Towards Safe Spaces Online

1st time Online

Mirzapur girls session

Medha's session plan

(First 15min) Open a Discussion with the students about the importance of profile along with Gmail one by one. Emphasis on how it will help them in meeting their career goals. Demonstrate with the example of successful person’s story Now connect it with the importance of internet security. Why it is needed to be aware of internet frauds. ( please make sure that they don’t get scared of those things, it is just a safety measure just like wearing a seat belt while driving a car).

(15 min) Now contect the context with the today’s session senario and talk about the importance of good profile and its components. ask them why precaution is important to be taken while doing any activity in life. what are the precautions we usually take while doing our day to day activity, (eg. cooking, stiching, driving.) Open a discussion on this topic . Now connect it with importance of precaution to be taken on social media platforms.

(30 min) Show students virtually how they can keep their social media profiles especially Facebook safe while surfing on internet. Discuss on the topic of how to identify fake profiles, how to protect your password. Why should not share our password with anybody else. How to hide your phone number etc.
Make sure you make them feel relaxed after the session discussion, don’t scare them it is just a safety measures which we usually take to protect our self on social media.

Don't login using your credentials into other
2 step verification for login
Email notification
Youtube - strong password, changing passwords frequently
2 step verfication
hardware security
authentication app

Personal - only me
Posts, album - only friends
review settings - tagging
profile lock - like and share
2 profile accounts - deactivate for few months.

Facebook business

  1. for personal accounts use different emails
  2. for phone numbers keep one personal number and business number
  3. public, private and share
  • Home Work on safe space

Roleplay these:

  1. Were you hesitant to use the social media? Mention the reason.
    Roleplay characters: Girls themselves, parents or brothers or friends.
  2. What made to overcome it?
    Roleplay characters: Girls themselves, Father/Mother, Brother, Medha group.
  3. How you started using social Media.
    Roleplay characters: Girls themselves
  4. For what purpose you are using social Media?
    Roleplay characters: Girls themselves
  5. Is social media serving your purpose?
    Roleplay characters: Girls themselves
  6. How safe you feel using social media?
    Roleplay characters: Girls themselves
  7. What are the steps to be taken to be safe online? How and where to report cyber crimes?
    Roleplay characters: Girls themselves, friends, Father/Mother/Brother.

Home work submission format:

  1. Audio recording from the phone. Each character from the group can record themselves individually and one of the group member can collect the whole recording and send it us. Janastu will combine each group audio to one play respectively and send it back to them on their whatsapp group.
  2. Group can also draw the characters on the notebook and write descriptions and post it on their facebook page.
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