though it is a little outdated by now (e.g., we no longer use Travis CI)
08:52:00 From Ryan’s iPhone : 👍 that cookie cutter sounds super interesting.
08:52:06 From Isaac Virshup : Minor tangent: does anyone have a process for what happens when you update your cookie-cutter? E.g. how do users update to the newer standards?
08:53:19 From Henry Schreiner : &

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