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## Important links
- [Working Group Charter v1.1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lzn3QzjObJxaWW-mSBGSuJceiWq1vZK_FSEy7DVF6q8/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.y3eynwbxjkb4)
- [TRE Community code of conduct ](https://github.com/uk-tre/.github/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
- [Glossary spreadsheet "v0"](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qublBBkpYpNgwKm5HPFD1F7WPvaYaBpY/edit?gid=1421062944#gid=1421062944)
# Glossary Working Group - Meeting 11/11/2024
### [Google Meet link](https://meet.google.com/wym-yunz-myc)
## Attendees
- Rob B
- Kate O'S
- Laura W
- Simon L
- Balint S
- Liz Merrifield
## Ongoing Actions
- (Kate) IEFT link/context to be added as a secondary support to the TREC consensus processes to v1.1 of editorial process
- (All) Choose 5 (min) definitions and create proposed definition before next meeting
- As we start adding definitions, check for their existence in existing glossaries for cross-referencing (cf. [current approach](#Current-approach)).
- (All) try and tackle definition of 'TRE' :grin:
## Open issues
- (28/10) Is it our role to act as arbiter of clashing external defns?
- Suggestion is yes, it is; we can make the call based on the context we have.
- (28/10) Could we introduce some "measure of confidence" on external terms?
- Where a term has 4 external defns which don't agree with each other, clearly our confidence in the defn we pick is quite low!
- Use a small scale: high / med / low; 1-5 stars?
- (28/10) Could DARE UK find a way to support public participation in the work of the group that does not fall foul of (perceived) conflict of interest rules imposed for funding reasons on DARE UK core team members?
## Notes 11/11
- Welcome to Liz M!
## Strands of work / leads
### Editorial process (lead: Rob)
#### [Editorial process doc v1.1](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qrE9nQ5cvV7vdCfRl1cpj0SYF8ipY-ato-uLwzVwWu0/edit)
### Current glossaries identified/reviewed (lead: Rob)
#### [Glossary spreadsheet v0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qublBBkpYpNgwKm5HPFD1F7WPvaYaBpY/edit)
#### Current approach
* Our remit becomes more of a curation of terms exercise?
* Start with a set of terms we think should be in ours. Once we agree on what this core set of terms is, we can prune as necessary and cross-reference where necessary (considering these terms)
* Continue working our way through the v0 spreadsheet term by term
* For each term, do a quick cross-ref against the "[top 5](#Key-external-resources)" glossaries
* If we find an existing definition, add "See also: (the url)" to the existing definition, highlight the row in yellow, and move on.
* If the definition is unique to us, have a bash at rewording.
* Once we have a complete pass through the existing sheet we can reconvene and agree how to handle the external defns we've highlighted.
#### Additional notes
* Standardise on en_GB.
* On following the principles of _brevity_ and _public-friendliness_, consider drawing on and adopting additional glossaries such as the one recently created by [Understanding Patient Data](https://understandingpatientdata.org.uk/what-words-use#download-the-research).
* Working through the v0 sheet using this approach will get us to the point of having:
- a number of terms cross-ref'ed to external sources, with the potential for a number of different, potentially conflicting, external defns.
- a (small?) number of terms without external refs. which we can clearly define as ours in terms of scope.
### Machinery for how to publish / manage change (lead: Balint & Simon?)
- Where does it live?
- Where does it get rendered?
- How does the machinery support the editorial process (issues etc.)?
- Glossary will live on, so repo for glossary inside UKTRE.org.
- Example of the art of the possible is the [new SATRE site](https://satre.uktre.org/en/)
- Markdown from charter as placeholder.
- Want version control, etc.
- Want to ensure acronyms are dealt with appropriately? Hover text? Links through to the definition? A mechanism to switch on/off acronyms?
### Formal Comms Plan (lead: Michelle & Amy)
- Will also reach out to Westley
- Amy to cover public engagement
### Dictionary Discovery (for integration/alignment) (lead: Kate)
- Later?
- Kate to create survey for TRE Community to crowdsource additional glossaries; email to group with any internal glossaries to maintain. View from meeting 10/06 was that this was a sensible approach. Will undertake this work after V0 review is complete.
#### Key external resources
1. [Dictionary of Privacy, Data Protection, and information security](https://www.elgaronline.com/display/book/9781035300921/9781035300921.xml#:~:text=The%20Dictionary%20of%20Privacy%2C%20Data,%3B%20Cybersecurity%20%3B%20Data%20Protection%20%3B%20Identity) (DPDPIS).
1. [The CODATA Research Data Management Term base](https://vocabs.ardc.edu.au/viewById/685) (CODATA).
1. [ADR UK glossary](https://www.adruk.org/learning-hub/glossary/) (ADR).
1. [NICE glossary](https://www.nice.org.uk/Glossary?letter=A) (NICE).
1. [Safe Haven Provenance ontology](https://tre-provenance.github.io/SHP-ontology/releases/v0.2/index-en.html) (SHP).
6. [Understanding Patient Data](https://understandingpatientdata.org.uk/what-words-use#download-the-research)
7. [UK Federation glossary](https://www.ukfederation.org.uk/content/Documents/FedGlossary)
8. [OSMOS glossary](https://www.osmos.io/blog/data-terms-glossary-list)
9. [RST Software glossary](https://www.rst.software/blog/data-glossary)
10. [Oxford RDM glossary](https://researchdata.ox.ac.uk/rdm-glossary)
11. [HESA glossary](https://www.hesa.ac.uk/definitions/glossary)
## Timescales
- About a year for WG lifecycle
- Editorial process (4 months) + initial glossary (4 months?) Initial Glossary ready to present at UK TRE Community meeting in September
- Process for maintaining
## Meetings / Presentations
## Closed Issues
1. Better place to capture and facilitate discussion than via JISCMail. Proposal: TRE Community Slack, #wg-glossary
* **Agreed** we will start up a Slack channel and use it for discussions around v0. Longer term (v1++) we'll look to the GH issue tracker.
3. Do we want to move to a different video conference platform? Zoom (could be license issues?)? Google Meet? NB: on most, 'chat' is not ephemeral. But at least we all can see the chat on other platforms?!
* **Agreed** to try Google Meet as a Teams replacement.
5. Do we need a template for the definitions?
- Amy suggested: defintion (with maximum number of sentences. Example. And then linked terms.)
- **Agreed** to adopt: name, definition, examples (opt) and see also.
- (Rob) add to editorial process doc.
## Completed Actions
- Michelle added 'Sensitive Data' defintion from previous DARE UK work
- (Rob) add agreed Definition structure to [editorial process doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qrE9nQ5cvV7vdCfRl1cpj0SYF8ipY-ato-uLwzVwWu0/edit). -> v1.1
- (Rob) Highlight to mailing list items for discussion:
- Proposal: "proper names" (eg, well-known TRE services) are out of scope and will not be included.
- Proposal: update editorial process to include:
- simple structure to be followed for definitions: name, definition, examples, linked terms.
- principles of writing good definitions: succinctness, public-friendliness
- Defn "Five Safes": broadly similar definitions, both too long. Trim as exercise towards "standard structure"? Break out each "safe" as its own defn? Thoughts?
- Defn "TRE": competing definitions, both probably too long. This is an important one to get right. Thoughts?
- From meeting 05/08:
- *Propose* that named TREs/services/sites such as SAIL Databank or WorkflowHub should probably *not* be included in this glossary - not within scope.
- ACTION (Rob): Flag to list for broader consensus.
- Need to think about where the best place for these should be instead.
- Defn "Five SAFES": needs cutting down.
- ACTION (a volunteer) - cut down definition and follow the definition structure (ses below).
- Defn "TRE": two competing still, both too long. This is an important one to get right!
- ACTION (Rob) - flag on list for broader input.
- (Rob) circulate suggested cross-ref process to list (cf. [current approach](#Current-approach))
### Possible useful resources
- [Working Groups Governance Process](https://uk-tre.github.io/hugo-website/about/governance/working-groups/)
- [The Newcastle Commitment (the community foundational document)](https://www.uktre.org/en/latest/newcastle-commitment/index.html)
- [Reproducible project template for GitHub](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/reproducible-project-template)
- Turing Way guides
- [Open Research](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/reproducible-research/open)
- [Project Design](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/project-design/project-design)
- [Community coworking calls](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/community-handbook/coworking)
- [Stakeholder engagement](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/collaboration/stakeholder-engagement)
- [TRE Users report](https://zenodo.org/records/10066800)